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Op dinsdag 12 april jl. vond een online inspiratiesessie van IWP Healthy Workplace plaats met als thema: ‘Healing Environment; van zorgomgeving naar werkomgeving’. Deze inspiratie paper is een samenvatting van de gegeven presentatie en de discussie.
Het creëren van een 'healing environment' (helende omgeving) strekt aanmerkelijk verder dan het simpelweg opleuken van een ruimte. De omgeving moet de zintuigen van een patiënt of bewoner op een positieve manier prikkelen. Een aangenaam, veilig en geborgen gevoel helpt spanning en pijn verminderen, bevordert welbevinden en bespoedigt herstel. Bovendien biedt een healing environment een plezierige en inspirerende werkomgeving.
The research project Designing Environment conducts research into how a different mind-set can be brought about concerning people with dementia, by intervening in care processes, and from the perspective of the participating observer. The objective is to create an environment for people with dementia, together with those involved in their care, which is adaptable and where not care is the main focus, but consideration. The interventions that will be introduced come from the world of the arts and many have already been tested in various care environments. Mapping, different kinds of conversations, making portraits and taking pictures are examples of possible interventions. The interventions are chosen on the basis of participating observation. The project is innovative in its approach of the environment of the person with dementia. It will yield knowledge for personalised consideration and care of those involved, and it will give the designer in this setting an entirely new role.
MUSE supports the CIVITAS Community to increase its impact on urban mobility policy making and advance it to a higher level of knowledge, exchange, and sustainability.As the current Coordination and Support Action for the CIVITAS Initiative, MUSE primarily engages in support activities to boost the impact of CIVITAS Community activities on sustainable urban mobility policy. Its main objectives are to:- Act as a destination for knowledge developed by the CIVITAS Community over the past twenty years.- Expand and strengthen relationships between cities and stakeholders at all levels.- Support the enrichment of the wider urban mobility community by providing learning opportunities.Through these goals, the CIVITAS Initiative strives to support the mobility and transport goals of the European Commission, and in turn those in the European Green Deal.Breda University of Applied Sciences is the task leader of Task 7.3: Exploitation of the Mobility Educational Network and Task 7.4: Mobility Powered by Youth Facilitation.
The production of denim makes a significant contribution to the environmental impact of the textile industry. The use of mechanically recycled fibers is proven to lower this environmental impact. MUD jeans produce denim using a mixture of virgin and mechanically recycled fibers and has the goal to produce denim with 100% post-consumer textile by 2020. However, denim fabric with 100% mechanically recycled fibers has insufficient mechanical properties. The goal of this project is to investigate the possibilities to increase the content of recycled post-consumer textile fibers in denim products using innovative recycling process technologies.
Carboxylated cellulose is an important product on the market, and one of the most well-known examples is carboxymethylcellulose (CMC). However, CMC is prepared by modification of cellulose with the extremely hazardous compound monochloracetic acid. In this project, we want to make a carboxylated cellulose that is a functional equivalent for CMC using a greener process with renewable raw materials derived from levulinic acid. Processes to achieve cellulose with a low and a high carboxylation degree will be designed.