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© 2025 SURF
Allereerst verkent dit artikel het begrip human resource management en wordt vraag de beantwoord wat de bouwstenen van het vak zijn. Daarna wordt kritisch ingegaan op HRMdenken vanuit een complexiteitsbenadering. Vervolgens worden zeven perspectieven geschetst om naar HRM en met name naar de interactie tussen mensen in organisaties te kijken.
Although the attention for neurodiversity in human resource management (HRM) is growing, neurodivergent individuals are still primarily supported from a deficit-oriented paradigm, which points towards individuals' deviation from neurotypical norms. Following the HRM process model, our study explored to what extent a strengths-based HRM approach to the identification, use, and development of strengths of neurodivergent groups is intended, implemented, and perceived in organizations. Thirty participants were interviewed, including HRM professionals (n=15), supervisors of neurodivergent employees (n=4), and neurodivergent employees (n=11). Our findings show that there is significant potential in embracing the strengths-based approach to promote neurodiversity-inclusion, for instance with the use of job crafting practices or (awareness) training to promote strengths use. Still, the acknowledgement of neurodivergent individuals' strengths in the workplace depends on the integration of the strengths-based approach into a supportive framework of HR practices related to strengths identification, use, and development. Here, particular attention should be dedicated to strengths development for neurodivergent employees (e.g., optimally balancing strengths use). By adopting the strengths-based HRM approach to neurodiversity as a means of challenging the ableist norms of organizations, we add to the HRM literature by contributing to the discussion on how both research and organizations can optimally support an increasingly diverse workforce by focusing on individual strengths
Human Resource Management (HRM) is widely believed to have a positive effect on the performance of company. However, empirical proof of this is hard to come by. In this study, we try to establish a linkage between HRM and financial output of two case studies in the profit sector. To do this, we have developed a performance measurement system that is tailored to the specific needs of measuring HRM-performance in for-profit of company. Although we do not try to generalize the outcome of this study, it looks promising in the way that more case studies should be conducted using this specific performance measurement system. If nothing else, management and controllers could use the system to evaluate the performance of their HRM-tools.