In this study we measured the performance times on the Wheelchair Mobility Performance (WMP) test during different test conditions to see if the performance times changed when wheelchair settings were changed. The overall performance time on the WMP test increased when the tire pressure was reduced and also when extra mass was attached to the wheelchair. It can be concluded that the WMP test is sensitive to changes in wheelchair settings. It is recommended to use this field-based test in further research to investigate the effect of wheelchair settings on mobility performance time. Objective: The Wheelchair Mobility Performance (WMP) test is a reliable and valid measure to assess mobility performance in wheelchair basketball. The aim of this study was to examine the sensitivity to change of the WMP test by manipulating wheelchair configurations. Methods: Sixteen wheelchair basketball players performed the WMP test 3 times in their own wheelchair: (i) without adjustments (“control condition”); (ii) with 10 kg additional mass (“weighted condition”); and (iii) with 50% reduced tyre pressure (“tyre condition”). The outcome measure was time (s). If paired t-tests were significant (p < 0.05) and differences between conditions were larger than the standard error of measurement, the effect sizes (ES) were used to evaluate the sensitivity to change. ES values ≥0.2 were regarded as sensitive to change. Results: The overall performance times for the manipulations were significantly higher than the control condition, with mean differences of 4.40 s (weight – control, ES = 0.44) and 2.81 s (tyre – control, ES = 0.27). The overall performance time on the WMP test was judged as sensitive to change. For 8 of the 15 separate tasks on the WMP test, the tasks were judged as sensitive to change for at least one of the manipulations. Conclusion: The WMP test can detect change in mobility performance when wheelchair configurations are manipulated.
Veel organisaties hebben de afgelopen jaren geïnvesteerd in een gezondere werkomgeving. Steeds meer aandacht gaat uit naar preventieve maatregelen om de gezondheid en het welzijn van werknemers op kantoor te verbeteren. Denk aan een goede inrichting, een gezond binnenklimaat, het stimuleren van vitaliteit, sociale verbondenheid en werkgeluk en het tegengaan van stress. Dit is niet alleen van belang voor individuele werknemers, maar ook voor organisaties, want: gezondheid, welzijn en productiviteit gaan samen op. Waar tot nu toe echter nog weinig aandacht voor is, is dat werknemers onderling verschillen, en dat zij dus ook verschillen in hun behoeften ten aanzien van de werkplek. Door in de werkomgeving beter in te spelen op individuele verschillen kunnen werknemers effectiever werken en worden bovendien diversiteit en inclusiviteit gestimuleerd. Een belangrijke, maar nog weinig onderzochte dimensie waar mensen op kunnen verschillen is de mate waarin zij gevoelig zijn voor prikkels en omgevingsinvloeden, oftewel: omgevingssensitiviteit. De recente ontwikkelingen rondom COVID-19, hybride werken en de ingrijpende veranderingen in de plekken waar mensen werken, maken nieuwe kennis over de effecten van omgevingssensitiviteit in de werkomgeving extra urgent. Tijdens dit postdocproject wordt in kaart gebracht wat effecten van omgevingssensitiviteit in de werkomgeving zijn, welke behoeften werknemers met een hoge omgevingssensitiviteit hebben, en hoe hierop het beste kan worden ingespeeld door aanpassingen in de werkomgeving.
Point-of-Care devices are broadly viewed as an important contribution to reduce the costs in our healthcare system. Cheap, quick, and reliable testing close to the point of need, can help early detection and thus reduce treatment costs, while improving the quality of life. An important challenge in the realization is the development of the individual cartridges that should be produced in large quantities at low costs. Especially for applications where high sensitivity is required, these cartrgidges will typically have a complex design. In this project we want to develop a manufacturing strategy for large scale production of cartridges based on photonic sensing chips, currently the most sensitive sensors available. A typical sensor cartridge with photonic sensors would comprise the sensor chip, an interface with active components (light source and detectors), the bio-active layer that captures the biomarkers to be detected and a protective package. In addition, there is the choice to integrate the active components in the package (making the interface an electrical one) or placing them in the read-out unit (making the interface an optical one). Finally, testing of the sensor cartridges should also be part of the process. A suitable manufacturing strategy would offer the lowest total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) of the production and use of the cartrdiges. Important in the considereations is that steps can be carried out at the wafer level, at the die level, and at the cartridge level. Because choices for a specific solution will strongly influence the possibilities for other steps, the development of a producitons strategy is far from straightforward. In this project we want to study the possibilities of the individual processes at the three levels mentioned (wafer, die, and cartridge), and in parallel develop a theoretical framework for finding the best strategy in this type of complex production processes.
Wildlife crime is an important driver of biodiversity loss and disrupts the social and economic activities of local communities. During the last decade, poaching of charismatic megafauna, such as elephant and rhino, has increased strongly, driving these species to the brink of extinction. Early detection of poachers will strengthen the necessary law enforcement of park rangers in their battle against poaching. Internationally, innovative, high tech solutions are sought after to prevent poaching, such as wireless sensor networks where animals function as sensors. Movement of individuals of widely abundant, non-threatened wildlife species, for example, can be remotely monitored ‘real time’ using GPS-sensors. Deviations in movement of these species can be used to indicate the presence of poachers and prevent poaching. However, the discriminative power of the present movement sensor networks is limited. Recent advancements in biosensors led to the development of instruments that can remotely measure animal behaviour and physiology. These biosensors contribute to the sensitivity and specificity of such early warning system. Moreover, miniaturization and low cost production of sensors have increased the possibilities to measure multiple animals in a herd at the same time. Incorporating data about within-herd spatial position, group size and group composition will improve the successful detection of poachers. Our objective is to develop a wireless network of multiple sensors for sensing alarm responses of ungulate herds to prevent poaching of rhinos and elephants.