Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Although previous research programs have yielded valuable knowledge that can help sugar beet growers to innovate farming processes, actual transfer of this knowledge to the growers so far is lacking. Currents ways of knowledge transfer do not match learning styles, personal traits or the social environment of previously identified groups of growers. The current research was designed to asses to which level new means of knowledge transfer are suitable: using both digital means, e.g., decision support systems, and other means, e.g. study groups, knowledge transfer can be re-assessed to form specific inspiring learning environments.A survey study assessed learning styles, attitudes toward innovation, personality traits related to entrepreneurship and the social network growers use to obtain new knowledge. These data were linked to the crop yield data over the previous five years, to be able to compare the influence of learning styles, attitudes, network and individual differences on the occurrence and effectiveness of certain types of innovative behaviour. Results indicate that different learning styles correlate with different ways of using one's knowledge network: for instance, people who are more prone to seek help, have significantly more contacts and exchange more knowledge within their networks. Growers whom significantly participate more in meetings and interactions with colleagues, produce an above average crop yield, as compared to other groups. The innovation attitude appeared to predict the innovation intention of growers; people with more positive attitudes are more willing to try new ideas and implement not fully tested techniques than growers with less positive attitudes toward innovation. Knowledge networks are comprised of fellow growers, friends, family, but mostly the growers receive their knowledge from advisors, suppliers and study groups. Preferences for learning and innovating correlate with the size of the network, and how intensively it is used.
BackgroundScientific software incorporates models that capture fundamental domain knowledge. This software is becoming increasingly more relevant as an instrument for food research. However, scientific software is currently hardly shared among and (re-)used by stakeholders in the food domain, which hampers effective dissemination of knowledge, i.e. knowledge transfer.Scope and approachThis paper reviews selected approaches, best practices, hurdles and limitations regarding knowledge transfer via software and the mathematical models embedded in it to provide points of reference for the food community.Key findings and conclusionsThe paper focusses on three aspects. Firstly, the publication of digital objects on the web, which offers valorisation software as a scientific asset. Secondly, building transferrable software as way to share knowledge through collaboration with experts and stakeholders. Thirdly, developing food engineers' modelling skills through the use of food models and software in education and training.
This study focuses on SME networks of design and high-tech companies in Southeast Netherland. By highlighting the personal networks of members across design and high-tech industries, the study attempts to identify the main brokers in this dynamic environment. In addition, we investigate whether specific characteristics are associated with these brokers. The main contribution of the paper lies in the fact that, in contrast to most other work, it is quantitative and that it focuses on brokers identified in an actual network (based on both suppliers and users of the knowledge infrastructure). Studying the phenomenon of brokerage provides us with clear insights into the concept of brokerage regarding SME networks in different fields. In particular we highlight how third parties contribute to the transfer and development of knowledge. Empirical results show, among others that the most influential brokers are found in the nonprofit and science sector and have a long track record in their branch.
CIVITAS is a network of cities for cities dedicated to cleaner, better transport in Europe and beyond. Since it was launched by the European Commission in 2002, the CIVITAS Initiative has tested and implemented over 800 measures and urban transport solutions as a part of demonstration projects in more than 80 Living Lab cities across Europe.The ELEVATE project aims to increase the Europe-wide impact of Research and Innovation Actions on urban mobility policy-making, thereby advancing the CIVITAS community to a higher level of knowledge, exchange, impact and sustainability, while guaranteeing essential high-quality support. ELEVATE is committed to achieving the following objectives:1. Developing the CIVITAS knowledge base and transferring new knowledge.2. Enriching the current CIVITAS generation and feeding future EU initiatives.3. Building a European mobility community able to navigate transition.4. Representing CIVITAS on the international stage.Breda University of Applied Sciences is work package leader for a work package on incubation and CIVINETs.Main collaborating partners:Mobiel21 (project coordinator), DTV Consultants, INOVA, TRT, ICLEI
The consortium would like to contribute to structural reduction of post-harvest and food losses and food quality improvement in Kenyan avocado and dairy value chains via the application of technical solutions and tools as well as improved chain governance competences in those food chains. The consortium has four types of partners: 1. Universities (2 Kenyan, 4 Dutch), 2. Private sector actors in those chains, 3. Organisations supporting those chains, and 4. Associate partners which support category 1 to 3 partners through co-financing, advice and reflection. The FORQLAB project targets two areas in Kenya for both commodities, a relatively well-developed chain in the central highlands and a less-develop chain in Western-Kenya. The approach is business to business and the selected regions have great potential for uptake of successful chain innovations as outcome of research results. The results are scalable for other fresh and processed product chains via a living lab network approach. The project consists of 5 work packages (WPs): 1. Inventory , status quo and inception, 2. Applied research, 3. Dissemination of research outputs through living lab networks, 4. Translation of project output in curricula and trainings, and 5. Communication among partners and WPs. The applied research will be implemented in cooperation with all partners, whereby students of the consortium universities will conduct most of the field studies and all other partners support and interact depending on the WPs. The expected outcomes are: two knowledge exchange platforms (Living Labs) supported with hands on sustainable food waste reduction implementation plans (agenda strategy); overview and proposals for ready ICT and other tech solutions; communication and teaching materials for universities and TVETs; action perspectives; and knowledge transfer and uptake.
The eleven Universities forming the KreativEU consortium agreed to the common goal of establishing a fully European University, that places the creative potential derived from Europe’s cultural heritage at the heart of its teaching, research and knowledge transfer activities. Committing to a long-term institutional, structural and strategic cooperation the partners will jointly implement an ambitious yet inclusive vision for transforming the study of culture, identity, memory and heritage for the benefit of society. Building upon this strong foundation, KreativEU will provide innovative concepts, methods, and solutions to address both current and future challenges, contributing to a sustainable and harmonious future for communities and the environment alike. KreativEU recognizes the inseparable interconnection of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, as well as the interwoven nature of local and national traditions, crafts, cultural practices, and folklore. The alliance is dedicated to formulating cutting-edge educational and research programmes that reevaluate these elements and their associated ecological surroundings, the lived environment, especially in the context of the digital age. This ecocultural vision serves as the foundational principle guiding KreativEU's efforts, ensuring that a new generation of EU citizens working together across cultures, borders, languages, sectors and disciplines will be educated. Students from the KreativEU are expected to be leaders of change and enablers of societal transformation.To reach this vision, the KreativEU Alliance will work towards the completion of 8 work packages (WP1 - Governance and Management; WP2 - KreativEU Education; WP3 - KreativEU Research; WP4 - KreativEU Culture with and for society; WP5 - KreativEU Knowledge-creation and design network on Smart Sustainability WP6 - KreativEU Heritage European campus; WP7 - KreativEU Mobility; WP8 - Communication and Dissemination).Collaborative partners:Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Escola Superior de Gestão de Tomar, D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Johoceska Univerzita V Ceskych Budejovicich, Universita Degli Studi di Camerino, Universitaet Greifswald, Pilitechnika Opolska, Universitatae Valahia Targoviste, Trnavska Univerzita V Trnave, Sodestorns Hogskola, Adana Alparslan Turkes Bilim VE Teknoloji University