Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
For long flights, the cruise is the longest phase and where the largest amount of fuel is consumed. An in-cruise optimization method has been implemented to calculate the optimal trajectory that reduces the flight cost. A three-dimensional grid has been created, coupling lateral navigation and vertical navigation profiles. With a dynamic analysis of the wind, the aircraft can perform a horizontal deviation or change altitudes via step climbs to reduce fuel consumption. As the number of waypoints and possible step climbs is increased, the number of flight trajectories increases exponentially; thus, a genetic algorithm has been implemented to reduce the total number of calculated trajectories compared to an exhaustive search. The aircraft’s model has been obtained from a performance database, which is currently used in the commercial flight management system studied in this paper. A 5% average flight cost reduction has been obtained.
Additions to the book "Systems Design and Engineering" by Bonnema et.al. Subjects were chosen based on the Systems Engineering needs for Small and Medium Enterprises, as researched in the SESAME project. The
In flexible education, recommender systems that support course selection, are considered a viable means to help students in making informed course selections, especially where curricula offer greater flexibility. However, these recommender systems present both potential benefits and looming risks, such as overdependence on technology, biased recommendations, and privacy issues. User control mechanisms in recommender interfaces (or algorithmic affordances) might offer options to address those risks, but they have not been systematically studied yet. This paper presents the outcomes of a design session conducted during the INTERACT23 workshop on Algorithmic Affordances in Recommender Interfaces. This design session yielded insights in how the design of an interface, and specifically the algorithmic affordances in these interfaces, may address the ethical risks and dilemmas of using a recommender in such an impactful context by potentially vulnerable users. Through design and reflection, we discovered a host of design ideas for the interface of a flexible education interface, that can serve as conversation starters for practitioners implementing flexible education. More research is needed to explore these design directions and to gain insights on how they can help to approximate more ethically operating recommender systems.
Hoewel drones worden gebruikt in steeds toenemende civiele toepassingen voor een goede daad, zijn kwaadwillende drones ook steeds meer en steeds vaker worden ingezet om schade aan te richten. Huis, tuin en keukendrones zijn in staat om door te dringen tot zwaarbeveiligde gebieden en daar verwoestende schade aan te brengen. Ze zijn goedkoop, precies en kunnen steeds grotere afstanden afleggen. Kwaadwillende drones vormen een groot gevaar voor de nationale veiligheid. In dit KIEM-project onderzoeken wij de vraag in hoeverre is het mogelijk om drones te ontwikkelen die volledig autonoom een ongecontroleerde omgeving (luchtruim) veilig kunnen houden? Counter drones moeten kamikaze-drones kunnen signaleren en uitschakelen. Bestaande systemen zijn nog onvoldoende in staat om kwaadwillende drones op tijd uit te schakelen. Bij Defensie, de Nationale Politie en het gevangeniswezen is dringend behoefte aan systemen die kwaadwillende drones kunnen detecteren en uitschakelen. Er zijn thans enkele (Europese) systemen waarmee drones kunnen worden gedetecteerd, onder andere met radiofrequentiesignalen (voelen), optische- en radartechnologie (zien) en akoestische systemen (horen). Geen van deze systemen vormen de ‘silver bullet’ voor het bestrijden van kwaadwillende drones, vooral kleine en laagvliegende drones. Met een feasibility study wordt nagegaan wat de state-of-the-art is van de huidige counter dronetechnologieën en op welke technologiedomeinen het consortium waarde kan toevoegen aan de ontwikkeling van effectieve counter drones. Saxion en haar partners zet zich de komende jaren in op Sleuteltechnologieën als: Human Robotic Interaction, Perception, Navigation, Systems Development, Mechatronics en Cognition. Technologieën die terugkomen in counter drones, maar ook worden doorontwikkeld voor andere toepassingsgebieden. Het project bestaat uit 4 fasen: een onderzoek naar de huidige counter dronetechnologieën (IST), onderzoek naar gewenste/toekomstige counter dronetechnologieën (SOLL), een gap-analyse (TOR) én een omgevingsanalyse om na te gaan wat er elders in Europa al aan onderzoek plaatsvindt. Tevens wordt een netwerk ontwikkeld om counter droneontwikkeling mogelijk te maken.
The proposed living lab researches how autonomous ships can be integrated in the supply chain. This is done in the real-life environment of the port of Rotterdam and connecting waterways. Research lines are 1) Logistical integration: development of processes and infrastructure, 2) Frameworks for public and private law relating to transport of cargo by autonomous ships. 3) Identification and development of promising operational scenarios and business cases, 4) smart precision navigation in ports and 5) safe supervision of autonomous ships in busy waters. To support these research lines, at least 1 commericlly operating ship will be equipped with sensors and control systems and a command station is developed.
The demand for mobile agents in industrial environments to perform various tasks is growing tremendously in recent years. However, changing environments, security considerations and robustness against failure are major persistent challenges autonomous agents have to face when operating alongside other mobile agents. Currently, such problems remain largely unsolved. Collaborative multi-platform Cyber- Physical-Systems (CPSs) in which different agents flexibly contribute with their relative equipment and capabilities forming a symbiotic network solving multiple objectives simultaneously are highly desirable. Our proposed SMART-AGENTS platform will enable flexibility and modularity providing multi-objective solutions, demonstrated in two industrial domains: logistics (cycle-counting in warehouses) and agriculture (pest and disease identification in greenhouses). Aerial vehicles are limited in their computational power due to weight limitations but offer large mobility to provide access to otherwise unreachable places and an “eagle eye” to inform about terrain, obstacles by taking pictures and videos. Specialized autonomous agents carrying optical sensors will enable disease classification and product recognition improving green- and warehouse productivity. Newly developed micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) sensor arrays will create 3D flow-based images of surroundings even in dark and hazy conditions contributing to the multi-sensor system, including cameras, wireless signatures and magnetic field information shared among the symbiotic fleet. Integration of mobile systems, such as smart phones, which are not explicitly controlled, will provide valuable information about human as well as equipment movement in the environment by generating data from relative positioning sensors, such as wireless and magnetic signatures. Newly developed algorithms will enable robust autonomous navigation and control of the fleet in dynamic environments incorporating the multi-sensor data generated by the variety of mobile actors. The proposed SMART-AGENTS platform will use real-time 5G communication and edge computing providing new organizational structures to cope with scalability and integration of multiple devices/agents. It will enable a symbiosis of the complementary CPSs using a combination of equipment yielding efficiency and versatility of operation.