Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This booklet holds a collection of drawings, maps, schemes, collages, artistic impressions etc. which were made by students during an intense design moment in the project (re)CYCLE Limburg, which took place in December 2016. Students of Built Environment, Facility Management, Social Work and Health & Care cooperated in making designs and developing strategies for urban renewal in Kerkrade West (Province of Limburg, the Netherlands). The study focused on the importance of qualitative and shared public spaces. The local community (inhabitants, shopkeepers, entrepreneurs, municipality, housing corporation) was actively engaged by sharing knowledge and information, ideas and opinions. These reflections are part of the Limburg Action Lab (part of the Smart Urban Redesign Research Centre). It engages in research by design on innovative and tactical interventions in public space, that might enhance the identity, sustainability and socio-spatial structure of neighbourhoods.
De regio Parkstad Limburg heeft te maken met een complexe, meervoudige opgave in de vorm van achterstanden in de sociaal fysieke leefbaarheid, ruimtelijke- en sociaal-economische structuur. Vergelijken we Limburg met de rest van Nederland, dan zijn er grote verschillen zichtbaar. Zoomen we in op Parkstad Limburg, dan zijn armoede, ongezondheid, werkloosheid, leegstand en onveiligheid in diverse buurten en wijken aan de orde van de dag. Dit heeft negatieve invloed op de brede welvaart in de regio. De problematiek en de achterstand ten opzichte van het gemiddelde van Limburg en de rest van Nederland is groot en wordt overgedragen van generatie op generatie. Een duurzame ontworsteling uit de hele gemarginaliseerde positie lijkt zonder langdurige ondersteuning nagenoeg onmogelijk, mede door de intergenerationele mobiliteit van armoede, opleidingsniveau, gezondheid en werkloosheid.
This booklet contains the analyses and designs that were produced by international teams of students, designers and researchers on the revitalization of public space in the district of Kerkrade – West (Limburg, the Netherlands) in December 2017 during the International Design Workshop (re)CYCLE LIMBURG 2. It was partially built on knowledge, experiences and ideas from the preceding workshop in December 2016. The outcomes of the workshop are mainly presented in the form of drawings, maps, schemes, collages, artistic impressions etc. Both workshops were framed in the interdisciplinary project Kerkrade-West of Zuyd UAS and its Research Centre for Smart Urban ReDesign (SURD).
Due to their diverse funding sources, theatres are under increasing pressure to demonstrate impact on society. The Raad voor Cultuur (2023) for example advised the secretary of state to include societal impact as an additional evaluation measure next to artistic value. Many theaters, such as the Chassé Theater and Parkstad Limburg Theaters, have reformulated their missions to focus on impact of performances on visitors. This is a profound transformation from merely selling tickets and filling seats, and requires new measurement instruments to monitor, manage, and improve impact. Currently available instruments are insufficient, and effective monitoring is crucial to larger future projects that theaters are currently planning to systematically broaden impacts of performances on their communities. The specific goal of this project is to empower theaters to monitor and improve impact by developing a brief experience impact questionnaire, taking existing data from student projects conducted at the Chassé Theater about performing arts experiences on one hand, and experience impact theory innovations on the other, as starting points. We will develop potential items to measure and benchmark against established measures of valued societal outcomes, such as subjective well-being and quality of life. These will be measured in questionnaires developed with project partners Chassé Theater and Parkstad Limburg Theaters and administered before and after performances across a wide range of genres. The resulting data will enable comparison of new questionnaire items with benchmarked measures of valued societal outcomes. The final product of the project will be a brief impact questionnaire, which within several brief self-report instruments and just a few minutes can effectively be used to quantify the impact of a performing arts experience. A workshop and practice-oriented article will make this questionnaire implementable, thereby mobilizing the key enabling methodology of monitoring and impact measurement in the performing arts sector.
