The web is widely used by museums as a low-barrier platform to inform people on activities in the museum and publish their collections online. It is not uncommon that this publishing consists of an simple web interface connected to a database that holds records with limited information about the artifacts; information that is more relevant for managing the collection than for informing a wider public. It is not uncommon for a description to have no reference at all to that what is visible in the picture. Moreover this situation is hardly a worst-case scenario. In the Netherlands over 20 million artifacts in museums await a description, artifacts that do have a (scanty) description only half of them is available digitally. Four museums in the Netherlands (Naturalis, Museon, University Museum Utrecht, Dutch Institute of Image & Sound) together with three research and knowledge institutes (University of Applied Science Utrecht, Novay, BMC Group) decided in 2008 to explore the potential of user groups tagging collections and the effects of this on the involvement of these people towards the museum. For this purpose a dedicated social tagging tool was developed and implemented:
The web is widely used by museums as a low-barrier platform to inform people on activities in the museum and publish their collections online. It is not uncommon that this publishing consists of an simple web interface connected to a database that holds records with limited information about the artifacts; information that is more relevant for managing the collection than for informing a wider public. It is not uncommon for a description to have no reference at all to that what is visible in the picture. Moreover this situation is hardly a worst-case scenario. In the Netherlands over 20 million artifacts in museums await a description, artifacts that do have a (scanty) description only half of them is available digitally. Four museums in the Netherlands (Naturalis, Museon, University Museum Utrecht, Dutch Institute of Image & Sound) together with three research and knowledge institutes (University of Applied Science Utrecht, Novay, BMC Group) decided in 2008 to explore the potential of user groups tagging collections and the effects of this on the involvement of these people towards the museum. For this purpose a dedicated social tagging tool was developed and implemented:
First Virtual Reality Museum for Migrant Women: creating engagement and innovative participatory design approaches through Virtual Reality Spaces.“Imagine a place filled with important stories that are hard to tell. A place that embodies the collective experience of immigrant women during their temporary stay”. In this project the first museum around immigrant women in Virtual Reality is created and tested. Working with the only migration centre for women in Monterrey, Lamentos Escuchados, project members (professional developers, lecturers, and interior design, animation, media and humanity students) collaborate with immigrant women and the centre officials to understand the migrant women stories, their notion of space/home and the way they inhabit the centre. This VR museum helps to connect immigrant women with the community while exploring more flexible ways to educate architects and interior designers about alternative ways of doing architecture through participatory design approaches.Partners:University of Monterey (UDEM)Lamentos Escuchados
In De tentoonstellingsmaker van de 21ste eeuw richten we ons op een aspect dat de laatste jaren steeds dominanter is geworden in het werk van tentoonstellingsmakers in musea: het bieden van een bezoekersbeleving oftewel het inspireren en raken van bezoekers. Dit als aanvulling op de taakstelling van musea om een inhoudelijke boodschap over te brengen (informeel leren). Tentoonstellingsmakers geven aan meer gevalideerde kennis nodig te hebben om goede afwegingen te kunnen maken in het creëren van de bezoekersbeleving en om de feitelijke bezoekersbeleving te kunnen evalueren. Vragen die ook bij betrokken bureaus voor ontwerp en realisatie leven, omdat reflectie op ontwerpkeuzes en hoe deze uitpakken er vaak bij inschiet tijdens de realisatie van museale projecten. Uit gesprekken met al deze partijen is een overkoepelende vraag geformuleerd: Hoe kan ik als tentoonstellingsmaker meer onderbouwde afwegingen maken in het bieden van een bezoekersbeleving zodat bezoekers meer leren over de inhoud van de tentoonstelling én geïnspireerd en geraakt worden? De vraag is natuurlijk hoe een beoogde bezoekersbeleving te realiseren is in een tentoonstelling. In De tentoonstellingsmaker van de 21ste eeuw bouwen we voort op drie eerdere projecten die we met musea en tentoonstellingsmakers hebben gedaan: het RAAK-project Museumkompas, het project Designing ExperienceScapes en een studie naar de regeling Digitale Innovatie in Musea. Met de opgedane inzichten en ervaring in die projecten worden experimenten gedaan bij vier deelnemende musea naar aspecten die tentoonstellingsmakers, vanuit zowel musea als ontwerp- en designbureaus, aangeven als belangrijke sturingsmogelijkheden van de bezoekersbeleving: publieksparticipatie, verhalen vertellen, inzet van digitale media, en sfeer. Een kring van andere deelnemende musea zal de opgedane kennis verder toepassen en valideren. De tentoonstellingsmaker van de 21ste eeuw levert zo reproduceerbare kennis waarmee tentoonstellingsmakers van de 21ste eeuw onderbouwde keuzes kunnen maken in het sturen op het inspireren en raken van bezoekers oftewel de bezoekersbeleving.
Society continues to place an exaggerated emphasis on women's skins, judging the value of lives lived within, by the colour and condition of these surfaces. This artistic research will explore how the skin of a painting might unpack this site of judgement, highlight its objectification, and offer women alternative visualizations of their own sense of embodiment. This speculative renovation of traditional concepts of portrayal will explore how painting, as an aesthetic body whose material skin is both its surface and its inner content (its representations) can help us imagine our portrayal in a different way, focusing, not on what we look like to others, but on how we sense, touch, and experience. How might we visualise skin from its ghostly inner side? This feminist enquiry will unfold alongside archival research on The Ten Largest (1906-07), a painting series by Swedish Modernist Hilma af Klint. Initial findings suggest the artist was mapping traditional clothing designs into a spectral, painterly idea of a body in time. Fundamental methods research, and access to newly available Af Klint archives, will expand upon these roots in maps and women’s craft practices and explore them as political acts, linked to Swedish Life Reform, and knowingly sidestepping a non-inclusive art history. Blending archival study with a contemporary practice informed by eco-feminism is an approach to artistic research that re-vivifies an historical paradigm that seems remote today, but which may offer a new understanding of the past that allows us to also re-think our present. This mutuality, and Af Klint’s rhizomatic approach to image-making, will therefore also inform the pedagogical development of a Methods Research programme, as part of this post-doc. This will extend across MA and PhD study, and be further enriched by pedagogy research at Cal-Arts, Los Angeles, and Konstfack, Stockholm.