This article focuses on how length of participation in professional youth work is associated with five outcome variables: prosocial skills, self-mastery, social network, civic participation (volunteering and organizing activities) and finding support from social care services. The study was designed as a longitudinal cohort study of four waves during a 16-month period, gathering the data of 1597 youngsters aged 10–24 who participated in Dutch professional youth work. The results show that, on average, youngsters who participated longer in youth work scored significantly higher on the outcome variables. Respondents did not show individual improvements on outcome variables over the period, but the results demonstrate a cautious positive trend over time in volunteering. Referring youngsters (33%) by youth workers to care services could prevent an exacerbation of existing problems. The results provide knowledge that legitimizes the role of professional youth workers and which can be used by them to improve the support of socially vulnerable youngsters in their personal development and social participation.
This article focuses on how length of participation in professional youth work is associated with five outcome variables: prosocial skills, self-mastery, social network, civic participation (volunteering and organizing activities) and finding support from social care services. The study was designed as a longitudinal cohort study of four waves during a 16-month period, gathering the data of 1597 youngsters aged 10–24 who participated in Dutch professional youth work. The results show that, on average, youngsters who participated longer in youth work scored significantly higher on the outcome variables. Respondents did not show individual improvements on outcome variables over the period, but the results demonstrate a cautious positive trend over time in volunteering. Referring youngsters (33%) by youth workers to care services could prevent an exacerbation of existing problems. The results provide knowledge that legitimizes the role of professional youth workers and which can be used by them to improve the support of socially vulnerable youngsters in their personal development and social participation.
Design en onderzoek zijn twee kennisgebieden die elk hun eigen tradities, methoden, standaarden en praktijken hebben. Deze twee werelden lijken behoorlijk gescheiden, waarbij onderzoekers onderzoeken wat er is en ontwerpers visualiseren wat er zou kunnen zijn. Dit boek slaat een brug tussen beide werelden door te laten zien hoe design en onderzoek geïntegreerd kunnen worden om een nieuw kennisveld te ontwikkelen. Dit boek bevat 22 inspirerende beschouwingen die laten zien hoe de unieke kwaliteiten van onderzoek (gericht op het bestuderen van het heden) en ontwerp (gericht op het ontwikkelen van de toekomst) gecombineerd kunnen worden. Dit boek laat zien dat de transdisciplinaire aanpak toepasbaar is in een veelheid van sectoren, variërend van gezondheidszorg, stedelijke planning, circulaire economie en de voedingsindustrie. Het boek bestaat uit vijf delen en biedt een scala aan illustratieve voorbeelden, ervaringen, methoden en interpretaties. Samen vormen ze het kenmerk van een mozaïek, waarbij elk stukje een deel van het complete plaatje bijdraagt en alle stukjes samen een veelzijdig perspectief bieden op wat toegepast ontwerponderzoek is, hoe het wordt geïmplementeerd en wat de lezer ervan kan verwachten.
Aanleiding De nationale overheid wil voldoen aan de duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen van 2020. Dit streven botst echter regelmatig met de wensen van lokale overheden en burgers. Communicatieadviseurs van de overheid stuiten steeds vaker op lokale weerstanden tegen projecten als ondergrondse CO2-opslag, windmolenparken of de komst van biovergisters. Communicatieadviseurs vinden het lastig om zelfstandig wetenschappelijke inzichten uit de communicatiewetenschappen toepasbaar te maken voor deze weerbarstige praktijk. Zij hebben behoefte aan kennis en tools om goed communicatief te kunnen handelen. Doelstelling De vraag die in dit project centraal staat is: Hoe kan bij lokale energietransities effectief vorm worden gegeven aan communicatie? Het project Let's Talk Energy sluit aan bij een ontwikkeling om de alledaagse gesprekken tussen mensen te zien als bron van analyse en mogelijk ook als bron voor verandering. Nieuwe nieuwe wetenschappelijke inzichten over communiceren via sociale media combineren we met kennis die is opgedaan door onderzochte cases en best practices. De consortiumpartners van het project werken samen om een energiecommunicatie-instrument (InterAct) te ontwikkelen, dat aanzet tot doeltreffende communicatie over lokale energieprojecten. Met de nieuwe kennis kan de communicatieadviseur analyses maken en reageren op zorgen van burgers bij lokale energietransities. Beoogde resultaten De te verwachten resultaten van het project zijn: " een energiecommunicatie toolkit (InterAct) inclusief een praktische handleiding en eindrapport; " effectieve digitale producten en infographics; " masterclasses energiecommunicatie; " cahier met best practices. Ter afsluiting van het onderzoeksprogramma wordt een landelijke conferentie Let's Talk Energy georganiseerd waarbij de onderzoeksresultaten en opgeleverde producten worden gepresenteerd.
Vacation travel is an essential ingredient in quality of life. However, the contriubtion of vacations to quality of life could be improved in two ways: by optimizing the decisions people make when planning and undertaking their vacations, and by travel industry testing and implementing––based on evidence––innovative experience products which touch customers' emotions. Secondary analysis of two longitudinal panel datasets will address the impact of people's decisions in planning and undertaking their vacations, on their quality of life. Field experiments in cooperation with travel industry partners will address the effects of innovative experience products, such as apps designed to help vacationers meet fellow travelers, or personalized memory books designed to help people relive their vacations after return home. Experience data in these field experiments will be collected using technology of the Breda University of Applied Sciences' Experience Measurement Lab, a unique facility for measuring emotions continuously from research participants' body and mind. Thus, the project will contribute to general understanding of quality of life, will feed valuable knowledge about experience design, measurement, and implementation to the Dutch travel industry, and will support the Breda University of Applied Sciences' key research theme of Designing, Measuring, and Managing Experiences. Inspiring examples from the project will reinforce research methods courses in the academic Bachelor of Science in Tourism, the HBO Master in Tourism Destination Management, and the academic Master of Science in Leisure Studies. Wearable emotion measurement from the field experiment will be a cornerstone of the fourth-year HBO-bachelor module Business Intelligence, where students will conduct their own research projects on experience measurement using consumer wearables, based on knowledge from this postdoc project. Finally, a number of methodological and content questions within the project will serve as suitable thesis assignments for graduation students in the above educational tracks.
In societies where physical activity levels are declining, stimulating sports participation in youth is vital. While sports offer numerous benefits, injuries in youth are at an all-time high with potential long-term consequences. Particularly, women football's popularity surge has led to a rise in knee injuries, notably anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, with severe long-term effects. Urgent societal attention is warranted, supported by media coverage and calls for action by professional players. This project aims to evaluate the potential of novel artificial intelligence-based technology to enhance player monitoring for injury risk, and to integrate these monitoring pathways into regular training practice. Its success may pave the way for broader applications across different sports and injuries. Implementation of results from lab-based research into practice is hindered by the lack of skills and technology needed to perform the required measurements. There is a critical need for non-invasive systems used during regular training practice and allowing longitudinal monitoring. Markerless motion capture technology has recently been developed and has created new potential for field-based data collection in sport settings. This technology eliminates the need for marker/sensor placement on the participant and can be employed on-site, capturing movement patterns during training. Since a common AI algorithm for data processing is used, minimal technical knowledge by the operator is required. The experienced PLAYSAFE consortium will exploit this technology to monitor 300 young female football players over the course of 1 season. The successful implementation of non-invasive monitoring of football players’ movement patterns during regular practice is the primary objective of this project. In addition, the study will generate key insights into risk factors associated with ACL injury. Through this approach, PLAYSAFE aims to reduce the burden of ACL injuries in female football players.