Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Digitization of activities in hospitals receives more attention, due to Covid-19 related regulations. The use of e-health to support patient care is increasing and efficient ways to implement digitization of processes and other technological equipment are needed. We constructed a protocol for implementation and in this study, we evaluate this protocol based on a case to implement a device in the OR. We used various data sources to evaluate this protocol: semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and project documents. Based on these findings, this protocol, including identified implementation activities and implementation instructions can be used for implementations of other devices. Implementation activities include setting up a project plan, organizational and technological preparation, maintenance, and training. In future research, these activities and instructions need to be evaluated in more complex projects and a flexible tool needs to be developed to select relevant activities and instructions for implementations of information systems or devices.
Implementing new information systems and devices, in high-reliability organizations such as operating rooms (OR’s) in hospitals, is complex. To improve the success and efficiency of these implementations we constructed a protocol for implementation for digitization and devices in OR’s. This protocol consists of implementation factors, implementation activities, and implementation instructions. In this study, we evaluated this protocol. To gather data, we organized three focus group sessions with participants holding different job roles at different departments: a surgeon, a methodologist, anesthesiologists, a scrub nurse, a training officer, innovations officers, and OR-management. We gathered qualitative data regarding completeness, clearness, and the ability to execute. Sessions were video-recorded, transcribed, and coded in Nvivo for Windows according to Toulmins Argumentative Pattern. Based on this analysis, revisions to factors, activities, and instructions are presented for protocol enhancement; experts confirm that an implementation protocol is needed to increase implementation efficiency and adoption of new devices.
Medical equipment is implemented in highly complex hospital environments, such as operating rooms, in hospitals around the world. In operating rooms (ORs), technological equipment is used for surgical activities and activities in support of surgeries. The implementation of government policies in hospitals has resulted in varying implementation activities for (medical) equipment. These result in varying lead times and success rates. An integral and holistic protocol for implementation does not yet exist. In this study, we introduce a protocol for the implementation of (medical) equipment in ORs that consists of implementation factors and implementation activities. Factors and activities are based on data from a systematic literature review and an explorative survey among surgical support staff on factors for the successful implementation of technological and (medical) equipment in ORs. The protocol consists of five factors and related implementation activities: the establishment of a project plan, organisational preparation, technological preparation, maintenance, and training.
Hipper to Implementation is een vervolg op het RAAK-publiek project Hipper. Het eindproduct daarvan (een toolkit voor het begeleiden van revaliderende patienten na een heupoperatie) is positief ontvangen. De toolkit vereist echter een zorgvuldige doorontwikkeling voordat sprake kan zijn van implementatie op grotere schaal. De doorontwikkeling is nodig op twee onderdelen: het inpassen van de aanpak binnen de reguliere revalidatiebehandeling door de zorgprofessionals en het robuurster maken van het systeem. In Hipper to Implementation ligt de focus op het inpassen van de aanpak binnen de reguliere behandeling. Hierbij worden zorgprofessionals begeleid bij het werken volgens het Hipper behandelprotocol zodat dit deel uit gaat maken van reguliere zorg. De inhoud van de ondersteuning zal bestaan uit het aanbieden van scholing en begeleiding. Het robuuster maken van het systeem vindt plaats in een parallel lopend project.
Aerogel fibers consist of up to 99.9% of air which leads to outstanding insulation proper-ties for e.g. house construction. The simple use of aerogel fibers as wallpaper could lead to 25% energy savings. According to calculations of Advanced Manufacturing Office, energy savings of 1% saves 7500 million gallons of gasoline every year in the USA which equals, depending on the oil price, more than 18 billon USD. In this KIEM project, the cellulose purity needed to be able to spin cellulose into a fila-ment for aerogel production will be determined. Cellulose is the most abundant polymer on the planet. In principle, cellulose-based aerogels could replace petroleum-based and partly toxic polystyrene which is currently used for insulation purposes and which leads to toxic waste. The cellulosic starting material is generated via the “Beta process” as developed by a company called DSD. The “Beta process” offers an efficient way of generating ethanol from sugar beets. The by-product of that process contains cellulose, pectines and hemi-cellulose. To be able to use this mixture for wet spinning, this mixture needs to be puri-fied. Researchers and students from Zuyd University of Applied Sciences will, in collabora-tion with DSD, pursue the purification of the waste stream material in the labs of the Centre of Expertise CHILL. Next, the obtained cellulose grades will be processed as spinning dope in a wet spinning process on lab scale with up to 60 ml per batch at AMI-BM. The results will be used as feedback for the purification process. Several possible partners such as DSD, ACRRES (Application Center for Renewable Resources), Technoforce (extraction), Greenfields (fermentation) and VAM (washing in-stallations) show high interest for the up-scaling of the process and for the validation and implementation in the built environment, showing the feasibility a follow-up project.