Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
With summaries in Dutch, Esperanto and English. DOI: 10.4233/uuid:d7132920-346e-47c6-b754-00dc5672b437 "The subject of this study is deformation analysis of the earth's surface (or part of it) and spatial objects on, above or below it. Such analyses are needed in many domains of society. Geodetic deformation analysis uses various types of geodetic measurements to substantiate statements about changes in geometric positions.Professional practice, e.g. in the Netherlands, regularly applies methods for geodetic deformation analysis that have shortcomings, e.g. because the methods apply substandard analysis models or defective testing methods. These shortcomings hamper communication about the results of deformation analyses with the various parties involved. To improve communication solid analysis models and a common language have to be used, which requires standardisation.Operational demands for geodetic deformation analysis are the reason to formulate in this study seven characteristic elements that a solid analysis model needs to possess. Such a model can handle time series of several epochs. It analyses only size and form, not position and orientation of the reference system; and datum points may be under influence of deformation. The geodetic and physical models are combined in one adjustment model. Full use is made of available stochastic information. Statistical testing and computation of minimal detectable deformations is incorporated. Solution methods can handle rank deficient matrices (both model matrix and cofactor matrix). And, finally, a search for the best hypothesis/model is implemented. Because a geodetic deformation analysis model with all seven elements does not exist, this study develops such a model.For effective standardisation geodetic deformation analysis models need: practical key performance indicators; a clear procedure for using the model; and the possibility to graphically visualise the estimated deformations."
Author supplied: "This paper gives a linearised adjustment model for the affine, similarity and congruence transformations in 3D that is easily extendable with other parameters to describe deformations. The model considers all coordinates stochastic. Full positive semi-definite covariance matrices and correlation between epochs can be handled. The determination of transformation parameters between two or more coordinate sets, determined by geodetic monitoring measurements, can be handled as a least squares adjustment problem. It can be solved without linearisation of the functional model, if it concerns an affine, similarity or congruence transformation in one-, two- or three-dimensional space. If the functional model describes more than such a transformation, it is hardly ever possible to find a direct solution for the transformation parameters. Linearisation of the functional model and applying least squares formulas is then an appropriate mode of working. The adjustment model is given as a model of observation equations with constraints on the parameters. The starting point is the affine transformation, whose parameters are constrained to get the parameters of the similarity or congruence transformation. In this way the use of Euler angles is avoided. Because the model is linearised, iteration is necessary to get the final solution. In each iteration step approximate coordinates are necessary that fulfil the constraints. For the affine transformation it is easy to get approximate coordinates. For the similarity and congruence transformation the approximate coordinates have to comply to constraints. To achieve this, use is made of the singular value decomposition of the rotation matrix. To show the effectiveness of the proposed adjustment model total station measurements in two epochs of monitored buildings are analysed. Coordinate sets with full, rank deficient covariance matrices are determined from the measurements and adjusted with the proposed model. Testing the adjustment for deformations results in detection of the simulated deformations."