In the last years we have observed a growing interest in the use of gamification approaches for climate change education. While most practices are related to digital gaming, there is a new trend which is still academically unexplored: escape rooms. The main objective of this paper is to serve as an initial exploratory study in this field by identifying and analysing climate change-related escape rooms. For that purpose we carried out a web search and a qualitative content analysis. A total of 17 initiatives are described and compared, unravelling their main audience, country of origin, topics, scenarios and objectives covered. The paper also highlights what escape rooms can offer to climate change education: experiential and immersive learning, problem solving and critical thinking skills, and a sense of collaboration and urgency.
In the last years we have observed a growing interest in the use of gamification approaches for climate change education. While most practices are related to digital gaming, there is a new trend which is still academically unexplored: escape rooms. The main objective of this paper is to serve as an initial exploratory study in this field by identifying and analysing climate change-related escape rooms. For that purpose we carried out a web search and a qualitative content analysis. A total of 17 initiatives are described and compared, unravelling their main audience, country of origin, topics, scenarios and objectives covered. The paper also highlights what escape rooms can offer to climate change education: experiential and immersive learning, problem solving and critical thinking skills, and a sense of collaboration and urgency.
Samenvatting:Bij het evalueren van gezondheidsbevordering is het van belang de beoogde doelgroep erbij te betrekken. In de praktijk wordt participatieve evaluatie echter nog onvoldoende ingezet. Om professionals te helpen de doelgroep bij de evaluatie te betrekken werd hiervoor in het kader van de JOGG-aanpak (Gezonde Jeugd, Gezonde Toekomst, voorheen: Jongeren Op Gezond Gewicht) een instrument ontwikkeld. Hoewel het samen met de JOGG-professionals is ontwikkeld, bleek dit instrument niet goed aan te sluiten bij hun behoeften. In dit artikel reflecteren we op hoe dit komt en delen we de geleerde lessen. Ongelijkwaardige samenwerking tussen onderzoekers en professionals heeft er aan bijgedragen dat praktijkbehoeften onvoldoende in het evaluatie-instrument zijn meegenomen. Daarnaast ervaren professionals zelf verschillende uitdagingen bij participatieve evaluatie, omdat de context waarin zij werken hen hierin onvoldoende faciliteert.Abstract: Participation of the target group is important in evaluating health promotion. However, in practice the use of participatory evaluation is still limited. To support professionals within the JOGG (Healthy Youth, Healthy Future, previously Youth At a Healthy Weight) rogramme with participatory evaluation a tool was developed. Although this tool was developed with professionals, it did not meet their needs. In this article we reflect on the development of the tool and share lessons learned. Unequal collaboration between researchers and professionals may have contributed to the needs of professionals being insufficiently taken into account. Additionally, professionals themselves experience challenges with participatory evaluation, because the context in which they work does not facilitate participatory evaluation.