Background & aims: Optimal nutritional support during the acute phase of critical illness remains controversial. We hypothesized that patients with low skeletal muscle area and -density may specifically benefit from early high protein intake. Aim of the present study was to determine the association between early protein intake (day 2–4) and mortality in critically ill intensive care unit (ICU) patients with normal skeletal muscle area, low skeletal muscle area, or combined low skeletal muscle area and -density. Methods: Retrospective database study in mechanically ventilated, adult critically ill patients with an abdominal CT-scan suitable for skeletal muscle assessment around ICU admission, admitted from January 2004 to January 2016 (n = 739). Patients received protocolized nutrition with protein target 1.2–1.5 g/kg/day. Skeletal muscle area and -density were assessed on abdominal CT-scans at the 3rd lumbar vertebra level using previously defined cut-offs. Results: Of 739 included patients (mean age 58 years, 483 male (65%), APACHE II score 23), 294 (40%) were admitted with normal skeletal muscle area and 445 (60%) with low skeletal muscle area. Two hundred (45% of the low skeletal muscle area group) had combined low skeletal muscle area and -density. In the normal skeletal muscle area group, no significant associations were found. In the low skeletal muscle area group, higher early protein intake was associated with lower 60-day mortality (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) per 0.1 g/kg/day 0.82, 95%CI 0.73–0.94) and lower 6-month mortality (HR 0.88, 95%CI 0.79–0.98). Similar associations were found in the combined low skeletal muscle area and -density subgroup (HR 0.76, 95%CI 0.64–0.90 for 60-day mortality and HR 0.80, 95%CI 0.68–0.93 for 6-month mortality). Conclusions: Early high protein intake is associated with lower mortality in critically ill patients with low skeletal muscle area and -density, but not in patients with normal skeletal muscle area on admission. These findings may be a further step to personalized nutrition, although randomized studies are needed to assess causality.
Background & aims: Optimal nutritional support during the acute phase of critical illness remains controversial. We hypothesized that patients with low skeletal muscle area and -density may specifically benefit from early high protein intake. Aim of the present study was to determine the association between early protein intake (day 2–4) and mortality in critically ill intensive care unit (ICU) patients with normal skeletal muscle area, low skeletal muscle area, or combined low skeletal muscle area and -density. Methods: Retrospective database study in mechanically ventilated, adult critically ill patients with an abdominal CT-scan suitable for skeletal muscle assessment around ICU admission, admitted from January 2004 to January 2016 (n = 739). Patients received protocolized nutrition with protein target 1.2–1.5 g/kg/day. Skeletal muscle area and -density were assessed on abdominal CT-scans at the 3rd lumbar vertebra level using previously defined cut-offs. Results: Of 739 included patients (mean age 58 years, 483 male (65%), APACHE II score 23), 294 (40%) were admitted with normal skeletal muscle area and 445 (60%) with low skeletal muscle area. Two hundred (45% of the low skeletal muscle area group) had combined low skeletal muscle area and -density. In the normal skeletal muscle area group, no significant associations were found. In the low skeletal muscle area group, higher early protein intake was associated with lower 60-day mortality (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) per 0.1 g/kg/day 0.82, 95%CI 0.73–0.94) and lower 6-month mortality (HR 0.88, 95%CI 0.79–0.98). Similar associations were found in the combined low skeletal muscle area and -density subgroup (HR 0.76, 95%CI 0.64–0.90 for 60-day mortality and HR 0.80, 95%CI 0.68–0.93 for 6-month mortality). Conclusions: Early high protein intake is associated with lower mortality in critically ill patients with low skeletal muscle area and -density, but not in patients with normal skeletal muscle area on admission. These findings may be a further step to personalized nutrition, although randomized studies are needed to assess causality.
