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This article takes the 3rd Global Survey Report of the International Association of Universities (IAU) as a starting point. The results of this worldwide survey were published in September 2010. The article discusses four questions from the survey that include internationalisation at Home (IaH) and internationalisation of the curriculum as response items. outcomes of these four questions are commented on and, where relevant and possible, compared to the results of the previous survey, which was conducted in 2005 and published in 2006. It is argued that the sections of the Global Survey that mention internationalisation of the curriculum and IaH use terminology that is not always adequate for the purpose and at times even seems contradictory. The Global Survey includes a question on internal obstacles to internationalisation, which will also be discussed here. These obstacles include the lack of engagement and limited expertise of academic staff in relation to the internationalisation process. The response items for this question do not connect these obstacles to internationalisation of the curriculum explicitly, but it is argued here that a relationship indeed exists. The same is true for issues around foreign language proficiency, which may have a strong impact on internationalisation of the home curriculum. In the conclusion, several additional questions are raised that could serve to get a clearer picture of the development of internationalisation of the curriculum in a global perspective.
The international classroom is presumably a far more effective learning environment for the acquisition of intercultural competence when students receive adequate training to make the most of their intercultural encounters. This paper provides a summary of the intercultural training taught to first-year students of an international programme in The Hague University of Applied Sciences. The purpose of the paper is to investigate how the students respond to this intercultural training as well as what signs of intercultural awareness they show after completing the course. The findings were obtained via qualitative methods such as semi-structured interviews, observations and student homework assignments. Overall, students evaluate the training positively. Furthermore, students show some awareness of the necessary ingredients for effective intercultural communication in the international classroom as well as of the challenging nature of this communication due to cultural diversity. Finally, this paper provides recommendations from the facilitators on stimulating intercultural learning in the international classroom.
Stel dat vijf mensen uit verschillende domeinen en met verschillende nationaliteiten samenwerken aan een praktijkopdracht in Den Haag. Eén van de groepsleden is Guido, een ICT-student uit Italië en een andere is Marie, verpleegkundedocent van de Academie voor Gezondheid van De Haagse Hogeschool (HHS). Verder zitten Jeremy, een Nederlandse student Voeding en Diëtetiek, Indy een internationale student Social Work uit India en Marja, de Finse gastdocente, in de projectgroep. Wanneer deze mensen, vanuit verschillende kennisdomeinen en met verschillende nationaliteiten samenwerken aan een echte praktijkopdracht kunnen ze niet alleen veel van elkaar leren, maar ook de beroepspraktijk een stapje verder helpen. In dit artikel wordt het ontwerp van een internationaal global health programma van De Haagse Hogeschool gepresenteerd, waarvan de pilot is afgerond. In april verscheen het artikel 'Het ontwerpen van een internationaal global health programma' in Onderwijs en gezondheidzorg, uitgave van het kennisplatform voor opleiders in de zorg, nummer 3, april 2014, zie www.onderwijsengezondheidszorg.nl