Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Op basis van een uitgebreide literatuurstudie, 25 interviews met gebiedspartijen in Midden-Delfland en een aantal multi-stakeholders workshops is in kaart gebracht hoe een gebiedsgerichte aanpak gericht op landschapinclusieve kringlooplandbouw in Midden-Delfland vorm krijgt dan wel versterkt kan worden. Hiervoor is de Transitiebloem-aanpak (TBA) gebruikt als holistische, transdisciplinaire en praktijkgerichte transitiebenadering. Deze benadering helpt gebiedspartijen bij het realiseren van een integrale systeemaanpak en collectief handelingsperspectief gericht op de samenhang van verschillende gebiedsopgaven met betrekking tot landbouw, water, voedsel, bodem, biodiversiteit, energie, klimaat, erfgoed, stadplattelandrelaties en economie.
The need of an adaptive sustainable solution for the increased land scarcity, growing urbanization, climate change and flood risks resulted in the concept of the floating urbanization. In The Netherlands this new type of housing attracted the interest of local authorities, municipalities and water boards. Moreover, plans to incorporate floating houses in the urban planning have already been developed. However, the knowledge gap regarding the potential effect on the water quality halts the further development of the floating houses. This paper shows the results of a water quality measurement campaign, as part of the national program “Knowledge for climate”, at a small floating houses project in Delft and serves as a case study for addressing the environmental-ecological knowledge gap on this topic.
The need of an adaptive sustainable solution for the increased land scarcity, growing urbanization, climate change and flood risks resulted in the concept of the floating urbanization. In The Netherlands this new type of housing attracted the interest of local authorities, municipalities and water boards. Moreover, plans to incorporate floating houses in the urban planning have already been developed. However, the knowledge gap regarding the potential effect on the water quality halts the further development of the floating houses. This paper shows the results of a water quality measurement campaign, as part of the national program “Knowledge for climate”, at a small floating houses project in Delft and serves as a case study for addressing the environmental-ecological knowledge gap on this topic.