Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Full text beschikbaar met HU-account. Since the 2010s, various companies have begun to manufacture wearable smartwatch devices, but the current sales of these products are not impressive. This study investigates how the limitations of the smartwatch are related to perceptual discomforts. Theoretically, this study evaluates the claim that the discomfort that users appear to have with the smartwatch stem from failed remediation. Users perceive the smartwatch more as a set of functional sensors rather than a watch or smartphone. Specifically, from the remediation perspective, the authors asked how users perceive the functions of the smartwatch. This study used dynamic topic modeling for topics on the smartwatch on Reddit. This study reports that the smartwatch has failed to provide a proper way to use the remediated content that it provides. Suggestions for future studies are addressed.
Business process modeling and system dynamics are different approaches that are used in the design and management of organizations. Both approaches are concerned with the processes in, and around, organizations with the aim to identify, design and understand their behavior as well as potential improvements. At the same time, these approaches differ considerably in their methodological focus. While business process modeling specifically takes the (control flow of) business processes as its primary focus, system dynamics takes the analysis of complex and multi-faceted systems as its core focus. More explicitly combining both approaches has the potential to better model and analyze (by way of simulation) complex business processes, while specifically also including more relevant facets from the environment of these business processes. Furthermore, the inherent ability for simulation of system dynamics models, can be used to simulate the behavior of processes over time, while also putting business processes in a broader multi-faceted context. In this paper, we report on initial results on making such a more explicit combination of business process modeling and system dynamics. In doing so, we also provide a step-by-step guide on how to use BPMN based models and system dynamics models together to model and analyze complex business processes, while illustrating this in terms of a case study on the maintenance of building facades.
Business process modeling and system dynamics are different approaches that are used in the design and management of organizations. Both approaches are concerned with the processes in, and around, organizations with the aim to identify, design and understand their behavior as well as potential improvements. At the same time, these approaches differ considerably in their methodological focus. While business process modeling specifically takes the (control flow of) business processes as its primary focus, system dynamics takes the analysis of complex and multi-faceted systems as its core focus. More explicitly combining both approaches has the potential to better model and analyze (by way of simulation) complex business processes, while specifically also including more relevant facets from the environment of these business processes. Furthermore, the inherent ability for simulation of system dynamics models, can be used to simulate the behavior of processes over time, while also putting business processes in a broader multi-faceted context. In this paper, we report on initial results on making such a more explicit combination of business process modeling and system dynamics. In doing so, we also provide a step-by-step guide on how to use BPMN based models and system dynamics models together to model and analyze complex business processes, while illustrating this in terms of a case study on the maintenance of building facades.
Collaborative networks for sustainability are emerging rapidly to address urgent societal challenges. By bringing together organizations with different knowledge bases, resources and capabilities, collaborative networks enhance information exchange, knowledge sharing and learning opportunities to address these complex problems that cannot be solved by organizations individually. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the apparel sector, where examples of collaborative networks for sustainability are plenty, for example Sustainable Apparel Coalition, Zero Discharge Hazardous Chemicals, and the Fair Wear Foundation. Companies like C&A and H&M but also smaller players join these networks to take their social responsibility. Collaborative networks are unlike traditional forms of organizations; they are loosely structured collectives of different, often competing organizations, with dynamic membership and usually lack legal status. However, they do not emerge or organize on their own; they need network orchestrators who manage the network in terms of activities and participants. But network orchestrators face many challenges. They have to balance the interests of diverse companies and deal with tensions that often arise between them, like sharing their innovative knowledge. Orchestrators also have to “sell” the value of the network to potential new participants, who make decisions about which networks to join based on the benefits they expect to get from participating. Network orchestrators often do not know the best way to maintain engagement, commitment and enthusiasm or how to ensure knowledge and resource sharing, especially when competitors are involved. Furthermore, collaborative networks receive funding from grants or subsidies, creating financial uncertainty about its continuity. Raising financing from the private sector is difficult and network orchestrators compete more and more for resources. When networks dissolve or dysfunction (due to a lack of value creation and capture for participants, a lack of financing or a non-functioning business model), the collective value that has been created and accrued over time may be lost. This is problematic given that industrial transformations towards sustainability take many years and durable organizational forms are required to ensure ongoing support for this change. Network orchestration is a new profession. There are no guidelines, handbooks or good practices for how to perform this role, nor is there professional education or a professional association that represents network orchestrators. This is urgently needed as network orchestrators struggle with their role in governing networks so that they create and capture value for participants and ultimately ensure better network performance and survival. This project aims to foster the professionalization of the network orchestrator role by: (a) generating knowledge, developing and testing collaborative network governance models, facilitation tools and collaborative business modeling tools to enable network orchestrators to improve the performance of collaborative networks in terms of collective value creation (network level) and private value capture (network participant level) (b) organizing platform activities for network orchestrators to exchange ideas, best practices and learn from each other, thereby facilitating the formation of a professional identity, standards and community of network orchestrators.