Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Author supplied: The production system described in this paper in an implementation of an agile agent-based production system. This system is designed to meet the requirements of modern production, where short time to market, requirementdriven production and low cost small quantity production are important issues. The production is done on special devices called equiplets. A grid of these equiplets connected by a fast network is capable of producing a variety of different products in parallel. The multi-agent-based software infrastructure is responsible for the agile manufacturing. A product agent is responsible for the production of a single product and equiplet agents will perform the production steps to assemble the product. This paper describes this multiagent-based production system with the focus on the product agent. Presented at EUMAS 2013 ( 11th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems) , At Toulouse.
Author supplied: The production system described in this paper in an im- plementation of an agile agent-based production system. This system is designed to meet the requirements of modern production, where short time to market, requirement-driven production and low cost small quan- tity production are important issues. The production is done on special devices called equiplets. A grid of these equiplets connected by a fast network is capable of producing a variety of diverent products in parallel. The multi-agent-based software infrastructure is responsible for the agile manufacturing. A product agent is responsible for the production of a single product and equiplet agents will perform the production steps to assemble the product. This paper describes this multiagent-based production system with the focus on the product agent.
Presented at the 11th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research and Industrial Applications: Integration, Harmonization and Knowledge Transfer Lviv, Ukraine, May 14-16, 2015. Author supplied: Abstract. User requirements and low-cost small quantity production are new challenges for the modern manufacturing industry. This means that small batch sizes or even the manufacturing of one single product should be affordable. To make such a system cost-effective it should be capable to use the available production resources for many different products in parallel. This paper gives a description of the requirements and architecture of an end-user driven production system. The end-user communicates with the production system by a web interface, so this manufacturing system can be characterized in terms of cloud comput- ing as the implementation of manufacturing as a service, abbreviated to MaaS.