Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Since the late 1990s, city councils have become increasingly aware of the potential for information technologies (ICTs) to improve the management of cities and as an instrument for economic and social policy. This has resulted in a wave of urban ICT strategies and policies, such as the adoption of ICTs within the city administration itself, projects that facilitate access to ICTs by weaker social groups and policies to improve the urban electronic infrastructure. By comparing eight cities - Barcelona, Cape Town, Eindhoven, Johnnesburg, Manchester, Tampere, the Hague and Venice - this book examines a range of innovative urban e-governance strategies and develops a framework of analysis that permits a common approach. Throughout the book, a distinction is made between access policies (aimed at improving access to ICTs for all citizens), content policies (directed to improve the use of ICTs in the city administration and semi-public domains) and infrastructure policies (to improve the provision of broadband infrastructure). For each of the cities, e-strategies and policies are critically reviewed and compared. The book reveals that urban e-strategies have evolved from an internal and technology-centred orientation to a more outward-looking approach.
This booklet reports on experiments carried out by Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences in the context of the VALUE project. It consists of three parts. The first two chapters describe some experiments carried out in the Dutch town of Amersfoort and the students’ input and approach. This is followed by an intermezzo on sources of inspiration outside the Netherlands and examples of the way urban green spaces and elements can provide an impulse for towns and cities. The final two chapters concern the way such a green strategy can be designed in Dutch urban settings. Chapter 5 discusses how local governments can use the added value provided by urban green spaces for new investments:value capturing. Chapter 6 focuses on a new type of planning: Planning by Surprise, which combines dreams and pragmatism. The photo essay at the centre of the book tells the story of the many sides of green spaces in towns and cities. Unintentional, intentional, planned, dreamed of, drawn,remembered, pictured, developed: Planning by Surprise.
Op 27 januari 2006 is dr. Michiel Scheffer geïnstalleerd als lector Fashion Materials Design bij Saxion in Enschede. Het lectoraat en de bijbehorende kenniskring is gericht op het versterken van de wisselwerking tussen creativiteit, technologie en economie op het gebied van mode en textiel. Deze wisselwerking moet sterker tot uiting komen in het onderwijs en dient ook in samenwerking met het bedrijfsleven tot uiting te komen in een onderzoeksprogramma. Het lectoraat is ondergebracht bij de opleiding Fashion en Textiel Management binnen de Academie voor Kunst en Toegepaste Techniek in Enschede. Dr. Michiel Scheffer is economisch geograaf en is al vijftien jaar actief in de Europese kleding en textielbranche als onderzoeker, consultant en branchemanager. Dit boek bevat de tekst van de lectorale rede van Michiel Scheffer.