Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
We were interested in interethnic differences and similarities in how emotion regulation strategies (reappraisal, suppression and social sharing) can be predicted by emotion valence and intensity. The sample consisted of 389 Dutch majority members and members of five immigrant groups: 136 Turkish and Moroccan, 105 Antillean and Surinamese, 102 Indonesian, 313 Western and 150 other non-Western immigrants. In a path model with latent variables we confirmed that emotion regulation strategies were significantly and similarly related to emotion valence and intensity across the groups. Negative emotions were more reappraised and suppressed than positive emotions. Intensity was positively related to social sharing and negatively related to reappraisal and suppression. The Dutch majority group scored higher on emotion valence than Turkish and Moroccan immigrants. Also, the Dutch majority group scored lower on reappraisal than all non-Western groups, and lower on suppression than Turkish and Moroccan immigrants. We conclude that group differences reside more in mean scores on some components than in how antecedents are linked to regulation strategies.
Background The Self-Expression Emotion Regulation in Art Therapy Scale (SERATS) was developed as art therapy lacked outcome measures that could be used to monitor the specific effects of art therapy. Although the SERATS showed good psychometric properties in earlier studies, it lacked convergent validity and thus construct validity. Method To test the convergent validity of the SERATS correlation was examined with the EES (Emotional Expressivity Scale), Emotion Regulation Strategies for Artistic Creative Activities Scale (ERS-ACA) and Healthy-Unhealthy Music Scale (HUMS). Patients diagnosed with a Personality Disorder, and thus having self-regulation and emotion regulation problems (n = 179) and a healthy student population (n = 53) completed the questionnaires (N = 232). Results The SERATS showed a high reliability and convergent validity in relation to the ERS-ACA approach strategies and self-development strategies in both patients and students and the HUMS healthy scale, in patients. Hence, what the SERATS measures is highly associated with emotion regulation strategies like acceptance, reappraisal, discharge and problem solving and with improving a sense of self including self-identity, increased self-esteem and improved agency as well as the healthy side of art making. Respondents rated the SERATS as relatively easy to complete compared to the other questionnaires. Conclusion The SERATS is a valid, useful and user-friendly tool for monitoring the effect of art therapy that is indicative of making art in a healthy way that serves positive emotion regulation and self-development.
Introduction: Depression can be a serious problem in young adult students. There is a need to implement and monitor prevention interventions for these students. Emotion-regulating improvisational music therapy (EIMT) was developed to prevent depression. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of EIMT for use in practice for young adult students with depressive symptoms in a university context. Method: A process evaluation was conducted embedded in a larger research project. Eleven students, three music therapists and five referrers were interviewed. The music therapists also completed evaluation forms. Data were collected concerning client attendance, treatment integrity, musical components used to synchronise, and experiences with EIMT and referral. Results: Client attendance (90%) and treatment integrity were evaluated to be sufficient (therapist adherence 83%; competence 84%). The music therapists used mostly rhythm to synchronise (38 of 99 times). The students and music therapists reported that EIMT and its elements evoked changes in all emotion regulation components. The students reported that synchronisation elicited meaningful experiences of expressing joy, feeling heard, feeling joy and bodily responses of relaxation. The music therapists found the manual useful for applying EIMT. The student counsellors experienced EIMT as an appropriate way to support students due to its preventive character. Discussion: EIMT appears to be a feasible means of evoking changes in emotion regulation components in young adult students with depressive symptoms in a university context. More studies are needed to create a more nuanced and evidence-based understanding of the feasibility of EIMT, processes of change and treatment integrity.
De aanvraag betreft het ontwikkelen en verkennen van de marktmogelijkheden van een IT-tool dat de slaagkans van bedrijfsoverdrachten verbetert. De (emotionele) barrières die ondernemers bij de verkoop hun bedrijf tegenko-men worden inzichtelijk gemaakt. Tevens wordt getoetst of de manier waarop ondernemers nu omgaan met die barrières (coping) effectief is. De doelgroep voor het onderzoek zijn overname-adviseurs, kopende en verkopende ondernemers alsmede investeerders.
