Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This papers presents some ideas to use so-called software agents as a software representation of a product not only during manufacturing but also during the whole life cycle of the product. Software agents are autonomous entities capable of collecting useful information about products. By their design and capabilities software agents fit well in the concept of ubiquitous computing. We use these agents in our newly developed manufacturing process. This paper discusses further use of agent technology.
Free newspapers may offer different news contents to different audiences, when compared with traditional, paid-for newspapers, but they, nevertheless, concentrate on news, and thereby provide society with information on current affairs. These papers have seen circulation rise until 2008; after that, a decline set in, leading to closures and often a monopoly situation in the mature European newspaper markets covered in our research. Free newspapers seem to follow a typical life cycle pattern, moving from growth to maturity, and to saturation and decline. Diversification strategies – home-delivery, weekend, sports, afternoon, and financial – have been disappointing so far. There is no evidence, however, of total extinction, indicating that there is room for at least one title – possibly two – in every market. The situation in the surveyed markets also suggests that a free newspaper may be a ‘natural’ monopoly.
From the article: "The term Internet of Things (IoT) is used for situations where one or more devices are connected to a network or possibly the Internet. Most studies focus on the possibilities that arise when a device is capable to share its data with other devices or humans. In this study, the focus is on the device itself and what kind of possibilities an Internet connection gives to the device and its owner or user. Also the data the device needs to participate in a smart way in the IoT are part of this study. Agent technology is the enabling technology for the ideas introduced here. A proof of concept is given, where some concepts proposed in the paper are put into practice."