Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Online reputation systems (ORS) are platforms that collect and share feedback about products, services, or companies, primarily focusing on consumer reviews. However, employee rating platforms, a subset of ORS, allow workers to review their employers, providing valuable insights for job seekers and current employees. These reviews, often neglected in research, can significantly impact employees' perceptions and workplace dynamics by revealing hidden opinions and experiences. This study explores how employees manage the fear of interpersonal conflict arising from negative reviews and its effects on turnover intentions and recovery. Theoretical analysis utilizes the transactional model of stress and coping to understand these dynamics.
The world needs more jobs to meet United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8 and to keep up with expected population growth. Policymakers stimulate start-ups due to their expected job-generating effect. Despite the increased number of solo self-employed, percentages on graduation from small to larger enterprises are low. This study focuses on entrepreneurs who create jobs, and have passed ‘the one-employee threshold’. What are the considerations of the solo self-employed when making the decision to hire their first employee? 27 Interviews were conducted with entrepreneurs in developed and developing countries. The analysis shows that solo self-employed have considerations about time, skills, trust and opportunities when hiring their first employee. The study finds evidence of effectual behaviour. Trust is important: trust in others (the first employee) and trust in yourself (becoming an employer). To stimulate job creation, policymakers should stimulate effectual behavior that enhances the self-efficacy of the solo self-employed. This is a draft chapter/article. The final version is available in Unlocking Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship edited by Iréne Bernhard, PhD, Urban Gråsjö, PhD, School of Business, Economics and IT, University West and Charlie Karlsson, Professor Emeritus, Jönköping University and Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, published in 2021, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800371248