Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Background & aims: Low muscle mass and -quality on ICU admission, as assessed by muscle area and -density on CT-scanning at lumbar level 3 (L3), are associated with increased mortality. However, CT-scan analysis is not feasible for standard care. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) assesses body composition by incorporating the raw measurements resistance, reactance, and phase angle in equations. Our purpose was to compare BIA- and CT-derived muscle mass, to determine whether BIA identified the patients with low skeletal muscle area on CT-scan, and to determine the relation between raw BIA and raw CT measurements. Methods: This prospective observational study included adult intensive care patients with an abdominal CT-scan. CT-scans were analysed at L3 level for skeletal muscle area (cm2) and skeletal muscle density (Hounsfield Units). Muscle area was converted to muscle mass (kg) using the Shen equation (MMCT). BIA was performed within 72 h of the CT-scan. BIA-derived muscle mass was calculated by three equations: Talluri (MMTalluri), Janssen (MMJanssen), and Kyle (MMKyle). To compare BIA- and CT-derived muscle mass correlations, bias, and limits of agreement were calculated. To test whether BIA identifies low skeletal muscle area on CT-scan, ROC-curves were constructed. Furthermore, raw BIA and CT measurements, were correlated and raw CT-measurements were compared between groups with normal and low phase angle. Results: 110 patients were included. Mean age 59 ± 17 years, mean APACHE II score 17 (11–25); 68% male. MMTalluri and MMJanssen were significantly higher (36.0 ± 9.9 kg and 31.5 ± 7.8 kg, respectively) and MMKyle significantly lower (25.2 ± 5.6 kg) than MMCT (29.2 ± 6.7 kg). For all BIA-derived muscle mass equations, a proportional bias was apparent with increasing disagreement at higher muscle mass. MMTalluri correlated strongest with CT-derived muscle mass (r = 0.834, p < 0.001) and had good discriminative capacity to identify patients with low skeletal muscle area on CT-scan (AUC: 0.919 for males; 0.912 for females). Of the raw measurements, phase angle and skeletal muscle density correlated best (r = 0.701, p < 0.001). CT-derived skeletal muscle area and -density were significantly lower in patients with low compared to normal phase angle. Conclusions: Although correlated, absolute values of BIA- and CT-derived muscle mass disagree, especially in the high muscle mass range. However, BIA and CT identified the same critically ill population with low skeletal muscle area on CT-scan. Furthermore, low phase angle corresponded to low skeletal muscle area and -density. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT02555670).
OBJECTIVES: Acute hospitalization may lead to a decrease in muscle measures, but limited studies are reporting on the changes after discharge. The aim of this study was to determine longitudinal changes in muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance in acutely hospitalized older adults from admission up to 3 months post-discharge.DESIGN: A prospective observational cohort study was conducted.SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: This study included 401 participants aged ≥70 years who were acutely hospitalized in 6 hospitals. All variables were assessed at hospital admission, discharge, and 1 and 3 months post-discharge.METHODS: Muscle mass in kilograms was assessed by multifrequency Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis (MF-BIA) (Bodystat; Quadscan 4000) and muscle strength by handgrip strength (JAMAR). Chair stand and gait speed test were assessed as part of the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Norm values were based on the consensus statement of the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People.RESULTS: A total of 343 acute hospitalized older adults were included in the analyses with a mean (SD) age of 79.3 (6.6) years, 49.3% were women. From admission up to 3 months post-discharge, muscle mass (-0.1 kg/m2; P = .03) decreased significantly and muscle strength (-0.5 kg; P = .08) decreased nonsignificantly. The chair stand (+0.7 points; P < .001) and gait speed test (+0.9 points; P < .001) improved significantly up to 3 months post-discharge. At 3 months post-discharge, 80%, 18%, and 43% of the older adults scored below the cutoff points for muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance, respectively.CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Physical performance improved during and after acute hospitalization, although muscle mass decreased, and muscle strength did not change. At 3 months post-discharge, muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance did not reach normative levels on a population level. Further research is needed to examine the role of exercise interventions for improving muscle measures and physical performance after hospitalization.
Background and Purpose: Decreased muscle mass and muscle strength are independent predictors of poor postoperative recov- ery in patients with esophageal cancer. If there is an association between muscle mass and muscle strength, physiotherapists are able to measure muscle strength as an early predictor for poor postoperative recovery due to decreased muscle mass. Therefore, in this cross-sectional study, we aimed to investigate the association between muscle mass and muscle strength in predominantly older patients with esophageal cancer awaiting esophagectomy prior to neoadjuvant chemoradiation. Methods: In patients with resectable esophageal cancer eligible for surgery between March 2012 and October 2015, we used computed tomographic scans to assess muscle mass and compared them with muscle strength measures (hand- grip strength, inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength, 30 seconds chair stands test). We calculated Pearson correla- tion coefficients and determined associations by multivariate linear regression analysis. Results and Discussion: A tertiary referral center referred 125 individuals to physiotherapy who were eligible for the study; we finally included 93 individuals for statistical analysis. Mul- tiple backward regression analysis showed that gender (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.05-33.82), weight (95% CI, 0.39- 1.02), age (95% CI, −0.91 to −0.04), left handgrip strength (95% CI, 0.14-1.44), and inspiratory muscle strength (95% CI, 0.08-0.38) were all independently associated with muscle surface area at L3. All these variables together explained 66% of the variability (R2) in muscle surface area at L3 (P < .01). Conclusions: This study shows an independent association between aspects of muscle strength and muscle mass in patients with esophageal cancer awaiting surgery, and phys- iotherapists could use the results to predict muscle mass on the basis of muscle strength in preoperative patients with esophageal cancer.
