Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
On the basis of an empirical analysis of the recent emergence, spread and transformation of No Holds Barred fighting contests, it is argued that Norbert Elias's model of sportization provides a fruitful but insufficiently differentiated framework for understanding the development of sports and sport-like contests. Although the successive transformations of martial arts in the twentieth century provide various examples of sportization and para-sportization, the emergence of No Holds Barred events in the 1990s represents an opposing trend, a process of de-sportization. The analysis of No Holds Barred contests demonstrates that the balance between sportization and de-sportization depends primarily on the interests of the organizers, and in particular on the degree to which they rely on the perspectives of practitioners, spectators, or viewers. The decisive factor for the predominance of the latter perspective was the formation of a new market for visual material, which emerged with pay-per-view television. This allowed - at least temporarily - the commercialization of non-sanctioned events, suggesting that new markets for visual material are likely to become an important factor in the development of spectator sports and sport-like forms of entertainment.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate whether dynamic balance, measured with the anterior component of the Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT-ANT), is a risk factor for ankle injuries in physical education teacher education (PETE) students.DESIGN AND SETTING: A prospective monocentre study in first-year PETE students.PARTICIPANTS: A total of 196 subjects, of which 137 men (70%) and 59 women (30%).OUTCOME MEASURES: This study consisted of measures of the SEBT-ANT at baseline (September 2015) and an injury registration procedure during a follow-up period (September 2015-June 2016). The association between the SEBT-ANT score and subsequent ankle injury was analysed with generalised estimating equations analysis at the leg level.RESULTS: Men and women had an average SEBT-ANT score of, respectively, 65.1% and 67.7% of leg length. In 20 (15%) subjects, the first injured body site involved the ankle. Across all participants, a below average SEBT-ANT score was not associated with increased ankle injury odds (OR OR=2.43, 95% CI: 0.94 to 6.29, p=0.07). In men, a below average SEBT-ANT score indicated sevenfold increased odds for ankle injury (OR=7.06, 95% CI: 1.43 to 34.92, p=0.02). In women, this relationship was not significant (OR=0.72, 95% CI: 0.19 to 2.71, p=0.62).CONCLUSIONS: Below average normalised SEBT-ANT scores were associated with sevenfold likelihood for ankle injuries in men. In contrast, no relationship was found for the SEBT-ANT score and ankle injuries in woman. These results may provide directions for the implementation of screening tools, as part of an injury prevention programme, to identify male PETE students with an increased likelihood for ankle injuries.
Given the recent economic crisis and the risen poverty rates, sports managers need to get insight in the effect of income and other socio-economic determinants on the household time and money that is spent on sports participation. By means of a Tobit regression, this study analyses the magnitude of the income effect for the thirteen most practiced sports by households in Flanders (the Dutch speaking part of Belgium), which are soccer, swimming, dance, cycling, running, fitness, tennis, horse riding, winter sports, martial arts, volleyball, walking and basketball. The results demonstrate that income has a positive effect on both time and money expenditure on sports participation, although differences are found between the 13 sports activities. For example, the effect of income on time and money expenditure is relatively high for sports activities like running and winter sports, while it is lower for other sports such as fitness, horse riding, walking and swimming. Commercial enterprises can use the results of this study to identify which sports to focus on, and how they will organise their segmentation process. For government, the results demonstrate which barriers prevent people from taking part in specific sports activities, based upon which they should evaluate their policy decisions.
Vechtsport, met name kickboksen en mixed martial arts, is steeds populairder onder jongeren. Ook zogenaamde risicojongeren vinden steeds vaker de weg naar de vechtsportschool, zowel in reguliere sportscholen als in sociaalpedagogische kickboksprojecten aangeboden door sportbuurtwerk of jeugdwelzijnswerk. Voor veel jongeren die struggelen met zichzelf en hun plek in de samenleving, zijn vechtsportscholen een alternatieve zoektocht naar respect en succes. Vechtsportcoaches worden steeds vaker geconfronteerd met dit type ‘vechtende jongeren’. Zij geven in pilotstudies en focusgroepen aan dat het hen aan kennis en vaardigheden ontbreekt om deze jongeren adequaat te coachen bij hun specifieke (sport-overstijgende) problematiek. In de beroepspraktijk én in de hbo-opleidingen Social Work en Sportpedagogiek is sprake van een hiaat, waardoor (aankomende) jeugdprofessionals die met vechtende jongeren werken onvoldoende pedagogisch onderlegd zijn. Naast deze professionaliseringsvraag weten praktijkprofessionals onvoldoende in hoeverre vechtsport deze jongeren helpt bij een veerkrachtige identiteitsontwikkeling, of het hen beschermt tegen antisociale verleidingen en of het maatschappelijke participatie bevordert. De praktijkvraag is: “Op welke wijze en in welke mate worden ‘vechtende jongeren’ door full contact vechtsportbeoefening meer bewust van hun persoonlijke (talent)ontwikkeling, opdat ze meer veerkracht ontwikkelen die hen beschermt tegen antisociale verleidingen en hun maatschappelijke participatie versterkt?” Doel is de pedagogische bekwaamheid van (aankomende) jeugdprofessionals te versterken die in een vechtsportcontext vanuit sociaalpedagogisch perspectief met kwetsbare jongeren werken. In dit project werken drie hogescholen, een universiteit en vier werkveldpartners samen in drie deelstudies. Door een combinatie van kwalitatief en kwantitatief onderzoek (deelstudie 1 en 2) worden in vier learning labs de werkzame factoren en processen van vechtsport in kaart gebracht. Deze worden vertaald naar een scholingsaanbod voor vechtsportpraktijken die vanuit sociaalpedagogisch perspectief met vechtende jongeren werken (deelstudie 3). Dit aanbod zal tevens de curricula van de hbo-opleidingen Social Work en Sportpedagogiek verrijken. De nieuwe inzichten worden daarnaast toegankelijk gemaakt door drie vakpublicaties en een slotcongres.