Due to their diverse funding sources, theatres are under increasing pressure to demonstrate impact on society. The Raad voor Cultuur (2023) for example advised the secretary of state to include societal impact as an additional evaluation measure next to artistic value. Many theaters, such as the Chassé Theater and Parkstad Limburg Theaters, have reformulated their missions to focus on impact of performances on visitors. This is a profound transformation from merely selling tickets and filling seats, and requires new measurement instruments to monitor, manage, and improve impact. Currently available instruments are insufficient, and effective monitoring is crucial to larger future projects that theaters are currently planning to systematically broaden impacts of performances on their communities.The specific goal of this project is to empower theaters to monitor and improve impact by developing a brief experience impact questionnaire, taking existing data from student projects conducted at the Chassé Theater about performing arts experiences on one hand, and experience impact theory innovations on the other, as starting points. We will develop potential items to measure and benchmark against established measures of valued societal outcomes, such as subjective well-being and quality of life. These will be measured in questionnaires developed with project partners Chassé Theater and Parkstad Limburg Theaters and administered before and after performances across a wide range of genres. The resulting data will enable comparison of new questionnaire items with benchmarked measures of valued societal outcomes. The final product of the project will be a brief impact questionnaire, which within several brief self-report instruments and just a few minutes can effectively be used to quantify the impact of a performing arts experience. A workshop and practice-oriented article will make this questionnaire implementable, thereby mobilizing the key enabling methodology of monitoring and impact measurement in the performing arts sector.Societal issueThe specific goal of this project is to empower theaters to monitor and improve impact by developing a brief experience impact questionnaire, taking existing data about performing arts experiences on one hand, and experience impact theory innovations on the other, as starting points. Benefit to societyWe will develop potential items to measure and benchmark against established measures of valued societal outcomes, such as subjective well-being and quality of life. Collaborative partnersChassé Theater N.V., Parkstad Limburg Theaters N.V.
Gemeente Maastricht (Gemeente), Zuyd Hogeschool (Zuyd) en de Universiteit Maastricht (UM) willen zich gezamenlijk meer inzetten voor ruimtelijke en maatschappelijke opgaven in de stad. De City Deal Kennis Maken biedt de mogelijkheid deze samenwerking tussen de instellingen, met bewoners en gemeente, interdisciplinair en meer gestructureerd vorm te geven. De samenwerking tussen UM, Zuyd en de Gemeente rondom het aanpakken van ruimtelijke en sociaal maatschappelijke vraagstukken is nog te weinig vanzelfsprekend, al worden daar sinds de eerste CDKM regeling (2019) wel stappen in gezet. Vandaar dat de Impulsregeling gebruikt wordt als de bestendiging en verdere ontwikkeling van deze samenwerking. In de CDKM>M ligt de focus op de wijk. De partners gaan, door inzet van studenten, docenten en onderzoekers werken aan de toekomstbestendigheid en vitaliteit van de Maastrichtse buurten. Speciale focus ligt daarbij op de thema’s klimaatadaptatie, circulaire economie en inclusiviteit. Hiertoe is een multidisciplinaire (of interfacultaire) aanpak randvoorwaardelijk; samenwerking tussen studenten uit het sociale, technische, facilitaire/economische, technische, gezondheid/zorg en kunsten domein is vereist. De UM en Zuyd willen via de CDKM de ontwikkeling van hun studenten verder versterken door actieonderzoek in het onderwijs te integreren. Hierdoor wordt hetgeen studenten leren actueel en innovatief, en verankert het onderwijs meer, in de praktijk. Voor de studenten is en wordt de wijk een rijke leeromgeving. Partners willen een win-win situatie creëren, waarin alle partijen (e.g. studenten, inwoners, docenten, onderzoeker, professionals, bedrijven, etc.) profiteren van elkaar en van het werk dat ze samendoen t.b.v. toekomstbestendige en vitale buurten. De aanvraag maakt gebruik van een aantal stevige, reeds aanwezige bouwstenen: - het lectoraat Smart Urban Redesign van Zuyd; - het brede onderwijsaanbod van de academies van Zuyd - “Match” van het Student Service Centre van de UM, een gezamenlijk project ook vanuit Studentenstad; - de succesvolle samenwerking inzake de economische structuurversterking van de regio; o.a. via de Kennis-As Limburg en de Brightlands Campussen.