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Den Haag is een internationale stad waar buitenlandse werknemers zich graag vestigen. Den Haag is op het gebied van vrede, recht en veiligheid in de loop der tijd uitgegroeid tot een stad van mondiale betekenis (Eyffinger, 1999) (Wladimiroff, 2009). Deze ontwikkeling ging niet zonder slag of stoot. Aan de hand van literatuuronderzoek en circa twintig interviews met vertegenwoordigers van overheidsbeleid en internationale instellingen is hier een analyse gemaakt van de voorgeschiedenis van Den Haag als internationale stad en de effectiviteit van het beleid met betrekking tot internationale instellingen. Eén van de uitkomsten is dat internationale organisaties gebaat zijn bij een goede samenwerking tussen de gemeente en het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Het proces van aantrekken en faciliteren van internationale (kennis) instellingen en (non-)gouvernementele organisaties kan beter gestroomlijnd worden. Voorts zouden mogelijk enkele nieuwe tribunalen in Den Haag kunnen worden gevestigd. ABSTRACT The Hague is more and more the legal capital of the world. The Hague municipality and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs successfully promoted the city as such and made it a real global center of justice, peace and security (Eyffinger, 1999) (Wladimiroff, 2009). The process of attracting and managing international organizations, centers of knowledge, governmental and non-governmental organizations, was not always easy. Internal and external factors determine the way the city still develops its status as 'legal capital of the world'. Based on literature and about twenty interviews with representatives of the local and national governments and employees of international organizations, this article concludes that progress can be made through more cooperation between the municipality and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Attracting new international organizations can be streamlined in a better way. Some new tribunals might be established in The Hague.
In December of 2004 the Directorate General for Research and Technological Development (DG RTD) of the European Commission (EC) set up a High-Level Expert Group to propose a series of measures to stimulate the reporting of Intellectual Capital in research intensive Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). The Expert Group has focused on enterprises that either perform Research and Development (R&D), or use the results of R&D to innovate and has also considered the implications for the specialist R&D units of larger enterprises, dedicated Research & Technology Organizations and Universities. In this report the Expert Group presents its findings, leading to six recommendations to stimulate the reporting of Intellectual Capital in SMEs by raising awareness, improving reporting competencies, promoting the use of IC Reporting and facilitating standardization.
About this publication: What is the correlation among the creative industries, creative industry policies, new media paradigms and capitalism as colonial relations of dominance? What is the role of these industries in the prioritization of the interests of capital at the expense of those of society and how can these paradigms be criticized in the context of the actual, neoliberal, flexible regime of reproduction of capital? To what measure is this regime ‘flexible’ and to what measure it is just an extension of rigid, feudal and racial logics that underline (post)modern representational discourses? To what measure do the concepts of creativity, transparency, openness and flexibility conceal the hegemonic nature of modern hierarchies of exploitation?This publication brings together six essays that offer a critique of the relationship between the creative industries and capital. It treats ‘the networked world’ — its democracies, cognitivities, its attention and its paradigmatic cultural discourses — as one of the domains wherein and by which capitalism and its colonial relations of dominance are being reproduced, reorganized, perpetuated and ‘modernized’.The Gray Zones of Creativity and Capital (eds. Gordana Nikolić and Šefik Tatlić) consists of works from a diverse range of authors from around the globe: Jonathan Beller, Josephine Berry Slater, Marc James Léger, Ana Vilenica, Sandi Abram & Irmgard Emmelheinz. The book first appeared in Serbian in 2015.