Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Municipalities often collaborate with other stakeholders in smart city projects to develop and implement technological innovations to address complex urban issues. We propose the shared portfolio approach as an alternative way of collaborating, because we have identified possible limitations when the commonly used single-project approach is adopted in complex contexts, such as the smart city context. The portfolio approach enhances flexibility, an embedded focus and cross-project learning, because partners work on multiple projects – either in parallel or in succession – to develop multiple solutions to a specific problem. An in-depth case study is used to illustrate how the shared portfolio approach works. In practice, these insights can be used by public bodies who aim to collaborate in smart city development or by partners who work on smart city projects and wish to continue their collaboration in a portfolio setting. Conceptually, our paper develops a connection between cross-sector partnership literature and smart city literature by revealing how the shared portfolio approach could be an effective way to deal with the complexities of innovation in the smart city context.
This chapter argues that critical discourse analysis (CDA) provides a fruitful methodology for CES. This is due both to its eclectic, abductive research methodology that engages in a dialogue between, theory(ies), methodology(ies), data and the socio-historical context (Reisigl and Wodak 2009). Secondly, CDA, like other critical approaches, adopts a layered approach to research methodology, focusing from the global to meso and micro aspects of an event, or from social structures, to social institutions and social events, always considering the discursive as being both constituted by and constitutive of social structures. It will illustrate this through a brief description of the discourse-historical dimension in CDA which assumes a distinction between content analysis, the analysis of discursive and argumentative strategies and, finally, the analysis of linguistic features (Reisigl and Wodak, 2001). Those basic assumptions will be illustrated through the description of a theoretical-methodological framework recently employed for the study of the Occupy movement in Spain (Montesano Montessori & Morales Lopez, forthcoming). It shows how a framework was assembled that brought social constructivism, narrative analysis, rhetoric and finally the discourse theoretical concept of ‘rearticulation’ together in order to analyse how the Occupy movement helped Spanish citizens to gain agency and voice. In: R Lamond I., Platt L. (eds). Critical Event Studies. Leisure Studies in a Global Era. Palgrave Macmillan, London
This conceptual article argues for a broader view of the role of events in social systems. When analyzed as social phenomena, events can be seen as social actors that have the potential to both sustain and transform social systems. The maintenance of social systems is often reliant on iterative events, regularly occurring celebrations that tend to confirm social structures. In contrast, pulsar events have the potential to transform social structures. In this sense events can be seen as actors that have important influences on social systems, particularly in linking localized small world networks with the global space of flows. These ideas are explored through the case of Barcelona, which illustrates the interplay between these different types of events in their total portfolio, and how the extension of ritual in the sense of Collins can also contribute to the generation of new relationships and practices in the contemporary network society. Barcelona is examined as an eventful city in which the alternation of continuity through iterative events and change through pulsar events contributes to increasing the network effects of events.
De COVID-19-pandemie heeft grote impact gehad op het praktijkgericht onderzoek van Saxion. Allereerst vanwege de tijdelijke sluiting van laboratoria, verandering van empirische dataverzameling, acute acties zoals het produceren van mondkapjes en het ondersteunen van mkb’s met andere businessmodellen. Op de langere termijn leidt het tot verandering in thematisering, zoals capaciteit in de zorg; menselijke interactie met technologie; bezettingsgraad van gebouwen, openbaar vervoer, stadions en openbare ruimten; en impact van een anderhalvemetersamenleving. Dit alles in een periode van enorme dynamiek en stroomversnelling in het onderzoekslandschap. Saxion wordt erkend als een serieuze partner in grote ontwikkelingen in de Nederlandse en Europese kennisinfrastructuur. Denk hierbij aan topsectoren, de Kennis & Innovatie Agenda’s, het Nationaal groeifonds, NWA, Regio Deals, de derde cyclus aan hogescholen, alsook de European Research Area, Horizon Europe en de Green Deals. Ter illustratie: Saxion participeert in Grozzerdam Deventer; in de regionale Groeifonds-hubs voor Artificial Intelligence en MedTech; in TOPFIT; in het Regiodeal lab Texplus voor kledingrecycling; in SPRONG-aanvragen; in de EU-RRF investeringsagenda; in de KIA governancestructuren; etc. Om onze rol en ambities in deze grote en complexe kenniscoalities waar te kunnen maken professionaliseert Saxion het praktijkgericht onderzoek. Saxion investeert in extra onderzoeksvolume en ondersteuningsinfrastructuur om snel in te kunnen spelen op actuele vraagstukken en behoeften van het bedrijfsleven, overheden en instellingen in de regio, zowel nationaal als internationaal. Saxion gaat de Impuls 2020-regeling dan ook inzetten om de eigen investeringsagenda te versnellen via vier strategische instrumenten: 1. Versterking van de capaciteit voor ondersteuning en projectmanagement 2. Acquisitievouchers voor het schrijven van grote complexe onderzoekaanvragen 3. Versterking van het Saxion-portfolio van Centres of Expertise 4. Ontwikkeling van pilots in de derde cyclus (Professional Doctorate)
The postdoc candidate, Sondos Saad, will strengthen connections between research groups Asset Management(AM), Data Science(DS) and Civil Engineering bachelor programme(CE) of HZ. The proposed research aims at deepening the knowledge about the complex multidisciplinary performance deterioration prediction of turbomachinery to optimize cleaning costs, decrease failure risk and promote the efficient use of water &energy resources. It targets the key challenges faced by industries, oil &gas refineries, utility companies in the adoption of circular maintenance. The study of AM is already part of CE curriculum, but the ambition of this postdoc is that also AM principles are applied and visible. Therefore, from the first year of the programme, the postdoc will develop an AM material science line and will facilitate applied research experiences for students, in collaboration with engineering companies, operation &maintenance contractors and governmental bodies. Consequently, a new generation of efficient sustainability sensitive civil engineers could be trained, as the labour market requires. The subject is broad and relevant for the future of our built environment being more sustainable with less CO2 footprint, with possible connections with other fields of study, such as Engineering, Economics &Chemistry. The project is also strongly contributing to the goals of the National Science Agenda(NWA), in themes of “Circulaire economie en grondstoffenefficiëntie”,”Meten en detecteren: altijd, alles en overall” &”Smart Industry”. The final products will be a framework for data-driven AM to determine and quantify key parameters of degradation in performance for predictive AM strategies, for the application as a diagnostic decision-support toolbox for optimizing cleaning &maintenance; a portfolio of applications &examples; and a new continuous learning line about AM within CE curriculum. The postdoc will be mentored and supervised by the Lector of AM research group and by the study programme coordinator(SPC). The personnel policy and job function series of HZ facilitates the development opportunity.