Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Background: Dependency in activities of daily living (ADL) might be caused by multidimensional frailty. Prevention is important as ADL dependency might threaten the ability to age in place. Therefore, this study aimed to assess whether protective factors, derived from a systematic literature review, moderate the relationship between multidimensional frailty and ADL dependency, and whether this differs across age groups. Methods: A longitudinal study with a follow–up after 24 months was conducted among 1027 communitydwelling people aged ≥65 years. Multidimensional frailty was measured with the Tilburg Frailty Indicator, and ADL dependency with the ADL subscale from the Groningen Activity Restriction Scale. Other measures included socio-demographic characteristics and seven protective factors against ADL dependency, such as physical activity and non-smoking. Logistic regression analyses with interaction terms were conducted. Results: Frail older people had a twofold risk of developing ADL dependency after 24 months in comparison to non-frail older people (OR=2.12, 95% CI=1.45–3.00). The selected protective factors against ADL dependency did not significantly moderate this relationship. Nonetheless, higher levels of physical activity decreased the risk of becoming ADL dependent (OR=0.67, 95% CI=0.46–0.98), as well as having sufficient financial resources (OR=0.49, 95% CI=0.35–0.71). Conclusion: Multidimensional frail older people have a higher risk of developing ADL dependency. The studied protective factors against ADL dependency did not significantly moderate this relationship.
Entrepreneurs are likely to be victims of ransomware. Previous studies have found that entrepreneurs tend to adopt few preventive measures, thereby increasing their chances of victimization. Due to a lack of research, however, not much is known about why entrepreneurs lack self-protective behaviors and how they can be encouraged to change said behaviors. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explain, by means of an extended model of the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT), the motivation for entrepreneurs using protective measures against ransomware in the future. The data for our study were collected thanks to a questionnaire that was answered by 1,020 Dutch entrepreneurs with up to 250 employees. Our Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis revealed that entrepreneurs are more likely to take preventive measures against ransomware if they perceive the risk of ransomware as severe (perceived severity), if they perceive their company as being vulnerable (perceived vulnerability), if they are concerned about the risks (affective response), and if they think that the people and companies around them expect them to apply preventive measures (subjective norms). However, if entrepreneurs think that they are capable of handling the risk (self-efficacy) and are convinced that their adopted preventive measures are effective (response efficacy), they are less likely to take preventive measures. Furthermore, for entrepreneurs that outsource IT security, the significant effect of perceived vulnerability and subjective norms disappears. The likelihood of entrepreneurs protecting their business against ransomware is thus influenced by a complex interplay of various motivational factors and is partly dependent on the business’ characteristics. Based on these findings, we will discuss security professionals’ prospects for increasing the cyber resilience of entrepreneurs, thus preventing cybercrime victimization.
Het lectoraat wil komen tot gezonde en veilige voedingsmiddelen voor doelgroepen die verschillen in voedingsbehoefte. Voeding is een ketenproduct. Verduurzaming van die keten is een tweede zwaartepunt. Een derde taak ligt in de netwerkfunctie en het steunen van regionale ontwikkelingen. Het lectoraat is actief in het toepassen van fundamentele kennis samen met het MKB. Anne Schaafsma is sinds 1978 in dienst bij FrieslandCampina en bekleedt sinds 2000 de functie van Senior Scientist Nutrition. Schaafsma is gespecialiseerd in kindervoeding en de invloed die het heeft op de ontwikkeling van hersenen en immuunsysteem. Als lector is Anne Schaafsma voor 2,5 dag per week bij Van Hall Larenstein in Leeuwarden gedetacheerd. Binnen het lectoraat werken de lector Food Safety (Anne Schaafsma) en associate lector Health & Food (Feike van der Leij) nauw samen. De lectoren willen fundamentele kennis benutten om te komen tot gezondere voedingsmiddelen voor doelgroepen die verschillen in leeftijd en voedingsbehoefte. Het betreft vooral kennis over moleculaire processen in het menselijk lichaam en de invloed van voedingscomponenten daarop.
Point-of-Care devices are broadly viewed as an important contribution to reduce the costs in our healthcare system. Cheap, quick, and reliable testing close to the point of need, can help early detection and thus reduce treatment costs, while improving the quality of life. An important challenge in the realization is the development of the individual cartridges that should be produced in large quantities at low costs. Especially for applications where high sensitivity is required, these cartrgidges will typically have a complex design. In this project we want to develop a manufacturing strategy for large scale production of cartridges based on photonic sensing chips, currently the most sensitive sensors available. A typical sensor cartridge with photonic sensors would comprise the sensor chip, an interface with active components (light source and detectors), the bio-active layer that captures the biomarkers to be detected and a protective package. In addition, there is the choice to integrate the active components in the package (making the interface an electrical one) or placing them in the read-out unit (making the interface an optical one). Finally, testing of the sensor cartridges should also be part of the process. A suitable manufacturing strategy would offer the lowest total-cost-of-ownership (TCO) of the production and use of the cartrdiges. Important in the considereations is that steps can be carried out at the wafer level, at the die level, and at the cartridge level. Because choices for a specific solution will strongly influence the possibilities for other steps, the development of a producitons strategy is far from straightforward. In this project we want to study the possibilities of the individual processes at the three levels mentioned (wafer, die, and cartridge), and in parallel develop a theoretical framework for finding the best strategy in this type of complex production processes.