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IMPACT Europe is een evaluatie-Toolkit die professionals werkzaam op het gebied van het voorkomen en tegengaan van extremisme (hier Counter Violent Evaluation, afgekort CVE genoemd) ondersteunt bij de evaluatie van hun interventies. De tool is ontwikkeld in samenwerking met het Hogeschool Utrecht-lectoraat Kennisanalyse Sociale Veiligheid en is volledig toegankelijk via bijgaande link. Het doel van de IMPACT Europe Toolkit is om professionals te helpen in het ontwerpen en uitvoeren van evaluaties van CVE-interventies. Op dit moment zijn robuuste en rigoureuze evaluaties nog niet de norm in het CVE-veld, terwijl deze evaluaties juist zouden kunnen bijdragen aan het verbeteren van interventies. Daarnaast helpt deze Toolkit professionals bij het ontwikkelen van programma’s die makkelijker te evalueren zijn en waarbij het waarschijnlijker is dat gewenste resultaten worden behaald. De Toolkit bestaat uit drie onderdelen: 1. Evaluation Guide (Evaluatie Gids): dit onderdeel ondersteunt het ontwerpen en uitvoeren van een evaluatie van een CVE-interventie. 2. Interventions Database (Interventie Database): dit onderdeel geeft voorbeelden van bestaande interventies in het CVE-veld. 3. Lessons Learned (Geleerde Lessen): dit onderdeel geeft voorbeelden van CVE-interventies die geëvalueerd zijn en de lessen die uit deze evaluaties getrokken kunnen worden. Onder aan de voorpagina staat vermeld:'This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 312235' en 'Copyright IMPACT Europe Consortium'.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have continued to attract considerable media coverage as governments and universities respond to the open and online education movement. Three years after the MOOCs began its rise, it is clear that the HE institutions in the EU are gaining speed in this movement. This report on MOOCs intends to contribute to literature on MOOCs in Europe. Its specific aim is to present data on the perception and objectives of European higher education institutions on MOOCs and the main drivers behind the MOOC movement. In addition, the report makes a comparison with similar studies conducted in the United States in 2013 and 2014 and to data produced by the European University Association (EUA) between October and December 2013. The report made clear that involvement is still increasing, but also that arguments to get involved differ from those in the US. The main source is a survey conducted by the project HOME - Higher education Online: MOOCs the European way, partly funded by the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme. The survey was conducted in October - December 2014. In total 67 institutions responded out of 22 European countries representing in total about 2.8 millions of students.
Diese Broschüre ist das Resultat des Forschungsprojektes ‘Honors in Europe’ des Forschungszentrum fürTalententwicklung in der höheren Bildung und Gesellschaft der Hanze Universität angewandter Wissenschaften Groningen. Sie basiert auf dem Buch ‘Talent Development in European Higher Education – Honors programs in the Benelux, Nordic and German-speaking countries’ von Marca Wolfensberger, welches als open access beim Springer Verlag erschienen ist. Das Buch kann gratis heruntergeladen werden unterwww.honorsineurope.com Die Broschüre wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem European Honors Councilerstellt (www.honorscouncil.eu)
MUSE supports the CIVITAS Community to increase its impact on urban mobility policy making and advance it to a higher level of knowledge, exchange, and sustainability.As the current Coordination and Support Action for the CIVITAS Initiative, MUSE primarily engages in support activities to boost the impact of CIVITAS Community activities on sustainable urban mobility policy. Its main objectives are to:- Act as a destination for knowledge developed by the CIVITAS Community over the past twenty years.- Expand and strengthen relationships between cities and stakeholders at all levels.- Support the enrichment of the wider urban mobility community by providing learning opportunities.Through these goals, the CIVITAS Initiative strives to support the mobility and transport goals of the European Commission, and in turn those in the European Green Deal.Breda University of Applied Sciences is the task leader of Task 7.3: Exploitation of the Mobility Educational Network and Task 7.4: Mobility Powered by Youth Facilitation.
Designing cities that are socially sustainable has been a significant challenge until today. Lately, European Commission’s research agenda of Industy 5.0 has prioritised a sustainable, human-centric and resilient development over merely pursuing efficiency and productivity in societal transitions. The focus has been on searching for sustainable solutions to societal challenges, engaging part of the design industry. In architecture and urban design, whose common goal is to create a condition for human life, much effort was put into elevating the engineering process of physical space, making it more efficient. However, the natural process of social evolution has not been given priority in urban and architectural research on sustainable design. STEPS stems from the common interest of the project partners in accessible, diverse, and progressive public spaces, which is vital to socially sustainable urban development. The primary challenge lies in how to synthesise the standardised sustainable design techniques with unique social values of public space, propelling a transition from technical sustainability to social sustainability. Although a large number of social-oriented studies in urban design have been published in the academic domain, principles and guidelines that can be applied to practice are large missing. How can we generate operative principles guiding public space analysis and design to explore and achieve the social condition of sustainability, developing transferable ways of utilising research knowledge in design? STEPS will develop a design catalogue with operative principles guiding public space analysis and design. This will help designers apply cross-domain knowledge of social sustainability in practice.
Mobiele netwerken vormen een drijvende kracht achter de digitalisering van onze samenleving en het verdienvermogen in alle sectoren van de economie, van industrie en energie tot logistiek en zorg. Nederlandse bedrijven zien grote kansen in 6G netwerktechnologie en toepassingen die vanaf 2030 op de markt komen. De gerichte ontwikkeling van 6G kan daarnaast sterk bijdragen aan de Nederlandse en Europese ambities op het gebied van digitale autonomie en duurzaamheid.