Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to characterize the epidemiology of severe burns in the Netherlands, including trends in burn centre admissions, non burn centre admissions and differences by age.METHODS: Patients with burn-related primary admission in a Dutch centre from 1995 to 2011 were included. Nationwide prospectively collected data were used from three separate historical databases and the uniform Dutch Burn Repository R3 (2009 onwards). General hospital data were derived from the National Hospital Discharge Register. Age and gender-adjusted rates were calculated by direct standardization, using the 2005 population as the reference standard.RESULTS: The annual number of admitted patients increased from 430 in 1995 to 747 in 2011, incidence rates increased from 2.72 to 4.66 per 100,000. Incidence rates were high in young children, aged 0-4 years and doubled from 10.26 to 22.96 per 100,000. Incidence rates in persons from 5 up to 59 increased as well, in older adults (60 years and older) admission rates were stable. Overall burn centre mortality rate was 4.1%, and significantly decreased over time. There was a trend towards admissions of less extensive burns, median total burned surface area (TBSA) decreased from 8% to 4%. Length of stay and length of stay per percent TBSA decreased over time as well.CONCLUSIONS: Data on 9031 patients admitted in a 17-year period showed an increasing incidence rate of burn-related burn centre admissions, with a decreasing TBSA and decreasing in-burn centre mortality. These data are important for prevention and establishment of required burn care capacity.
De laatste jaren groeit het bewustzijn onder wetenschappers en het brede publiek over hoe innig financiën, gezondheid en welzijn met elkaar verstrengeld zijn. Je kunt problemen van mensen vaak niet reduceren tot een aantal sub-problemen die je onafhankelijk van elkaar kunt oplossen, vanuit de gedachte dat alle oplossingen bij elkaar opgeteld het totaalprobleem verhelpen.4 Uit onderzoek weten we inmiddels steeds meer over hoe problemen met elkaar in verband staan. Beleidsmakers en uitvoerende beroepskrachten en vrijwilligers die de complexe relatie tussen financiële, fysieke en mentale factoren begrijpen, bevinden zich in de unieke positie om deze inzichten te vertalen naar hun initiatieven. Dit rapport biedt een overzicht van academische en grijze literatuur, en de lessen die we hieruit kunnen trekken.
Background: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is being used extensively in the search for pathoanatomical factors contributing to low back pain (LBP) such as Modic changes (MC). However, it remains unclear whether clinical findings can identify patients with MC. The purpose of this explorative study was to assess the predictive value of six clinical tests and three questionnaires commonly used with patients with low-back pain (LBP) on the presence of Modic changes (MC).Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed using data from Dutch military personnel in the period between April 2013 and July 2016. Questionnaires included the Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire, Numeric Pain Rating Scale, and Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire. The clinical examination included (i) range of motion, (ii) presence of pain during flexion and extension, (iii) Prone Instability Test, and (iv) straight leg raise. Backward stepwise regression was used to estimate predictive value for the presence of MC and the type of MC. The exploration of clinical tests was performed by univariable logistic regression models.Results: Two hundred eighty-six patients were allocated for the study, and 112 cases with medical records and MRI scans were available; 60 cases with MC and 52 without MC. Age was significantly higher in the MC group. The univariate regression analysis showed a significantly increased odds ratio for pain during flexion movement (2.57 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.08-6.08]) in the group with MC. Multivariable logistic regression of all clinical symptoms and signs showed no significant association for any of the variables. The diagnostic value of the clinical tests expressed by sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive, and negative predictive values showed, for all the combinations, a low area under the curve (AUC) score, ranging from 0.41 to 0.53. Single-test sensitivity was the highest for pain in flexion: 60% (95% CI: 48.3-70.4).Conclusion: No model to predict the presence of MC, based on clinical tests, could be demonstrated. It is therefore not likely that LBP patients with MC are very different from other LBP patients and that they form a specific subgroup. However, the study only explored a limited number of clinical findings and it is possible that larger samples allowing for more variables would conclude differently.