Rationale: Sarcopenia is a major problem and is common in community-dwelling elderly. In daily practice, there is need for low cost and easily assessable measurement tools to assess depletion of skeletal muscle (SM) mass, for example as one of the indicators of sarcopenia. Bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) is often used to estimate body composition, whereas ultrasound measurement is an upcoming and promising tool, as it is quick, easy to use and inexpensive in comparison with other tools that assess SM mass. Ultrasound could assess site-specific loss of SM mass and determine myoesteatosis. Therefore, in this pilot study we aimed to assess agreement between muscle thickness of rectus femoris (RF) by ultrasound and SM mass by BIA in an older population. Methods: Twenty-six older adults (mean± standard deviation (SD) age 64 ±5.0 y, 62% women) from the Hanze Health and Ageing Study were included. SM mass by BIA was estimated using the Janssen equation. Muscle thickness of RF was assessed by analyzing ultrasound images from the right leg. Two non-parametric tests were used for analysis. Correlation between ultrasound and BIA was assessed with Spearman Rho. Agreement was determined with Kendall’s coefficient of concordance (Kendall’s W). In both tests a score ≥ 0.7 was considered a strong correlation.Results: Mean (±SD) RF thickness was 18.9 (±3.8) mm. Median SM mass (Interquartile range) was 23.5 (20.8-34.7) kg. Correlation between RF thickness and SM mass was moderately positive (Spearman r=0.611; P = 0.001), whereas Kendall’s W showed a strong agreement (W= 0.835; P=0.002).Conclusion: Ultrasound measurement of RF showed an acceptable agreement with skeletal muscle mass assessed by BIA in our sample of older adults. Therefore, ultrasound could be a promising portable tool to estimate muscle size.
Relatie tussen spiermassa en vroegtijdig stoppen van chemotherapie bij patienten met hoofd-halskankerIn this study, we aim to assess whether low pre-treatment muscle mass, measured with CT at thoracic (T4) or lumbar level (L3) is associated with early termination of chemotherapy related to toxicity in head and neck cancer (HNC) patients.
met Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Faculteit Lichamelijke opvoeding en Kinesitherapie, in kader van Movement and Rehabilitation Fellowship aan de VUB van lector Harriet Jager-Wittenaar.
De samenwerking tussen de onderzoeksgroep FRIA van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel, afdeling oudergeneeskunde van het UMCG Groningen en de onderzoeksgroep (lectoraat) Healthy Ageing, Allied health Care and Nursing van de Hanzehogeschool Groningen is gericht op onderzoek naar bewegingsstoornissen bij veroudering. In het bijzonder wordt gekeken naar paratonic, een bewegingsstoornis bij dementie.The International Joint Research group ‘Move in Age’ concluded in a systematic review that paratonia still is a barely understood and devastating phenomenon in dementia and revealed the urgency of gaining more insight in the pathophysiology. Paratonia, a distinctive change in muscle tone, starts in early stages of dementia and develops further with progress of the disease. Resulting in severe discomfort for patients, but also affecting caregivers since daily care becomes increasingly difficult. It is hypothesized that changes in motor control due to dementia influences peripheral neurological control and biomechanical muscle structures (by crosslinking and inflammation caused by advanced glycation end-products (AGEs).This IJRG started in 2018 and aims to develop a long-term comprehensive research program on movement-related impairments at higher age. The three partners have a strong track record on research in the area of movement-related impairments in older persons; however, each focusing on a specific aspect. In fact, the Frailty in Ageing research group (FRIA) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is running focused research program on the triad sarcopenia-dynapenia-inflammation with mainly a bio-gerontological and bio-psycho-medical approach; the department of General Practice and Elderly Care Medicine of the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG) has anongoing research line on the medical aspects of mobility impairments in frail elderly persons and in elderly dementia patients; and finally Research Group Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care and Nursing of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen (HUAS) developed a research program on physical, psycho-cognitive and social dimensions of frailty including the functional impact of mobility impairments. In the first 3-5 years, the focus will be on the movement-related impairments that occur in patients with dementia and in specific on paranoia. The programme will be extended towards movement-related impairments in the context of other geriatric syndromes.