Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
We extend a standard for doing agile scrum teamwork in education that permits individual assessment within teams (IAFOR ECE2020). Since the teacher's bandwidth in education is limited and increasingly under pressure, we focus on course design options that can be used to leverage the bandwidth. One economizing option in courses is to let teams prerecord prototype presentation videos before sprint review takes place. This allocates expensive teacher's time to team interrogation time which enriches interaction and engagement and enables effective sharing between teams to improve communication flow in sparse stakeholder feedback scenarios. We also describe three learning analytic pathways that can be smartly integrated into learning dashboards to monitor student and team progress or into learning recommender systems and chatbots to generate action-directed, just-in-time feedback and advice to students. The first one is for setup that enables control of important team diversity and student inclusion parameters such as demographic, personality and professional traits that are known from the student population in advance and that enables handy attribution of 21st-century skill sets within teams. The second one is the product pathway that builds on a datastream generated from qualitative, quantitative and immersive product features that are known from prototyping. The third one is the process pathway in which information on 21st-century skills is generated that are at play in individual and dynamic team processes. We are convinced that these extensions will further enable effective learning technology that is directed to applying agile scrum in education efficently, both for students as teachers.
Academic design research often fails to contribute to design practice. This dissertation explores how design research collaborations can provide knowledge that design professionals will use in practice. The research shows that design professionals are not addressed as an important audience between the many audiences of collaborative research projects. The research provides insight in the learning process by design professionals in design research collaborations and it identifies opportunities for even more learning. It shows that design professionals can learn about more than designing, but also about application domains or project organization.
This investigation explores relations between 1) a theory of human cognition, called Embodied Cognition, 2) the design of interactive systems and 3) the practice of ‘creative group meetings’ (of which the so-called ‘brainstorm’ is perhaps the best-known example). The investigation is one of Research-through-Design (Overbeeke et al., 2006). This means that, together with students and external stakeholders, I designed two interactive prototypes. Both systems contain a ‘mix’ of both physical and digital forms. Both are designed to be tools in creative meeting sessions, or brainstorms. The tools are meant to form a natural, element in the physical meeting space. The function of these devices is to support the formation of shared insight: that is, the tools should support the process by which participants together, during the activity, get a better grip on the design challenge that they are faced with. Over a series of iterations I reflected on the design process and outcome, and investigated how users interacted with the prototypes.
Low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide and a significant contributor to work incapacity. Although effective therapeutic options are scarce, exercises supervised by a physiotherapist have shown to be effective. However, the effects found in research studies tend to be small, likely due to the heterogeneous nature of patients' complaints and movement limitations. Personalized treatment is necessary as a 'one-size-fits-all' approach is not sufficient. High-tech solutions consisting of motions sensors supported by artificial intelligence will facilitate physiotherapists to achieve this goal. To date, physiotherapists use questionnaires and physical examinations, which provide subjective results and therefore limited support for treatment decisions. Objective measurement data obtained by motion sensors can help to determine abnormal movement patterns. This information may be crucial in evaluating the prognosis and designing the physiotherapy treatment plan. The proposed study is a small cohort study (n=30) that involves low back pain patients visiting a physiotherapist and performing simple movement tasks such as walking and repeated forward bending. The movements will be recorded using sensors that estimate orientation from accelerations, angular velocities and magnetometer data. Participants complete questionnaires about their pain and functioning before and after treatment. Artificial analysis techniques will be used to link the sensor and questionnaire data to identify clinically relevant subgroups based on movement patterns, and to determine if there are differences in prognosis between these subgroups that serve as a starting point of personalized treatments. This pilot study aims to investigate the potential benefits of using motion sensors to personalize the treatment of low back pain. It serves as a foundation for future research into the use of motion sensors in the treatment of low back pain and other musculoskeletal or neurological movement disorders.
In the road transportation sector, CO2 emission target is set to reduce by at least 45% by 2030 as per the European Green Deal. Heavy Duty Vehicles contribute almost quarter of greenhouse gas emissions from road transport in Europe and drive majorly on fossil fuels. New emission restrictions creates a need for transition towards reduced emission targets. Also, increasing number of emission free zones within Europe, give rise to the need of hybridization within the truck and trailer community. Currently, in majority of the cases the trailer units do not possess any kind of drivetrain to support the truck. Trailers carry high loads, such that while accelerating, high power is needed. On the other hand, while braking the kinetic energy is lost, which otherwise could be recaptured. Thus, having a trailer with electric powertrain can support the truck during traction and can charge the battery during braking, helping in reducing the emissions and fuel consumption. Using the King-pin, the amount of support required by trailer can be determined, making it an independent trailer, thus requiring no modification on the truck. Given the heavy-duty environment in which the King-pin operates, the measurement design around it should be robust, compact and measure forces within certain accuracy level. Moreover, modification done to the King-pin is not apricated. These are also the challenges faced by V-Tron, a leading company in the field of services in mobility domain. The goal of this project is to design a smart King-pin, which is robust, compact and provides force component measurement within certain accuracy, to the independent e-trailer, without taking input from truck, and investigate the energy management system of the independent e-trailer to explore the charging options. As a result, this can help reduce the emissions and fuel consumption.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the final waste product for all carbon-containing products. Its reuse will partly mitigate climate change and, in addition, provide a valuable feedstock for fuels and chemicals. Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (ZUYD), Innosyn B.V., and Chemtrix B.V. will develop a flow reactor for photochemical reactions with gases conducted at high pressure. This reactor is the necessary first development towards artificial photosynthesis: the connection of hydrogen (H2) to the ultimate waste product CO2 to store energy in a chemical bond, in order to produce so-called solar fuels and C1-chemicals/products. With an increasing amount of renewables in the energy system, energy storage becomes increasingly important to continuously match supply and demand. In a cooperation between three ZUYD research groups with Chemtrix B.V. and Innosyn B.V., multiple cost-efficient reactor designs for this flow reactor will be analyzed and two designs will be selected to be implemented by small extensions of existing equipment. Simultaneously, two appropriate test re-actions involving a gas (E-Z isomerization followed by hydrogenation) and with a CO2 analogue (a hydrogenation of a carboxylic acid) will be developed to be conducted in the reactor when the con-struction has been finished. We aim to disseminate the new capabilities developed in this KIEM proposal by the project partners with respect to the new reactors to several selected stakeholders. Furthermore, to expand the project several options (SIA-RAAK and H2020 grants) will be explored.