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Information and communications technologies (ICTs) in human services are on the rise and raise concerns about their place and impact on the daily activities of professionals and clients. This article describes a study in which a social mobile application was developed for job coaches and employees and implemented in a pilot phase. The aim of the mobile application was to provide a better communication between employees and their job coaches and to provide more up-to-date information about the organization. The application consisted of a personal web environment and app with vacancies, personal news, events, tips, and promotions. A qualitative methodology was used in the form of focus groups and in-depth interviews. The results of this study show that the participants are partly positive about the social mobile application. It can be concluded that the use of mobile technologies can be beneficial in a range of human services practice settings for both professionals and clients and, therefore, requires more attention from the academic field to focus on this relatively new but promising theme.
Als relatief nieuw begrip in de context van e-learning krijgt ‘mobile learning’ steeds meer aandacht, wat ten dele kan worden verklaard door de ontwikkeling en verspreiding van mobiele technologie. Als we de pleitbezorgers van ‘mobile learning’ moeten geloven, dan wordt deze vorm van leren belangrijker en is het denkbaar dat sommige leerprocessen in de toekomst volledig op die wijze vormgegeven zullen worden. Probleem is dat een eenduidige definitie van ‘mobile learning’ nog altijd ontbreekt, dat er meningsverschillen zijn over de technologie die tot het domein van ‘mobile learning’ behoort, en dat er betrekkelijk weinig resultaten zijn van succesvolle inzet van mobiele technologie in leerprocessen. Daarbij wordt onder succesvol verstaan dat het heeft bijgedragen aan de effectiviteit van het leren, en daarmee aan een beter leerresultaat en een efficiënter leerproces, waarbij onder het laatste verstaan wordt dat het maximale leereffect wordt bereikt met een beperkte inzet van mensen en middelen. Deze notitie beoogt enige duidelijkheid te scheppen in de definitiekwestie en in de visies op leren die een rol spelen bij ‘mobile learning’. Vanuit dat perspectief wordt vervolgens ingegaan op kenmerken van mobiele technologie en ontwikkelingen die daarin verwacht worden. Aansluitend wordt er dieper ingegaan op leerprocessen en de rol die mobiele technologie daarin zou kunnen vervullen, waarna de notitie wordt afgesloten met een kijkkader om de mogelijke inzet en betekenis van ‘mobile learning’ in onderwijssituaties te kunnen duiden en beoordelen.
In order for techniques from Model Driven Engineering to be accepted at large by the game industry, it is critical that the effectiveness and efficiency of these techniques are proven for game development. There is no lack of game design models, but there is no model that has surfaced as an industry standard. Game designers are often reluctant to work with models: they argue these models do not help them design games and actually restrict their creativity. At the same time, the flexibility that model driven engineering allows seems a good fit for the fluidity of the game design process, while clearly defined, generic models can be used to develop automated design tools that increase the development’s efficiency.
i-DEMO aims at supporting EU tourism professionals in acquiring and developing key competences in game-based tourism in order to foster innovation and improve overall tourism organizations’ performance by: enhancing specific skills and competences in game-based tourism; designing an i-DEMO course "Game-based Tourism"; creating an i-DEMO toolkit to apply gamification to tourism; enhancing the application and replicability potential of innovative game-based solutions.Societal IssueThe tourism and hospitality industry has rapidly evolved with technological advancements, especially through ICT and the rise of the sharing economy. Digital platforms, social media, and mobile technologies have popularized gamification in tourism, creating engaging experiences and enhancing consumer loyalty. Gamification immerses tourists in simulated travel worlds, improving satisfaction, behavior, and involvement. Benefits include increased visitor engagement, loyalty, improved marketing, and support for sustainable tourism. However, despite its potential, gamification adoption remains limited in tourism. To address this, initiatives like i-DEMO aim to enhance skills and competences, improving employability in the evolving tourism market.Benefit to societyThe benefits that gamification can offer in the travel and tourism industry are: 1: More Engaged Visitors: we must not underestimate the immersion level that games can offer to travelers; 2: Increased Visitor Loyalty: when somebody is truly satisfied with their experience, they are much more likely to come back; 3: Improved Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism: tourism and hospitality have been the biggest ones impacted by all of the lockdown restrictions; consequently they are using all kinds of marketing methods to motivate people to start travelling; 4: Sustainability: gamification could help promote more environmentally, socially and culturally sustainable forms of tourism, supporting the twin green and digital transition.