Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Introduction: Ecstasy (MDMA) is a popular recreational drug, but its illegal production and trade in the Netherlands have developed into a serious public order and ecological problem which endanger and question the harm reduction approach of the Dutch ecstasy policy.Methods: The market characteristics, adverse health effects, risk profile, and link to criminal activity of ecstasy were reviewed.Results: Ecstasy is often used in combination with other substances (i.e. polydrug use). Compared to several other illicit drugs and alcohol, ecstasy has a very low abuse and dependence liability and, as yet, there is little evidence of long-term harm. A potential health risk associated with ecstasy is acute hyperthermia, however this occurs at an unknown incidence rate and seems to be more prevalent when ecstasy is consumed in combination with heavy exercise at high ambient temperatures or when used in combination with other substances, including alcohol. Organized crime related to the production and trafficking of ecstasy in the Netherlands is a growing problem.Conclusions: This review provides a science-based summary that can be used to assist the public and political debate surrounding future Dutch ecstasy policy to reduce ecstasy-related organized crime while maintaining the principle of harm reduction.
Background:Ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)) has a relatively low harm and low dependence liability but is scheduled on List I of the Dutch Opium Act (‘hard drugs’). Concerns surrounding increasing MDMA-related criminality coupled with the possibly inappropriate scheduling of MDMA initiated a debate to revise the current Dutch ecstasy policy.Methods:An interdisciplinary group of 18 experts on health, social harms and drug criminality and law enforcement reformulated the science-based Dutch MDMA policy using multi-decision multi-criterion decision analysis (MD-MCDA). The experts collectively formulated policy instruments and rated their effects on 25 outcome criteria, including health, criminality, law enforcement and financial issues, thematically grouped in six clusters.Results:The experts scored the effect of 22 policy instruments, each with between two and seven different mutually exclusive options, on 25 outcome criteria. The optimal policy model was defined by the set of 22 policy instrument options which gave the highest overall score on the 25 outcome criteria. Implementation of the optimal policy model, including regulated MDMA sales, decreases health harms, MDMA-related organised crime and environmental damage, as well as increases state revenues and quality of MDMA products and user information. This model was slightly modified to increase its political feasibility. Sensitivity analyses showed that the outcomes of the current MD-MCDA are robust and independent of variability in weight values.Conclusion:The present results provide a feasible and realistic set of policy instrument options to revise the legislation towards a rational MDMA policy that is likely to reduce both adverse (public) health risks and MDMA-related criminal burden.
ACHTERGRONDMDMA (ecstasy) is een relatief veilige drug en induceert weinig afhankelijkheid, maar staat desondanks samen met andere harddrugs op lijst I van de Nederlandse Opiumwet. Bezorgdheid over de aan MDMA gerelateerde criminaliteit, het aantal gezondheidsincidenten en de mogelijk onterechte plaatsing van MDMA op lijst I hebben geleid tot een voortdurend debat over het huidige Nederlandse ecstasybeleid.DOELOntwikkeling van een rationeel MDMA-beleid waarbij men rekening houdt met alle aspecten gerelateerd aan de productie, verkoop en gebruik van MDMA.METHODEEen interdisciplinaire groep van 18 experts formuleerde een wetenschappelijk onderbouwd MDMA-beleid door de verwachte effecten van 95 beleidsopties op 25 uitkomsten te beoordelen, waaronder gezondheid, criminaliteit, rechtshandhaving en financiën. Het optimale beleidsmodel werd gevormd door een combinatie van 22 beleidsopties met de hoogste totaalscore op alle 25 uitkomsten. RESULTAAT Het optimale beleidsmodel bestond uit een vorm van gereguleerde productie en verkoop van MDMA, beter kwaliteitsbeheer van ecstasypillen en intensievere bestrijding van de MDMA-gerelateerde georganiseerde criminaliteit. Een dergelijk beleid zou leiden tot een kleine toename in de prevalentie van ecstasygebruik, maar met minder gezondheidsschade, minder MDMA-gerelateerde misdaad en minder milieuschade. Om de praktische uitvoerbaarheid en de politieke haalbaarheid te vergroten werd het optimale model enigszins aangepast.CONCLUSIEHet ontwikkelde optimale model biedt een politiek en maatschappelijk haalbare set van beleidsinstrumentopties, waarmee men plaatsing van MDMA op lijst I kan herzien, wat de schade van MDMA voor gebruikers en de samenleving kan verminderen. Voor de psychiatrie betekent het bevordering van therapeutisch onderzoek en minder hinder door nodeloze stigmatisering bij de behandeling van patiënten.--English:SUMMARYThe development of a rational national MDMA policy and itsrelevance for psychiatry.J.G.C. van Amsterdam, T. Nabben, G.-J. Peters, F. van Bakkum, J. Noijen, W. van den BrinkBackground MDMA (ecstasy) is a relatively safe drug and induces little dependence, but is nevertheless scheduled as a hard drug (Dutch Opium Act, List 1). Concerns about MDMA-related crime, health incidents and possible inappropriate listing of MDMA on List I have led to an ongoing debate about current Dutch ecstasy policy.Aim To develop a rational MDMA policy that takes into account all aspects related to production, sale and use ofMDMA.Method An interdisciplinary group of 18 experts formulates a science-based MDMA policy by assessing the expected effects of 95 policy options on 25 outcomes, including health, crime, law enforcement and finance. The optimal policy model consists of the combination of the 22 policy options with the highest total score on all 25 outcomes.Results The optimal policy model consisted of a form of regulated production and sale of MDMA, better qualitymanagement of ecstasy tablets and more intensive fight against MDMA-related organized crime. Such a policywould lead to a small increase in the prevalence of ecstasy use, but with less health damage, less MDMA-related crime, and less environmental damage. To increase practicality and political feasibility, the optimal model was slightly modified.Conclusion The developed optimal model offers a politically and socially feasible set of policy instrument options, with which the placement of MDMA on List I can be revised, thereby reducing the damage of MDMA to users and society. For psychiatry, it means promoting therapeutic research and less nuisance from unnecessary stigmatization in the treatment of patients.