Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
There is an upsurge in the use of mobile phones among higher education students in Ghana, which may result in the nomophobia prevalence with the students. Therefore, the need to assess the influence of nomophobia within the student population in Ghana. This descriptive cross-sectional study investigated the prevalence of nomophobia and the sociodemographic variables, and the association with academic achievement of the understudied population. A self-reporting nomophobia questionnaire, composed of 20 dimensions, was answered by 670 university students to measure the nomophobia prevalence. Raw data were estimated using descriptive statistics, and one-way ANOVA and Independent T-test. While the findings showed diverse grades of nomophobia, statistical significance between academic achievement and the level of nomophobia was observed. This study concludes that there is a high nomophobia prevalence among university students in Ghana as the use of smartphones increases. However, follow-up studies should be conducted in Ghanaian universities to monitor nomophobia and its associates in order to reduce the adverse effects of habitual use of smartphones.
This article describes a study profiling 241 attendees to the 2014 masquerade festival in Winneba in Southern Ghana according to their support for and past membership of the competing masquerade groups. Three cohorts of attendees were used to highlight the differences that exist in terms of their demographics and trip/event profile, information sources, and how satisfied they were with various facilities and services provided by the event organizers. The study found that two cohorts belonged to or supported a masquerade group while the majority neither belonged to nor supported a masquerade group nor ever been masqueraders. The demographic profile of the majority subsample showed they were likely to be female, young, employed with above-average incomes and educational attainment. Their main source of information on the festival was friends, and they also tended to be intolerable of the long ticket queues and other appalling conditions of the event venue more than the other subgroups and this had implications for marketing and product development
Relatively little empirical research has been conducted on impacts of volunteer tourism in local communities. This paper therefore focuses on the local consequences of volunteer tourism for two projects in Tamale, Ghana: Zion Primary School and Tamale Children's Home. A practice approach provides a useful theoretical framework to investigate how volunteers and local actors interact in these projects. In a practice approach, interactions become central to the analysis, highlighting the ways in which volunteers, local people and the local context mutually influence one another. Observations and interviews with volunteers and local actors were used to identify positive and negative consequences of their interactions, which are strongly interlinked and depend on routines, backgrounds and positions of the actors, and contextual conditions. The consequences of volunteer practices are also linked to other current and future practices. A practice approach provides insights into complex situations and may be more suited to analysing the impacts of volunteer tourism than a traditional mono-disciplinary focus.
In veel Afrikaanse landen zien we een inperking van de maatschappelijke ruimte (‘civic space’). Deze ruimte is cruciaal om in democratische staten transparantie, vrijheid van meningsuiting en verantwoording van bestuur te realiseren. In een steeds sterke digitaliserende maatschappij wordt toegang tot digitale middelen een mensenrecht. Daar waar regeringen proberen hun burgers en organisaties dat recht tot digitale informatievoorziening en –uitwisselingen te ontnemen komen de Sustainable Development Goals in het gedrang. Doel African Digital Rights Network (ADRN) wil inzicht verkrijgen in de stakeholders ne technologieën die betrokken zijn net het openen of onderdrukken van de online maatschappelijke ruimte (‘civic space’). Het netwerk beoogt bij te dragen aam empowerment van burgers om hun digitale mensenrechten uit te oefenen. Resultaten ADRN heeft een vergelijkende studie van 10 Afrikaanse landen uitgevoerd naar het gebruik van digitale technologieën voor het openen of onderdrukken van de online maatschappelijke ruimte (‘civic space’). Het project heeft onder andere geleidt tot de volgende publicatie: Mapping the Supply of Surveillance Technologies to Africa: Case Studies from Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco, Malawi, and Zambia Looptijd 01 mei 2020 - 20 april 2021 Aanpak ADRN organiseert een netwerk van onderzoekers, analisten, digitale rechtenorganisaties en activisten om de dynamiek van het openen en onderdrukken van de digitale maatschappelijke ruimte in kaart te brengen. Het netwerk bouwt op een interdisciplinaire onderzoeksaanpak o.l.v. het Institute for Development Studies, een vooraanstaand onderzoeksinstituut. Relevantie van het project Het onderzoek leidt tot aanbevelingen voor o.a. beleidsmakers en maatschappelijke organisaties ter bevordering van de digitale maatschappelijke ruimte. Daarnaast worden digitale tools en trainingsmateriaal gefaciliteerd voor het monitoren van ontwikkelingen en dreigingen van de digitale maatschappelijke ruimte. CofinancieringDit onderzoek wordt gefinancierd door UKRI - GCRF Digital Innovation for Development in Africa (DIDA)Meer weten? UKRI GCRF: African Digital Rights Network Website ADRN