Dienst van SURF
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Lectorale rede van Thomas Thijssen, uitgesproken op donderdag 18 november 2010.Bijten of versterken Hospitality en Business elkaar?
This study investigates factors predicting hospitality management students’ intention to enter employment in the hospitality industry upon graduation. Survey data were collected from 591 hospitality management students in a hotel management school in the Netherlands. Results of multiple regression analyses showed that study progress negatively predicted, while preferences for large organisations, engaging work content and growth opportunities positively predicted students’ intention to enter the hospitality industry. Supplementary analyses further revealed that among higher study year students, growth opportunity was the most crucial predictor for intention to enter the industry. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.
Change has become continuous, and innovation is a primary approach for hospitality, i.e., hotel companies, to become or remain economically viable and sustainable. An increasing number of management researchers are paying more attention to workplace rather than technological innovation. This study investigates workplace innovation in the Dutch hotel industry, in three- and four-star hotels in the Netherlands, by comparing them to other industries. Two samples were questioned using the Workplace Innovation survey created by the Dutch Network of Social Innovation (NSI). The first was conducted in the hospitality industry, and these data were compared with data collected in a sample of other industries. Results suggest that greater strategic orientation on workplace innovation and talent development has a positive influence on four factors of organizational performance. Greater internal rates of change, the ability to self-organize, and investment in knowledge also had positive influences on three of the factors—growth in revenue, sustainability, and absenteeism. Results also suggest that the hospitality industry has lower workplace innovation than other industries. However, no recent research has assessed to what degree the hospitality industry fosters workplace innovation, especially in the Netherlands. Next to that, only few studies have examined management in the Dutch hotel industry, how workplace innovation is used there, and whether it improves practices.
Development of European Curriculum and multiple degree Master programme in the field of sustainable outdoor hospitality management.
De innovatiewerkplaats Campus Design (CD) richt zich op de duurzame ontwikkeling (SDG) van de campus door middel van praktijkgerichte oplossingen en onderzoek. Vanuit het lectoraat Facility Management van de Hanze, werkt CD samen met kennis- en onderwijsinstellingen, overheden en het bedrijfsleven, bijvoorbeeld om de kwaliteit, gastvrijheid en inclusiviteit te verbeteren zodat iedereen zich welkom voelt op de campus. CD streeft naar een betere aansluiting tussen de ruimte en organisatie op de campus; ook de vergroening en biodiversiteit rekenen we daartoe. Dit doen we door praktijkvragen van onderwijsinstellingen en het bedrijfsleven te koppelen aan praktijkgericht onderzoek van onze senior-onderzoekers, onderzoekers, docenten en studenten, onder meer in architectuur, facility management, gastvrijheid, kunsten en vastgoed. Onze multidisciplinaire aanpak is zeer actiegericht; we willen de campuspraktijk écht veranderen en laten zien dat het betaalbaar is én werkt. We zorgen er dus voor dat oplossingen niet alleen theoretisch en empirisch uitstekend onderbouwd zijn, maar vooral ook praktisch toepasbaar en bewijsbaar beter. Door de goede samenwerking met onze partners, genereert CD oplossingen die onderwijsinstellingen inspireren en hen helpen de SDG te implementeren.
Despite Dutch Hospitality industry’s significant economic value, employers struggle to attract and retain early career professionals at a time when tourism is forecasted to grow exponentially (Ruël, 2018). Universally, hospitality management graduates are shunning hospitality careers preferring other career paths; stimulating the Dutch Hospitality to find innovative ways of attracting and retaining early career professionals. Following calls from the Human Resource Management (HRM) community (Ehnert, 2009), we attribute this trend to personnel being depicted as rentable resources, driving profit’’ often at personal expense. For example, hotels primarily employ immigrants and students for a minimum wage suppressing salaries of local talent (Kusluvan, et al 2010, O’Relly and Pfeffer, 2010). Similarly, flattening organizational structures have eliminated management positions, placing responsibility on inexperienced shoulders, with vacancies commonly filled by pressured employees accepting unpaid overtime jeopardizing their work life balance (Davidson, et al 2010,). These HRM practices fuel attrition by exposing early career professionals to burnout (Baum et al, 2016, Goh et al, 2015, Deery and Jog, 2009). Collectively this has eroded the industry’s employer brand, now characterized by unsocial working hours, poor compensation, limited career opportunities, low professional standing, high turnover and substance abuse (Mooney et al, 2016, Gehrels and de Looij, 2011). In contrast, Sustainable HRM “enables an organizational goal achievement while simultaneously reproducing the human resource base over a long-lasting calendar time (Ehnert, 2009, p. 74).” Hence, to overcome this barrier we suggest embracing the ROC framework (Prins et al, 2014), which (R)espects internal stakeholders, embraces an (O)pen HRM approach while ensuring (C)ontinuity of economic and societal sustainability which could overcome this barrier. Accordingly, we will employ field research, narrative discourse, survey analysis and quarterly workshops with industry partners, employees, union representatives, hotel school students to develop sustainable HRM practices attracting and retaining career professionals to pursue Dutch hospitality careers.