Relatie tussen spiermassa en vroegtijdig stoppen van chemotherapie bij patienten met hoofd-halskankerIn this study, we aim to assess whether low pre-treatment muscle mass, measured with CT at thoracic (T4) or lumbar level (L3) is associated with early termination of chemotherapy related to toxicity in head and neck cancer (HNC) patients.
Het aantal migrantenouderen neemt sterk toe. Zij hebben een slechtere gezondheid dan autochtone ouderen. Zo komen chronische ziekten zoals obesitas en diabetes type 2 vaker voor. Een van de belangrijkste onderliggende oorzaken van deze ziekten is sarcopenie, verlies van spiermassa en fysiek functioneren van ouderen. Te weinig bewegen en een inadequate eiwitinname spelen een essentiële rol bij sarcopenie en daarbij ook bij chronische ziekten. Inzicht in sarcopenie, het beweegpatroon en de eiwitinname van migrantenouderen zijn onvoldoende beschikbaar. MKB-praktijken voor fysiotherapie en diëtetiek zien businesskansen om specifiek voor deze sterk groeiende doelgroep expertise op te bouwen en daarmee een groot aantal klanten te kunnen bedienen en te behouden. Het ontbreekt de praktijken echter aan de nieuwste kennis en inzichten voor een effectieve behandeling van sarcopenie bij migrantenouderen. Er zijn geen behandelprogramma’s beschikbaar die zij kunnen gebruiken. Daarnaast ondervinden zij met deze doelgroep problemen met de taal, opleidingsniveau en cultuurverschillen. Voor deze vraag van de MKB-praktijken wordt een beweeg- en voeding programma ontwikkeld speciaal gericht op de behoeften van migrantenouderen, fysiotherapeuten en diëtisten. Middels focusgroepen worden de behoeften van professionals en migrantenouderen onderzocht en voorspellers van beweeg- en voedinggedrag in kaart gebracht. Tevens wordt het fysiek functioneren, lichaams-samenstelling, beweeg- en voedingspatroon van verschillende migrantenouderen populaties geanalyseerd. Gebaseerd op deze uitkomsten wordt een nieuw beweeg en voedingsprogramma ontwikkeld om spiermassa en het fysiek functioneren van migrantenouderen te verbeteren (ProMIO programma). Hiervoor kunnen we gebruik maken van het ProMuscle programma, een succesvol voedings- en beweegprogramma voor sarcopenie uitkomsten voor ouderen. Middels een pilot studie wordt het ProMIO programma in de praktijk geëvalueerd op proces, haalbaarheid en bruikbaarheid voor de professional en migrantenouderen en wordt de effectiviteit op sarcopenie uitkomsten getoetst. De resultaten zullen worden gecommuniceerd naar de beroepenvelden en worden ingebed in het HBO-onderwijs.
The admission of patients to intensive care units (ICU) is sometimes planned after a large operation. However, most admissions are acute, because of life-threatening infections or trauma as a result of accidents. Their stay can last from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. ICU patients are often in pain, in fragile health condition, and connected to various devices such as a ventilator, intravenous drip, and monitoring equipment. The resulting lack of mobilization, makes patients lose 1-3% of muscle power for each day they are in the ICU. Within 2 weeks, patients can lose up to 50% of their muscle mass. Early mobilization of ICU patients reduces their time on a respirator and their hospital length of stay. Because of this, ICUs have started early mobilization physical therapy. However, there is a lack of solutions for patients that properly handle fear of movement, are sufficiently personalized to the possibilities and needs of the individual and motivate recurring use in this context. Meanwhile, various technological advances enable new solutions that might bring benefits for this specific use case. Hospitals are experimenting with screens and projections on walls and ceilings to improve their patients’ stay. Standalone virtual reality and mixed reality headsets have become affordable, available and easy to use. In this project, we want to investigate: How can XR-technologies help long-stay ICU patients with early mobilization, with specific attention to the issues of fear of movement, personalization to the individual’s possibilities, needs and compliance over multiple sessions? The research will be carried out in co-creation with the target group and will consist of a state-of-the-art literature review and an explorative study.