Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
Abstract: The need for mental healthcare professionals in the Netherlands is increasing caused by the growth of patient complexity. The administration burden causes outflow of professionals and therefor they become increasingly scares. Improvement initiatives are aimed as the intended strategy and starts with (re)-structuring organizations through legislation and regulations. They entail both experienced and measured administration burden for healthcare professionals working in Long-Term Care (LTC). However, most studies only provide insight into the current administration burden or the impact of legislation and regulations on the administration burden from a broad perspective. These insights are useful to LTC managers, but more in-depth research is needed to implement laws and regulations to reduce the administration burden for LTC professionals in the future. The Compulsory Mental Healthcare Act (CMHA) was implemented in the Dutch mental healthcare and replaced the Special Admissions Act in Psychiatric Hospitals (SAAPH) on January 1, 2020. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of the legislative transition and to determine the effect on the administration burden of Dutch mental healthcare professionals. A survey concerning the administration burden for especially psychiatrists before and after the transition was distributed to an addiction institute with a diversity of different mental healthcare professionals and a psychiatric institute that has been led by psychiatrists. Also some interviews with the lead professionals where held. The results show that the administration burden among psychiatrists has increased due to the contact with external healthcare providers and contact with the patient, family and their loved ones (a consequence of the amendment of the law). This effect was significant and in line with the results of the interviews. Therefor we conclude that the administration burden has increased as a result of the legislative amendment.
Excessive alcohol consumers are in need for effective and targeted thiamine interventions to prevent the development of Korsakoff’s syndrome. Coercive home health care might be a solution to reach excessive alcohol consumers. In many parts of the world, an expansion is seen of more coercive community practices. Due to new legislation in the Netherlands, preventive coercive home health care is permitted. The objective of this article is twofold. Firstly, to describe this new Dutch legislation and secondly, to explore literature to identify themes that might contribute to less-intrusive coercive interventions at the excessive alcohol consumer’s home. Four articles have been identified which concentrate on experiences regarding coercive home health care. Preventive coercive home health care might benefit from a stable and trusting relationship. For healthcare organizations, this means that they need to pay attention to the health and safety of their employees to prevent outflow.
By analysing intelligence-gathering reform legislation this article discusses access to justice for communications interception by the intelligence and security services. In the aftermath of the Snowden revelations, sophisticated oversight systems for bulk communications surveillance are being established across the globe. In the Netherlands prior judicial consent and a binding complaint procedure have been established. However, although checks and balances for targeted communications interference have been created, accountability mechanisms are less equipped to effectively remedy indiscriminate interference. Therefore, within the context of mass communications surveillance programs, access to justice for complainants remains a contentious issue.
The Dutch hospitality industry, reflecting the wider Dutch society, is increasingly facing social sustainability challenges for a greying population, such as increasing burnout, lifelong learning, and inclusion for those distanced from the job market. Yet, while the past decades have seen notable progress regarding environmental sustainability and good governance, more attention should be paid to social sustainability. This concern is reflected by the top-sector healthcare struggles caused by mounting social welfare pressure, leading to calls by the Dutch government for organizational improvement in social earning capacity. Furthermore, the upcoming EU legislation on CSRD requires greater transparency regarding financial and non-financial reporting this year. Yet, while the existing sustainability accreditation frameworks offer guidance on environmental sustainability and good governance reporting, there must be more guidance on auditing social sustainability. The hospitality industry, as a prominent employer in the Netherlands, thus has a societal and legislative urgency to transition its social earning capacity. Dormben Hotel The Hague OpCo BV (Dormben) has thus sought support in transitioning its social sustainability standards to meet this call. Hotelschool, the Hague leads the consortium, including Green Key Nederland and Dormben, by employing participatory design to present a social sustainability accreditation framework. Initially, Dr. David Brannon and Dr. Melinda Ratkai from Hotelschool The Hague will draft a social sustainability accreditation framework informed by EFRAG. Subsequently, Erik van Wijk, from Green Key Nederland, the hospitality benchmark for sustainability accreditation, and Sander de Jong, from Dormben, will pilot the framework through four participatory workshops involving hospitality operators. Later, during a cross-industry conference, Dr. David Brannon and Dr. Melinda Ratkai will disseminate a social sustainability toolkit across their academic and industry networks. Finally, conference and workshop participants will be invited to form a social sustainability learning community, discussing their social earning capacity based on the revised sustainability accreditation.
The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is a delicacy fish and an integral part of the Dutch culinary history. However, the stock of adult eel has decreased significantly due to a precipitous recruitment of glass eel fall. This relates to multiple factors including obstacles in migration pathways, loss of habitat and chemical pollution. Consequently, Anguilla anguilla has become a critically endangered species and is protected under European legislation. One possible solution, explored on laboratory scale, is the captive reproduction of eels and growth of glass eel in aquaculture. A big challenge of this technique is the limiting aspect of possible nutrients for the eels in the larval stage, as the diet must be delivered in micrometric capsules (< 20 µm) with a high protein content. Such diets are not yet available on the market. Electrohydrodynamic atomization (EHDA) is a novel option to prepare a micro-diet suitable for eel larvae. EHDA is especially interesting for its narrow size distribution capabilities and for applications which require submicrometric sizes. This project aims to evaluate the use of EHDA to produce high protein content micrometric size capsules for feeding larval eels. If successful, this would assist in the captivity production of glass eel and to make the eel culture independent of wild catches, restoring the culinary market. The project will be conducted in two phases. Firstly, tests will be conducted to evaluate the necessary conditions of the capsules using EHDA. Subsequently, the obtained capsules will be tested as feed for eel larvae. The main objective is to favour the development of a more sustainable eel culture, regarding the possibilities of investigating the current fish in natura option and exchanging it for a captivity one.
Our country contains a very dense and challenging transport and mobility system. National research agendas and roadmaps of multiple sectors such as HTSM, Logistics and Agri&food, promote vehicle automation as a means to increase transport safety and efficiency. SMEs applying vehicle automation require compliance to application/sector specific standards and legislation. A key aspect is the safety of the automated vehicle within its design domain, to be proven by manufacturers and assessed by authorities. The various standards and procedures show many similarities but also lead to significant differences in application experience and available safety related solutions. For example: Industrial AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) have been around for many years, while autonomous road vehicles are only found in limited testing environments and pilots. Companies are confronted with an increasing need to cover multiple application environments, such restricted areas and public roads, leading to complex technical choices and parallel certification/homologation procedures. SafeCLAI addresses this challenge by developing a framework for a generic safety layer in the control of autonomous vehicles that can be re-used in different applications across sectors. This is done by extensive consolidation and application of cross-sectoral knowledge and experience – including analysis of related standards and procedures. The framework promises shorter development times and enables more efficient assessment procedures. SafeCLAI will focus on low-speed applications since they are most wanted and technically best feasible. Nevertheless, higher speed aspects will be considered to allow for future extension. SafeCLAI will practically validate (parts) of the foreseen safety layer and publish the foreseen framework as a baseline for future R&D, allowing coverage of broader design domains. SafeCLAI will disseminate the results in the Dutch arena of autonomous vehicle development and application, and also integrate the project learnings into educational modules.