Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This data set contains the results of a survey about reviewing Data Management Plans (DMPs). The survey was carried out by the Research Support and Advice working group of the Dutch National Coordination Point Research Data Management (LCRDM). Sixty people shared their experiences and feedback on DMPs by responding to the survey. The data set contains a concise report, the survey questions and the anonymised data.
Adviesrapport vanuit het Landelijk Coördinatiepunt Research Management (LCRDM) over het gebruik van online applicaties voor het opstellen van DMP's.
This matrix is generic. It is a tool for data stewards or other research supporters to assist researchers in taking appropriate measures for the safe use and protection of data about people in scientific research. It is a template that you can adjust to the context of your own institution, faculty and / or department by taking into consideration your setting’s own policies, guidelines, infrastructure and technical solutions. In this way you can more effectively determine the appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the data based on the context of the research and the risks associated with the data.