Dienst van SURF
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The aim of this research is to get a better understanding of the influence of terrorism on risk perceptions and attitudes of the German travel behaviour towards Egypt. The research process involved an online self-administered method created with one of the leading research and web based survey tools called Qualtrics. The questionnaire filled in by 171 respondents. Findings indicate that Egypt is generally perceived as an unsafe destination to travel to, however, those respondents with Past Travel Experience (PTE) rate the country’s attractiveness higher and are therefore, more likely to revisit as well. Spillover effect was found to be significant, as well as the influence of several socio- demographic factors. Risk reduction strategies were generally rated to be effective and could therefore have implications for Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) to create a more appealing image for Egypt as a holiday destination.
Client: Blue Plan regional activity centre (UNEP/MAP), subcontracted through TEC Conseille, Marseille As part of a regional workshop organized by the Blue Plan in July 2008, one of the conclusions of the Group "Tourism and Climate Change” was the need for saving energy in tourism transportation and particularly of air transport, as air transport is responsible for the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions caused by tourism. In the period 1998-2005, the share of international arrivals by air in the Mediterranean area rose from 23% to 40%, respectively, or in numbers, from 47 to 122 million tourists. Some countries, particularly islands, almost entirely depend on air transport for their international tourism. For example in 2005 air transport is used by 87%, 78%, 73%, 64% and 51% of international tourists arriving in, respectively, Israel, Egypt, Spain, Tunisia and Morocco. According to Plan Bleu forecasts on international arrivals, assuming that the share of air transport remains the same, the number of tourists travelling by plane will reach over 158 million by 2025. Given the role of aviation in the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), such a development is clearly not sustainable in the light of the necessary reduction of emissions to avoid dangerous climate change. The overall aim of the study is to inform policy makers and entrepreneurs in both destination and in origin countries, on possible options to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases from air travel, while at the same time not impairing the economic development of tourism. To do this, CSTT has developed a tourism scenario model for all countries with Mediterranean coasts describing inbound and outbound international tourism and domestic tourism by all available transport modes and giving both contributions to GDP and total GHG emissions. This model responses to global mitigation policies (increasing the cost of carbon emissions) as well as national policies (taxes, subsidies and changes in transport quality per transport mode). Using the model both global and national policies can be assessed as well as the risks of global mitigation policies for specific countries.
De teelt van bosuien in Nederland is sterk in opkomst. In 2022 werden er zo’n 14 miljoen bosjes van 125 gram geproduceerd. Daar waar dit vijf jaar geleden nog vrijwel nihil was. Buiten het Nederlandse teeltseizoen worden grote hoeveelheden bosuien geïmporteerd uit Egypte, Senegal en Marokko. Bosuien zijn sterk in opkomst, ze worden veel gebruikt in salades en als smaakmaker ter vervanging van uien vanwege de uitstraling van de garnering. In de teelt zijn er toenemende problemen met ziektes zoals meeldauw en trips. Gewasbeschermingsmiddelen zijn steeds minder beschikbaar waardoor de kans op misoogsten stijgt. Met name trips is een groot probleem in de buitenteelt. Daarbij is beschikbaarheid van voldoende water buiten een toenemend probleem vanwege de verdroging. Door te trachten deze teelt de grond uit te krijgen kunnen deze teeltproblemen worden opgelost en kan er een zand- en residuvrij product op de markt komen. Daarbij vindt er een significante CO2 footprint reductie plaats door minder afhankelijk te zijn van import uit verre landen. In dit project wordt onderzoek gedaan naar de technische haalbaarheid van een indoor geautomatiseerd hydroponisch systeem voor het telen van bosui waarbij gefocusseerd wordt op de opkweekfase (van zaadje, kiem tot plantje) aangezien dit het meest cruciale onderdeel is in dit proces.