Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Postural control during quiet standing was examined in typical children (TD) and children with cerebral palsy (CP) level I and II of GMFCS. The immediate effect on postural control of functional taping on the thighs was analyzed. We evaluated 43 TD, 17 CP children level I, and 10 CP children level II. Participants were evaluated in two conditions (with and without taping). The trajectories of the center of pressure (COP) were analyzed by means of conventional posturography (sway amplitude, sway-path-length) and dynamic posturography (degree of twisting-and-turning, sway regularity). Both CP groups showed larger sway amplitude than the TD while only the CP level II showed more regular COP trajectories with less twisting-and-turning. Functional taping didn’t affect sway amplitude or sway-path-length. TD children exhibited more twisting-and-turning with functional taping, whereas no effects on postural sway dynamics were observed in CP children. Functional taping doesn’t result in immediate changes in quiet stance in CP children, whereas in TD it resulted in faster sway corrections. Children level II invest more attention in postural control than level I, and TD. While quiet standing was more automatized in children level I than in level II, both CP groups showed a less stable balance than TD.
BACKGROUND: Generalized Joint Hypermobility (GJH) has been found to be associated with musculoskeletal complaints and disability. For others GJH is seen as a prerequisite in order to excel in certain sports like dance. However, it remains unclear what the role is of GJH in human performance. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to establish the association between GJH and functional status and to explore the contribution of physical fitness and musculoskeletal complaints to this association.METHODS: A total of 72 female participants (mean age (SD; range): 19.6 (2.2; 17-24)) were recruited among students from the Amsterdam School of Health Professions (ASHP) (n = 36) and the Amsterdam School of Arts (ASA), Academy for dance and theater (n = 36) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. From each participant the following data was collected: Functional status performance (self-reported Physical activity level) and capacity (walking distance and jumping capacity: side hop (SH) and square hop (SQH)), presence of GJH (Beighton score ≥4), muscle strength, musculoskeletal complaints (pain and fatigue) and demographic characteristics (age and BMI).RESULTS: GJH was negatively associated with all capacity measures of functional status. Subjects with GJH had a reduced walking distance (B(SE):-75.5(10.5), p = <.0001) and jumping capacity (SH: B(SE):-10.10(5.0), p = .048, and SQH: B(SE):-11.2(5.1), p = .024) in comparison to subjects without GJH, when controlling for confounding: age, BMI and musculoskeletal complaints. In participants with GJH, functional status was not associated with performance measures.CONCLUSION: GJH was independently associated with lower walking and jumping capacity, potentially due to the compromised structural integrity of connective tissue. However, pain, fatigue and muscle strength were also important contributors to functional status.
Background: During hospitalization patients frequently have a low level of physical activity, which is an important risk factor for functional decline. Function Focused Care (FFC) is an evidencebased intervention developed in the United States to prevent functional decline in older patients. Within FFC, nurses help older patients optimally participate in functional and physical activity during all care interactions. FFC was adapted to the Dutch Hospital setting, which led to Function Focused Care in Hospital (FFCiH). FFCiH consists of four components: (1) ‘Environmental and policy assessment’; (2) ‘Education’; (3) ‘Goal setting with the patient’ and (4) ‘Ongoing motivation and mentoring’. The feasibility of FFCiH in the Dutch hospital setting needs to be assessed. Objective: Introduce FFCiH into Dutch hospital wards, to assess the feasibility of FFCiH in terms of description of the intervention, implementation, mechanisms of impact, and context. Design: Mixed method design Setting(s): A Neurological and a Geriatric ward in a Dutch Hospital. Participants: 56 Nurses and nursing students working on these wards. Methods: The implementation process was described and the delivery was studied in terms of dose, fidelity, adaptions, and reach. The mechanisms of impact were studied by the perceived facilitators and barriers to the intervention. Qualitative data were collected via focus group interviews, observations, and field notes. Quantitative data were collected via evaluation forms and attendance/participation lists. Results: A detailed description of FFCiH in terms of what, how, when, and by whom was given. 54 Nurses (96.4%) on both wards attended at least 1 session of the education or participated in bedside teaching. The nurses assessed the content of the education sessions with a mean of 7.5 (SD 0.78) on a 0–10 scale. The patient files showed that different short and long-term goals were set. Several facilitators and barriers were identified, which led to additions to the intervention. An important facilitator was that nurses experienced FFCiH as an approach that fits with the principles underpinning their current working philosophy. The experienced barriers mainly concern the implementation elements of the FFCiH-components ‘Education’ and ‘Ongoing motivation and mentoring’. Optimizing the team involvement, improving nursing leadership during the implementation, and enhancing the involvement of patients and their family were activities added to FFCiH to improve future implementation. Conclusions: FFCiH is feasible for the Dutch hospital setting. Strong emphasis on team involvement, nursing leadership, and the involvement of patients and their families is recommended to optimize future implementation of FFCiH in Dutch hospitals.
Ongeveer één op de vijf vrouwen die borstkanker overleven, ontwikkelen (lymf)oedeem. Oedeem is een ophoping van vocht in een lichaamsdeel en kan zeer ingrijpende gevolgen hebben voor het dagelijks leven. Behandelingen van oedeem worden uitgevoerd door bijvoorbeeld huid -en oedeemtherapeuten, (mammacare)verpleegkundigen, fysiotherapeuten en bandagisten. Vaak bestaan deze behandelingen uit een combinatie van manuele lymfedrainage (massagetechniek), lymfetaping en compressietherapie. De behandelingen van odeem zijn voor patiënten zeer pijnlijk, langdurig, intensief en kostbaar. Tevens is het geven van massagetechnieken voor fysiotherapeuten en oedeemtherapeuten lichamelijk zeer zwaar, wat resulteert in eerder ziekteverzuim en hogere zorgkosten. Daarnaast zijn deze behandelingen vooral gericht op armen en benen, en niet op de borst. Speciale compressie bh’s of inleg-pads die in de markt verkrijgbaar zijn werken onvoldoende of zijn zo volumineus dat dagelijks gebruik eigenlijk onmogelijk is. De focus van dit KIEM project ligt op het ontwikkelen van een innovatieve bh die oedeem na borstkanker kan beperken en/of voorkomen. De specifieke samenwerking tussen Bratelle, ISKO, Vechtstreek Fysiotherapie, Witte Vlinder Fysiotherapie en de lectoraten Verpleegkunde en Sustainable & Functional Textiles biedt nieuwe mogelijkheden en inzichten. Dit project kan een doorbraak betekenen voor innovatieve textielmaterialen met medische toepassingen, specifiek oedeem. Door gebruik te maken van hightech apparatuur op Saxion, kunnen nieuwe concepten of materialen ontwikkeld worden, die ‘op-schaalbaar’ zijn. Ook kunnen ontwikkelingen van speciale materialen in combinatie met confectietechnieken, tot nieuwe inzichten leiden. Daarnaast zetten we een onderzoeksplan op gericht op het meten van de werking van de bh, waarbij de rol van verschillende zorgprofessionals essentieel is. Tevens is het streven om het consortium verder uit te breiden met praktijkprofessionals en leveranciers van textielmaterialen.