Bedrijfsovername is een grote uitdaging voor agrarische familiebedrijven, waarbij het sociaal-emotioneel welzijn van de familie is geïdentificeerd als een belangrijk knelpunt. Vanuit het Nederlands Agrarisch Jongeren Kontakt (NAJK) en het Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV) is in 2019 het beleidsprogramma Duurzame Bedrijfsopvolging gestart om het aantal succesvolle bedrijfsoverdrachten te verhogen. Een belangrijk onderdeel hiervan is een op te richten Kenniscentrum. Dit project wil het Kenniscentrum voeden met onderzoek naar de familiale dimensie van bedrijfsopvolging. Het praktijkonderzoek wordt uitgevoerd door een consortium bestaande uit het Lectoraat Familiebedrijven van Hogeschool Windesheim, Aeres Hogeschool Dronten, Van Hall Larenstein Leeuwarden, het Fries Sociaal Planbureau, het NAJK en LTO Noord. Doel van dit project is het inventariseren en evalueren van de ondersteunende advies- en kennisinfrastructuur op de familiale dimensie bij het opvolgingstraject van agrarische familiebedrijven. Dit doen we door inzichten op te halen bij zestien agrarische bedrijfsfamilies, in verschillende stadia van het opvolgingsproces. In het project vergelijken we hoe de families en de ondersteunende advies- en kennispartijen omgaan met de belangen en behoeften van verschillende familieleden (opvolgers, overdragers, partners en niet-opvolgers) tijdens het opvolgingsproces. Daarnaast wordt kwantitatief onderzoek gedaan onder studenten op de twee deelnemende agrarische hogescholen, om de behoeften en verwachtingen van potentiële opvolgers en niet-opvolgers ten aanzien van bedrijfsoverdracht in kaart te brengen. Het project moet resulteren in gevalideerde verbetervoorstellen (stappenplannen) voor zowel agrarische bedrijfsfamilies als adviseurs gericht op de verschillende stadia van bedrijfsopvolging. Ook worden spelvormen ontwikkeld om moeilijke en relationeel ingewikkelde onderwerpen beter bespreekbaar te maken in het agrarisch onderwijs. Tot slot worden de resultaten van het onderzoek geschikt gemaakt voor gebruik binnen agrarische scholen om het curriculum over de zachte kant van bedrijfsopvolging te versterken.
This project develops a European network for transdisciplinary innovation in artistic engagement as a catalyst for societal transformation, focusing on immersive art. It responds to the professionals in the field’s call for research into immersive art’s unique capacity to ‘move’ people through its multisensory, technosocial qualities towards collective change. The project brings together experts leading state-of-the-art research and practice in related fields with an aim to develop trajectories for artistic, methodological, and conceptual innovation for societal transformation. The nascent field of immersive art, including its potential impact on society, has been identified as a priority research area on all local-to-EU levels, but often suffers from the common (mis)perception as being technological spectacle prioritising entertainment values. Many practitioners create immersive art to enable novel forms of creative engagement to address societal issues and enact change, but have difficulty gaining recognition and support for this endeavour. A critical challenge is the lack of knowledge about how their predominantly sensuous and aesthetic experience actually lead to collective change, which remains unrecognised in the current systems of impact evaluation predicated on quantitative analysis. Recent psychological insights on awe as a profoundly transformative emotion signals a possibility to address this challenge, offering a new way to make sense of the transformational effect of directly interacting with such affective qualities of immersive art. In parallel, there is a renewed interest in the practice of cultural mediation, which brings together different stakeholders to facilitate negotiation towards collective change in diverse domains of civic life, often through creative engagements. Our project forms strategic grounds for transdisciplinary research at the intersection between these two developments. We bring together experts in immersive art, psychology, cultural mediation, digital humanities, and design across Europe to explore: How can awe-experiences be enacted in immersive art and be extended towards societal transformation?