Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This thesis studies the factors that influence physical distribution structure design. Distribution Structure Design (DSD) concerns the spatial layout of the distribution channel as well as the location(s) of logistics facilities. Despite the frequent treatment of DSD in supply chain handbooks, an empirically validated conceptual framework of factors is still lacking. This thesis studies DSD in multiple industry sectors (Fashion, Consumer Electronics, Online Retail) and proposes a conceptual framework.
Distribution structures, as studied in this paper, involve the spatial layout of the freight transport and storage system used to move goods between production and consumption locations. Decisions on this layout are important to companies as they allow them to balance customer service levels and logistics costs. Until now there has been very little descriptive research into the factors that drive decisions about these structures. Moreover, the literature on the topic is scattered across various research streams. In this paper we review and consolidate this literature, with the aim to arrive at a comprehensive list of factors. Three relevant research streams were identified: Supply Chain Management (SCM), Transportation and Geography. The SCM and Transportation literature mostly focus on distribution structure including distribution centre (DC) location selection from a viewpoint of service level and logistics costs factors. The Geography literature focuses on spatial DC location decisions and resulting patterns mostly explained by location factors such as labour and land availability. Our review indicates that the main factors that drive decision-making are “demand level”, “service level”, “product characteristics”, “logistics costs”, “labour and land”, “accessibility” and “contextual factors”. The main trade-off influencing distribution structure selection is “service level” versus “logistics costs”. Together, the research streams provide a rich picture of the factors that drive distribution structure including DC location selection. We conclude with a framework that shows the relative position of these factors. Future work can focus on completing the framework by detailing out the sub factors and empirically testing the direction and strength of relationships. Cooperation between the three research streams will be useful to further extend and operationalize the framework.
This paper studies the factors that drive distribution structure design (DSD), which includes the spatial layout of distribution channels and location choice of logistics facilities. We build on a generic framework from existing literature, which we validate and elaborate using interviews among industry practitioners. Empirical evidence was collected from 18 logistics experts and 33 decision-makers affiliated to shippers and logistics service providers from the fashion, consumer electronics and online retail sectors. It turns out that interviewees share similar rankings of main factors across industries, and even confirm factor weights from earlier research established using multi-criteria decision analysis, which would indicate that the framework is sector- neutral at the highest level. The importance attached to subfactors varies between sectors according to our expectations. We were able to identify 20 possible new influencing subfactors. The results may support managers in their decision-making process, and regional policy-makers with regard to spatial planning and regional marketing. The framework is a basis for researchers to help improve further quantitative DSD support models.
The pipelines are buried structures. They move together with the soil during a seismic event. They are affected from ground motions. The project aims to find out the possible effects of Groningen earthquakes on pipelines of Loppersum and Slochteren.This project is devised for conducting an initial probe on the available data to see the possible actions that can be taken, initially on these two pilot villages, Loppersum and Slochteren, for detecting the potential relationship between the past damages and the seismic activity.Lifeline infrastructure, such as water mains and sewerage systems, covering our urbanised areas like a network, are most of the times, sensitive to seismic actions. This sensitivity can be in the form of extended damage during seismic events, or other collateral damages, such as what happened in Christchurch Earthquakes in 2011 in New Zealand when the sewerage system of the city was filled in with tonnes of sand due to liquefaction.Regular damage detection is one of key solutions for operational purposes. The earthquake mitigation, however, needs large scale risk studies with expected spatial distribution of damages for varying seismic hazard levels.
Aanleiding: Automatisering kan leiden tot beter gebruik van materialen en afval reduceren. Dit brengt verbeteringen met zich mee voor 'people, planet and profit' (PPP) - mensen, het milieu en de winst. Een specifieke vorm van automatisering, de ontwikkeling van zelfrijdende auto's en vrachtauto's, gaat snel. Maar om zelfrijdende voertuigen beschikbaar te maken is er nog veel onderzoek en ontwikkeling nodig op verschillende gebieden. Er zijn nog veel vragen te beantwoorden op het gebied van onder andere truckontwerp, betrouwbare software, aansprakelijkheid, trajectplanning en logistiek. Doelstelling Het doel van het Intralog-project is om voor de maatschappij en de private sector een significante bijdrage te leveren aan de mogelijkheden van zelfrijdende voertuigen in de commerciële transportsector. Het Intralog-project onderzoekt de toegevoegde waarde voor PPP van 'automated guided trucks' (AGT's) aan logistieke operaties bij distributiecentra en interterminal/intermodal traffic hubs. Dit gebeurt in twee stappen: 1) het identificeren van het potentieel met betrekking tot de vraag vanuit de logistieke omgeving; 2. het ontwerpen, realiseren, testen en valideren van mogelijke strategieën voor het implementeren van AGT's in een logistiek scenario. Beoogde resultaten Het concrete resultaat van het project bestaat uit onderzoekstools en hardware- en softwaremodellen voor Intralog. Deze bieden een goede mogelijkheid om de opgedane kennis te verspreiden. De projectdeelnemers zullen bijdragen aan workshops, tentoonstellingen en in Nederland georganiseerde symposia. De onderzoeksresultaten verspreiden ze op conferenties en door middel van publicaties in technische vakbladen. De uiteindelijke Intralog-resultaten worden gepresenteerd op een afsluitend congres. De resultaten zullen worden samengevat in een boekje.
Climate change has impacted our planet ecosystem(s) in many ways. Among other alterations, the predominance of long(er) drought periods became a point of concern for many countries. A good example is The Netherlands, a country known by its channels and abundant surface water, which has listed “drought effect mitigation” among the different topics in the last version of its “Innovation Agenda” (Kennis en Innovatie Agenda, KIA). There are many challenges to tackle in such scenario, one of them is solutions for small/decentralized communities that suffer from dry-up of surface reservoirs and have no groundwater source available. Such sites are normally far from big cities and coastal zones, which impair the supply via distribution networks. In such cases, Atmospheric Water Generation (AWG) technologies are a plausible solution. These systems have relatively small production rates (few m3 per day), but they can still provide enough volume for cities with up to 100k inhabitants. Despite having real scale systems already installed in different locations worldwide, most systems are between TRL 5 and 6. Thus need further development. SunCET proposes an in-situ evaluation of an AWG system (WaterWin) developed by two different Dutch companies (Solaq and Sustainable Eyes) in the Brazilian semi-arid state of Ceará. The cooperation with NHL Stenden will provide the necessary expertise, analytical and technical support to conduct the tests. The state government of Ceará built an infrastructure to support the realization of in-situ tests, as they want to further accelerate technology implementation in the state. Such structure will make it possible to share costs and decrease total investments for the SMEs. Finally, it is also intended to help establishing partnerships between Dutch SMEs and Brazilian end users, i.e. municipalities of the Ceará state and small agriculture companies in the region.