Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Author supplied: "Abstract—Software architecture compliance checking (SACC) is an approach to monitor the consistency between the intended and the implemented architecture. In case of static SACC, the focus is mainly on the detection of dependencies that violate architectural relation rules. Interpretation of reported violations may be cumbersome, since the violations need to be connected to architectural resolutions and targeted qualities such as maintainability and portability. This paper describes an SACC case study which shows that inclusion of different types of rules in the SACC process enhances reasoning on architecture violations, especially if a rule type is related to specific architectural pattern. The SACC is performed with HUSACCT, an SACC-tool that provides rich sets of module and rule types in support of patterns such as layers, facade, and gateway. The case system is a governmental system developed in C#, which follows the .NET common application architecture. Even though the system appeared to be well-structured, the SACC revealed that 10 of the 17 architectural rules were violated."
Business process modeling and system dynamics are different approaches that are used in the design and management of organizations. Both approaches are concerned with the processes in, and around, organizations with the aim to identify, design and understand their behavior as well as potential improvements. At the same time, these approaches differ considerably in their methodological focus. While business process modeling specifically takes the (control flow of) business processes as its primary focus, system dynamics takes the analysis of complex and multi-faceted systems as its core focus. More explicitly combining both approaches has the potential to better model and analyze (by way of simulation) complex business processes, while specifically also including more relevant facets from the environment of these business processes. Furthermore, the inherent ability for simulation of system dynamics models, can be used to simulate the behavior of processes over time, while also putting business processes in a broader multi-faceted context. In this paper, we report on initial results on making such a more explicit combination of business process modeling and system dynamics. In doing so, we also provide a step-by-step guide on how to use BPMN based models and system dynamics models together to model and analyze complex business processes, while illustrating this in terms of a case study on the maintenance of building facades.
Business process modeling and system dynamics are different approaches that are used in the design and management of organizations. Both approaches are concerned with the processes in, and around, organizations with the aim to identify, design and understand their behavior as well as potential improvements. At the same time, these approaches differ considerably in their methodological focus. While business process modeling specifically takes the (control flow of) business processes as its primary focus, system dynamics takes the analysis of complex and multi-faceted systems as its core focus. More explicitly combining both approaches has the potential to better model and analyze (by way of simulation) complex business processes, while specifically also including more relevant facets from the environment of these business processes. Furthermore, the inherent ability for simulation of system dynamics models, can be used to simulate the behavior of processes over time, while also putting business processes in a broader multi-faceted context. In this paper, we report on initial results on making such a more explicit combination of business process modeling and system dynamics. In doing so, we also provide a step-by-step guide on how to use BPMN based models and system dynamics models together to model and analyze complex business processes, while illustrating this in terms of a case study on the maintenance of building facades.