Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The Art of Criticism: A European Network for Experiments in Art CriticismTogether with partners from the field of art criticism, the Institute of Network Cultures has set up the project The Art of Criticism: a platform for research, experiments and policy making in the field of art criticism. Solid ground for reflection on art and culture in both niche and mainstream media is necessary for sound democratic societies, but financial and political developments across Europe have led to an increasingly unstable culture of critique. The project is aimed at strengthening such a culture of critique through facilitating and stimulating experiments in art criticism with the use of digital technology, and bringing together partners from many different European countries.
This conversation between Geert Lovink and Nikita Lin reflects upon our inner experiences within the global networked digital cultures. It explores the tactics, aesthetic and political, in response to the breakdowns brought by digital platforms and the possibility of creating new beginnings through persistent engagement in writing and publishing. Since 2004 Lovink is heading the Institute of Network Cultures at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and is Art and Network Cultures Professor of Art and Network Cultures at University of Amsterdam’s Art History Department. The conversation takes as point of departure Lovink’s three recent books: Sad by Design: On Platform Nihilism, Stuck on the Platform: Reclaiming the Internet, and Extinction Internet: Our Inconvenient Truth Moment. Over the past 30 years, Lovink has been experimenting with the networks and the internet in his writing by developing a distinct style that dig into essays, interviews, aphorisms, sloganisms, and memes. This includes critical concepts that he has developed-such as ‘tactical media,’ ‘net criticism,' ‘sad by design,’ and ‘internet extinction’ – that people recognize, find useful and ready to apply to their own activities. For Geert Lovink, the fascinating question with writing is how to capture fast-changing real-time phenomena which means not only documenting but also leaving room for anticipation.
‘The network is everlasting’ wrote Robert Filliou and George Brecht in 1967, a statement that, at first glance, still seems to be true of today’s world. Yet there are also signs that the omnipresence of networks is evolving into another reality. In recent times, the limits of networks rather than their endless possibilities have been brought into focus. Ongoing media debates about hate speech, fake news, and algorithmic bias swirl into a growing backlash against networks. Perhaps it is time to reconsider the contemporary reach and relevance of the network imaginary.Accompanying transmediale 2020 End to End’s exhibition ‘The Eternal Network’, this collection gathers contributions from artists, activists, and theorists who engage with the question of the network anew. In referencing Filliou’s eternal notion, the exhibition and publication project closes the loop between pre- and post-internet imaginaries, opening up possible futures with and beyond networks. This calls many of the collection’s authors to turn to instances of independent and critical net cultures as historical points of inspiration for rethinking, reforming, or refuting networks in the present.---The Eternal Network: Vom Enden und Werden der NetzkulturDEUTSCHE FASSUNG:„Das Netzwerk wird es ewig geben“, schrieben Robert Filliou und George Brecht 1967 – eine Aussage, die auf den ersten Blick auch heute noch zuzutreffen scheint. Doch gibt es auch Anzeichen, dass die Allgegenwärtigkeit von Netzwerken eine andere W irklichkeit hervorbringt. Mittlerweile rückt die Endlichkeit von Netzwerken – anstatt deren endlose Möglichkeiten – in den Fokus; davon zeugen die anhaltenden Mediendebatten über Hassrede, Fake News und algorithmischer Diskriminierung. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, die aktuelle Reichweite und Relevanz des Netzwerks neu zu betrachten.Begleitend zur Ausstellung „Das ewige Netzwerk“ der transmediale 2020 End to End versammelt dieser Band Beiträge von Künstler*innen, Aktivist*innen und Theoretiker* innen, die sich neu mit der Frage des Netzwerks beschäftigen. Ausstellung und Publikation beziehen sich auf Fillious Konzept von der Ewigkeit des Netzwerks. Sie verbinden dabei die Vorstellungswelten, die zeitlich vor der Entwicklung des Internets entstanden sind, mit jenen, die darauf folgten. So eröffnen sie mögliche Zukünfte mit und jenseits von Netzwerken. Viele Autor*innen in diesem Band lassen sich dabei von historischen Momenten der unabhängigen und kritischen Netzkulturen inspirieren, um Netzwerke der Gegenwart neu zu denken, sie zu reformieren oder anzufechten.