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Article written by Sue Lawrence and Nol Reverda, Directors of the Macess programme. The validation of awards and courses within higher education has traditionally and, to a great extent, continues to be a national issue, with each country using its own protocol for determining standards and academic levels, and validating courses according to its nationally recognised and agreed system. Institutions in some countries, however, are able to validate courses which are delivered in an institution in another country. This practice has led to some useful collaborative arrangements in developing European postgraduate programmes for the social professions, particularly in countries where education for social professionals takes place outside of the university system, for example, in The Netherlands. Largely as a result of such collaboration, facilitated by the Erasmus programme, there is now a proliferation of courses for social professionals, which have ‘European’ in their title or as a major component of the course content. What, then, makes a programme ‘European’?
Background: Health care practitioners' knowledge and attitudes influence patients’ beliefs and health outcomes in musculoskeletal (MSK) pain. It is unclear to what extent physiotherapists undertaking a postgraduate master in manual therapy (MT students) possess the knowledge and attitudes toward pain neuroscience to be able to apply the biopsychosocial model in patients with MSK pain. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and attitudes toward pain neuroscience in MT students. Design: A cross-sectional study. Method: Self-reported knowledge and attitudes were measured among students (n = 662) at baseline and in all years of the MT postgraduate programs in the Netherlands. The Knowledge and Attitudes of Pain questionnaire (KNAP) was used as a primary measure. Difference in KNAP-scores between baseline (0), year 1, year 2 and year 3 was tested using a one-way ANOVA (hypothesis: 0 < 1
In the preparation of the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the MA CESS all alumni were invited to participate in an alumni survey. The purpose of the survey was to thoroughly investigate the professional activities of MA CESS alumni and the way they build an alumni community. Another reason for starting the project is that it may play a part in maintaining and enhancing a mutually beneficial relationship between MA CESS and its alumni. All over Europe there are graduates working in the social and social political field who experienced the same education and spirit in the MA CESS course. It’s an important thing to reach out to them, renew and encourage a spirit of enthusiasm and desire for continuing education, by creating instruments of communication and networking opportunities. The first part of the report deals with the construction of the alumni survey, namely the background, the assignment, the survey design, the sampling, the research limitations, the influences of gender and age on professional activities and the way of making contacts, facts and figures about the sectors of activity in which the alumni are engaged, what alumni have to say about the international dimension in their professional activities, their ideas about network building, and finally their critiques and suggestions for the MA CESS study programme. The second part contains a reflection about the alumni community, particularly the role of CESSNET (Network of the Comparative European Social Studies Alumni ) in the strategy to reach out to the alumni. The report ends with conclusions and recommendations.