Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
The city of Amsterdam set the ambitious target of having local zero emission transport in 2025. To achieve thischallenging goal, the network of public charging stations needs to be developed. This expansion will increasethe load on the local electrical network. To avoid overload and instability in the electrical distribution network,smart charging needs to be implemented.During a period of 8 months, from January to Augustus 2018, the Flexpower 1 pilot is one of the 6 pilots of theSEEV4-City project, supported by the North Sea Region Interreg programme.From the 2100 public charging stations present at this time across the city of Amsterdam, 102 were selected fora split-run testing. 50 of the charging stations were used as reference with a constant available charging currentof 25 A. The other 52 were deployed with a time dependent current limitation. During the peak hours, in themorning, from 7:00 to 8:00 and in the evening from 17:00 to 20:00, the current available for the charging stationsis limited to prevent overload. Outside these hours, the current is set to 35 A, a higher value than the referencestations.
This Vehicle-to-City (V2C) Operational Pilot, Flexpower, was deployed in two phases in Amsterdam from the beginning of March 2017 up to the end of May 2020 [1]. The first phase, defined as Flexpower 1, ran from March 2017 until end August 2018. The second phase, Flexpower 2, encompasses May 2019 – May 2020. The pilot is based on the architecture of the low voltage distribution system in Amsterdam, which is managed by Liander. Improving the utilisation rate of the electrical network is one of the goals of this project. The Flexpower pilot is not about the installation of new equipment but about using a smarter way to use it to push the limits of the system. The Flexpower pilot was used to test, improve and scale a smart charging solution which reduces the power available for charging EVs when the stress on the electricity network is already high and then allow faster charging when the available capacity is sufficient. For this purpose, capacity profiles were created.
Hanze Entrance participeert in een ISPT project met 15 deelnemers uit de industrie om te onderzoeken welke routes richting elektrificatie werken voor de industrie. Met meerdere cases wordt data opgehaald om generieke vergroeningspaden d.m.v. elektrificatie binnen de industrie te realiseren.Beoogd projectresultaat:Een functionerende ‘eerste opstelling’ van een prosumer heathub op EnTranCe. Dit Warmte Ontvangst Station kent meerdere facetten van lokaal hergebruik en herdistributie na opslag van warmte. Daarvoor wordt de ringleiding, WKO en andere facetten op Entrance volledig geïntegreerd. Deze integratie geeft Warmtestad de mogelijkheden om Entrance als een wijkstation te ontwikkelen. Het eindresultaat is een beslisboom en business case voor meerdere wijkstations op basis van de use-case EnTranCe.