from the repository of Utrecht University: "PURPOSE: Previously, a high prevalence of certain psychiatric disorders was shown among non-Western immigrants. This study explores whether this results in more prescriptions for psychotropic medication. METHODS: Data on dispensing of medication among adults living in the four largest Dutch cities in 2013 were linked to demographic data from Statistics Netherlands. Incident (i.e., following no dispensing in 2010-2012) and prevalent dispensing among immigrants was compared to that among native Dutch (N = 1,043,732) and analyzed using multivariable Poisson and logistic regression. RESULTS: High adjusted Odds Ratios (ORadj) of prevalent and high Incidence Rate Ratios (IRRadj) of incident dispensing of antipsychotics were found among Moroccan (N = 115,455) and Turkish individuals (N = 105,460), especially among young Moroccan males (ORadj = 3.22 [2.99-3.47]). Among Surinamese (N = 147,123) and Antillean individuals (N = 41,430), slightly higher rates of dispensed antipsychotics were found and the estimates decreased after adjustment. The estimates for antipsychotic dispensing among the Moroccan and Turkish increased, following adjustment for household composition. Rates for antidepressant dispensing among Turkish and Moroccan subjects were high (Moroccans: ORadj = 1.74 [1.70-1.78]). Among Surinamese and Antillean subjects, the rates for antidepressant dispensing were low and the ORadjlagged behind the IRRadj(Surinamese: 0.69 [0.67-0.71] vs. 1.06 [1.00-1.13]). Similar results were found for anxiolytics. For ADHD medication, lower dispensing rates were found among all migrant groups. CONCLUSIONS: The findings agree with earlier reports of more mental health problems among Moroccan and Turkish individuals. Surinamese/Antillean individuals did not use psychotropic drugs at excess and discontinued antidepressants and anxiolytics earlier. The data strongly suggest under-treatment for ADHD in all ethnic minority groups."
from the repository of Utrecht University: "PURPOSE: Previously, a high prevalence of certain psychiatric disorders was shown among non-Western immigrants. This study explores whether this results in more prescriptions for psychotropic medication. METHODS: Data on dispensing of medication among adults living in the four largest Dutch cities in 2013 were linked to demographic data from Statistics Netherlands. Incident (i.e., following no dispensing in 2010-2012) and prevalent dispensing among immigrants was compared to that among native Dutch (N = 1,043,732) and analyzed using multivariable Poisson and logistic regression. RESULTS: High adjusted Odds Ratios (ORadj) of prevalent and high Incidence Rate Ratios (IRRadj) of incident dispensing of antipsychotics were found among Moroccan (N = 115,455) and Turkish individuals (N = 105,460), especially among young Moroccan males (ORadj = 3.22 [2.99-3.47]). Among Surinamese (N = 147,123) and Antillean individuals (N = 41,430), slightly higher rates of dispensed antipsychotics were found and the estimates decreased after adjustment. The estimates for antipsychotic dispensing among the Moroccan and Turkish increased, following adjustment for household composition. Rates for antidepressant dispensing among Turkish and Moroccan subjects were high (Moroccans: ORadj = 1.74 [1.70-1.78]). Among Surinamese and Antillean subjects, the rates for antidepressant dispensing were low and the ORadjlagged behind the IRRadj(Surinamese: 0.69 [0.67-0.71] vs. 1.06 [1.00-1.13]). Similar results were found for anxiolytics. For ADHD medication, lower dispensing rates were found among all migrant groups. CONCLUSIONS: The findings agree with earlier reports of more mental health problems among Moroccan and Turkish individuals. Surinamese/Antillean individuals did not use psychotropic drugs at excess and discontinued antidepressants and anxiolytics earlier. The data strongly suggest under-treatment for ADHD in all ethnic minority groups."
This thesis focuses on the relationship between ethnic composition and both schooling outcomes and classroom behaviour, making the crucial distinction between the share of migrant-origin students and ethnic diversity. Ethnic school composition is seen as one of the explanations for the inequality of school performance between native- and migrant-origin students in Western societies. Although the use of the concept migrant origin is contested concept, the relationship between ethnic school composition and school performance is of interest to policymakers and social scientists in both the United States and Europe.