Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
What is this publication about?In this publication on ‘New urban economies’, we search for answers and insights to a key question: how can cities foster economic development and develop ‘new urban economies’. And, importantly, how can they do that:◗ in concertation with different urban stakeholders, ◗ responding adequately to key challenges and developments beyond their control, ◗ building on the cities’ own identity, industries and competences, ◗ in a sustainable way, ◗ and without compromising weaker groups.
Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) can play an important part in the energy transition by providing a year-round net positive energy balance in urban areas. In creating PEDs, new challenges emerge for decision-makers in government, businesses and for the public. This proposal aims to provide replicable strategies for improving the process of creating PEDs with a particular emphasis on stakeholder engagement, and to create replicable innovative business models for flexible energy production, consumption and storage. The project will involve stakeholders from different backgrounds by collaborating with the province, municipalities, network operators, housing associations, businesses and academia to ensure covering all necessary interests and mobilise support for the PED agenda. Two demo sites are part of the consortium to implement the lessons learnt and to bring new insights from practice to the findings of the project work packages. These are 1), Zwette VI, part of the city of Leeuwarden (NL), where local electricity congestion causes delays in building homes and small industries. And 2) Aalborg East (DK), a mixed-use neighbourhood with well-established partnerships between local stakeholders, seeking to implement green energy solutions with ambitions of moving towards net-zero emissions.
A number of universities of applied sciences do a lot of research in the field of sustainable last mile logistics. Collaboration and coordination take place through joint projects or through seminars. However, this collaboration could be more structured so that researchers can always take full advantage of each other's knowledge and are not dependent on having or not having joint projects or seminars. This also concerns the question of how these studies can gain extra added value through joint programming (this can partly be done in the development of a tool/benchmark, see previous point), but also in having and getting research and knowledge from the different regions. Within the new research agenda of the Logistics Knowledge Agreement (the lectors platform of the CoE KennisDC Logistics), urban logistics has been named as one of the four core themes on which the involved universities of applied sciences want to collaborate across regions. In addition, there is only limited cooperation in the field of education around the theme of “urban logistics”. Students who want to graduate in urban logistics or do internships must therefore first learn a lot.