Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The purpose of this research is to find evidence for the assumption that allowing children to create their own news messages is an effective approach to teach them how to distinguish between reliable news and fake news. Three students of the primary teacher training programme of The Hague University of Applied Sciences developed five lessons concerning fake news and five Kahoot! quizzes for each of those lessons. They taught the lessons they developed under the supervision of a primary school teacher and one of their lecturers from the university. A Friedman test on the scores of the Kahoot! quizzes indicate that the children made progress over the course of the study. In addition, it appears that the children appreciated the lessons and that they have learned how news is created and how fake news can be recognised. The outcomes of this study have prompted a larger, international Erasmus+ project. Schools and libraries in three countries will investigate similar innovative blended-learning approaches for pupils between ages 12 to 15.
Online platforms for collecting local memories are often claimed to be a driving force of empowerment for individuals, groups and the community as a whole. Long term online participation especially plays a key role in the claims for empowerment on group and community level. However, the present research on local memory websites lacks empirical data to substantiate these claims and leaves aside questions about their wider presence, the way they are organized and how their particular structure and affordances enable online participation. To address these issues, we develop six analytical dimensions in order to analyse a comprehensive number of such sites, examining in particular their organizational and online participatory features. On the basis of a cross-sectional design including 80 cases from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and various other countries, we show three types of websites can be distinguished, namely residential, institutional and associational. In addition, we find that the expectancy of online participation is maximized not only by organizational aspects that fosterautonomy, but also by characteristics that enlarge the sense of authenticity. Our findings also show a limited number of cases with a considerable level of online participation, which offers the empirical data for analysis in terms of empowerment on group and community level.Nevertheless, we conclude that in most cases the organizational characteristics and participatory affordances of the websites are not sufficient to produce empowerment on all levels.
Hoofdstuk 4 van Nieuwsvoorziening in de regio Dit verslag gaat over onafhankelijke lokale nieuws-websites. Daarvan zijn er honderden in Nederland. Dat is dus zonder de websites van kranten, nieuwsbladen, huis-aan-huisbladen en lokale omroepen. Ook aggregatie-sites zijn buiten beschouwing gelaten. Als we die ook mee zouden tellen zouden we op duizenden sites komen. Geen probleem met de lokale nieuwsvoorziening zou je zeggen. Maar op aggregatiesites staat alleen maar nieuws dat eerst ergens anders geplaatst is terwijl sites van printmedia en omroepen vooral het verlengstuk van die media zijn. De echte vernieuwing zou dus moeten komen van die onafhankelijk initiatieven, de één-pitters die op hun zolderkamer de lokale politiek willen coveren, de betrokken burgers die de aandacht van de reguliere media te mager vinden, de ondernemers die een gat in de lokale markt zien. Over die groep – zo’n 125 initiatieven die ruim 300 websites exploiteren – gaat dit rapport: wie zijn ze, waar zitten ze, waarom zijn ze met hun site begonnen, hoe verdienen ze hun geld, hoe komen ze aan hun nieuws, waar schrijven ze over, hoeveel mensen werken er…