Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Automated Analysis of Human Performance Data could help to understand and possibly predict the performance of the human. To inform future research and enable Automated Analysis of Human Performance Data a systematic mapping study (scoping study) on the state-of-the-art knowledge is performed on three interconnected components(i)Human Performance (ii) Monitoring Human Performance and (iii) Automated Data Analysis. Using a systematic method of Kitchenham and Charters for performing the systematic mapping study, resulted in a comprehensive search for studies and a categorisation the studies using a qualitative method. This systematic mapping review extends the philosophy of Shyr and Spisic, and Knuth and represents the state-of-art knowledge on Human Performance,Monitoring Human Performance and Automated Data Analysis
A substantial amount of studies have addressed the influence of sound on human performance. In many of these, however, the large acoustic differences between experimental conditions prevent a direct translation of the results to realistic effects of room acoustic interventions. This review identifies those studies which can be, in principle, translated to (changes in) room acoustic parameters and adds to the knowledge about the influence of the indoor sound environment on people. The review procedure is based on the effect room acoustics can have on the relevant quantifiers of the sound environment in a room or space. 272 papers containing empirical findings on the influence of sound or noise on some measure of human performance were found. Of these, only 12 papers complied with this review's criteria. A conceptual framework is suggested based on the analysis of results, positioning the role of room acoustics in the influence of sound on task performance. Furthermore, valuable insights are pre- sented that can be used in future studies on this topic. Whi le the influence of the sound environment on performance is clearly an issue in many situations, evidence regarding the effectiveness of strategies to control the sound environment by room acoustic design is lacking and should be a focus area in future studies.
Allereerst verkent dit artikel het begrip human resource management en wordt vraag de beantwoord wat de bouwstenen van het vak zijn. Daarna wordt kritisch ingegaan op HRMdenken vanuit een complexiteitsbenadering. Vervolgens worden zeven perspectieven geschetst om naar HRM en met name naar de interactie tussen mensen in organisaties te kijken.
Het lopen van een marathon wordt steeds populairder. Naast de vele positieve gezondheidseffecten van duurinspanning, kan duurinspanning ook gepaard gaan met maagdarmklachten. Zo’n 30-90% van de hardlopers heeft last van maagdarmklachten tijdens of in de uren na het hardlopen. Het ontstaan van maagdarmklachten heeft waarschijnlijk te maken met de herverdeling van het bloedvolume, resulterend in minder bloedtoevoer naar het spijsverteringskanaal en een minder goed functionerende darmbarrière. Doordat de darmbarrière minder goed functioneert kunnen er ongewenste stoffen (endotoxinen) de bloedbaan intreden en voor ontstekingsreacties zorgen. De vele micro-organismen in onze darm, gezamenlijk onze darmmicrobiota genoemd, zijn van invloed op de voedselvertering, maar ook op het functioneren van de cellen die de darmwand bekleden en de verbindingen tussen deze cellen. Mogelijk hebben hardlopers met maagdarmklachten tijdens duurinspanning te maken met een afwijkende samenstelling van de darmmicrobiota en/of metabolieten ten opzichte van hardlopers zonder klachten, waardoor de darmbarrière minder goed functioneert en er problemen kunnen optreden. Vandaar dat het voornaamste doel van ons onderzoeksproject is om te onderzoeken of er een relatie bestaat tussen de samenstelling van de darmmicrobiota en/of metabolieten en het ontstaan van maagdarmklachten tijdens duurinspanning. De onderzoeksvragen die zullen worden bestudeerd zijn: 1) Verschilt de samenstelling van de darmmicrobiota en/of metabolieten van hardlopers die wel en niet last krijgen van maagdarmklachten tijdens het lopen van een marathon? En zo ja, hoe? 2) Kan de samenstelling van de darmmicrobiota en/of metabolieten van getrainde sporters die maagdarmklachten ervaren tijdens duurinspanning positief beïnvloed worden door probiotica-suppletie, zodat de kans op en/of intensiteit van maagdarmklachten tijdens duurinspanning wordt verminderd en de sportprestatie verbeterd? Het onderzoeksproject richt zich op de identificatie van sporters die last hebben van maagdarmklachten tijdens duurinspanning. We hopen met de beoogde resultaten bij te kunnen dragen aan op de persoon gerichte preventie van maagdarmklachten door het aanpassen van de darmmicrobiota.
Due to the existing pressure for a more rational use of the water, many public managers and industries have to re-think/adapt their processes towards a more circular approach. Such pressure is even more critical in the Rio Doce region, Minas Gerais, due to the large environmental accident occurred in 2015. Cenibra (pulp mill) is an example of such industries due to the fact that it is situated in the river basin and that it has a water demanding process. The current proposal is meant as an academic and engineering study to propose possible solutions to decrease the total water consumption of the mill and, thus, decrease the total stress on the Rio Doce basin. The work will be divided in three working packages, namely: (i) evaluation (modelling) of the mill process and water balance (ii) application and operation of a pilot scale wastewater treatment plant (iii) analysis of the impacts caused by the improvement of the process. The second work package will also be conducted (in parallel) with a lab scale setup in The Netherlands to allow fast adjustments and broaden evaluation of the setup/process performance. The actions will focus on reducing the mill total water consumption in 20%.
The focus of the research is 'Automated Analysis of Human Performance Data'. The three interconnected main components are (i)Human Performance (ii) Monitoring Human Performance and (iii) Automated Data Analysis . Human Performance is both the process and result of the person interacting with context to engage in tasks, whereas the performance range is determined by the interaction between the person and the context. Cheap and reliable wearable sensors allow for gathering large amounts of data, which is very useful for understanding, and possibly predicting, the performance of the user. Given the amount of data generated by such sensors, manual analysis becomes infeasible; tools should be devised for performing automated analysis looking for patterns, features, and anomalies. Such tools can help transform wearable sensors into reliable high resolution devices and help experts analyse wearable sensor data in the context of human performance, and use it for diagnosis and intervention purposes. Shyr and Spisic describe Automated Data Analysis as follows: Automated data analysis provides a systematic process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modelling data with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions and supporting decision making for further analysis. Their philosophy is to do the tedious part of the work automatically, and allow experts to focus on performing their research and applying their domain knowledge. However, automated data analysis means that the system has to teach itself to interpret interim results and do iterations. Knuth stated: Science is knowledge which we understand so well that we can teach it to a computer; and if we don't fully understand something, it is an art to deal with it.[Knuth, 1974]. The knowledge on Human Performance and its Monitoring is to be 'taught' to the system. To be able to construct automated analysis systems, an overview of the essential processes and components of these systems is needed.Knuth Since the notion of an algorithm or a computer program provides us with an extremely useful test for the depth of our knowledge about any given subject, the process of going from an art to a science means that we learn how to automate something.