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© 2025 SURF
Research on solving mathematical word problems suggests that students may perform better on problems with a close to real-life representation of the problem situation than on word problems. In this study we pursued real-life representation by a mainly depictive representation of the problem situation, mostly by photographs. The prediction that students perform better on problems with a depictive representation of the problem situation than on comparable word problems was tested in a randomised controlled trial with 31,842 students, aged 10–20 years, from primary and secondary education. The conclusion was that students scored significantly higher on problems with a depictive representation of the problem situation, but with a very small effect size of Cohen’s d = 0.09. The results of this research are likely to be relevant for evaluations of mathematics education where word problems are used to evaluate the mathematical capacity of students.
Currently, 4% of older adults reside in long-term care facilities in the Netherlands. Nursing home residents tend to have multimorbidity that is associated with considerable disabilities and a high level of care dependency. In the Dutch adult population the highest estimated prevalence (>40%) of visual impairment (low vision and blindness) was found in the subgroup of residents in nursing homes (NHs). The aim of this study is to describe the current practice of eye care by Dutch nursing home physicians (NHPs). A digital online survey was developed to describe the eye care activities of nursing home physicians and their cooperation in this perspective with other professionals. Of 1573 NHPs present in the Netherlands, 125 (8%) responded. Results show that more than 50% of the NHPs regularly examine ‘distant vision’, ‘near vision’ and ‘the visual field’ . However, 23%, 33% and 45% almost never or never examine the ‘visual field’, ‘near vision’ and ‘distant vision’, respectively. Data regarding eye care, regularly recorded in the client files by more than 50% of the NHPs, are medical data involving ‘use of eye medication’, ‘eye disease’, and ‘eye surgery in the past’. Less commonly recorded is ‘the use of reading glasses’ as well as ‘eye pain’. Inside of the NH, (head) nurses and ward nurses (chi 2 = 309, df = 5, p = 0.000), and outside of the NH, ophthalmologists and low vision specialists are most frequently contacted about eye related issues (chi 2 = 224, df = 4, p = 0.000). Opticians are rarely contacted, and optometrists and orthoptists are ‘never’ contacted by more than 50% of the NHPs. Moreover, 50% of the NHPs noted that collaboration with external eye care professionals is ‘not structural’. This study shows that, according to NHPs, relevant visual aspects are not structurally examined and recorded in the client files. Outside of the NH, NHPs tend to have a less frequent collaborative relationship with optometrists, orthoptists and opticians compared to ophthalmologists and low vision specialists. The NHP’s role in providing eye care can be improved by development of guidelines for structural eye screening, improvement of recording in client files, and exploring plus undertaking collaboration with other eye care professionals.
The aim of this study is to contribute to the body of knowledge on the use of contextual mathematical problems. Word problems are a predominant genre in mathematics classrooms in assessing students’ ability to solve problems from everyday life. Research on word problems, however, reveals a range of difficulties in their use in mathematics education. In our research we took an alternative approach: we designed image-rich numeracy problems as alternatives for word problems. A set of word problems was modified by systematically replacing the descriptive representation of the problem situation by a more depictive representation and an instrument was designed to measure the effect of this modification on students’ performance. The instrument can measure the effect of this alternative approach in a randomized controlled trial. In order to use the instrument at scale, we made this instrument also usable as a diagnostic test for an upcoming nationwide examination on numeracy. In this article we explain and discuss the design of the instrument and the validation of its intended uses.
In de ontwikkeling van voedingsmiddelen draait alles om smaak. Eten moeten vooral lekker zijn, toch? Om smaak en andere producteigenschappen in kaart te brengen wordt sensorisch onderzoek (SO) uitgevoerd. In de praktijk gebeurt dit vaak onder suboptimale omstandigheden vanwege bijvoorbeeld onvoldoende beschikbaarheid van panelleden en een gebrek aan tijd. Belangrijke beslissingen worden vervolgens gebaseerd op onbetrouwbare, invalide resultaten. Er is daarom een behoefte naar snelle, betrouwbare en valide methodieken. Daarbij geldt dat voedselkeuze een complex proces dat verder gaat dat het analytisch beoordelen van producteigenschappen. Zo kan de context van consumptie van invloed zijn op de perceptie van smaak. In het sensorisch onderzoeksveld is hier steeds meer aandacht voor. Hiermee beweegt SO zich richting consumentenonderzoek (CO). De overlap en wederzijdse beïnvloeding van elementen uit SO en CO zijn relevant tijdens verschillende fases van het productontwikkelingsproces. In dit postdoconderzoek zal Vera van Stokkom een snelle en flexibele onderzoeksmethode ontwikkelen en valideren. Elementen van SO en CO zullen geïntegreerd worden in een methodiek onder de werktitel Rapid Sensory & Consumer Modules Tool (RSCM-tool). De methodiek zal worden gericht op de productcategorie groenten. Groenten passen bij uitstek in een gezond en duurzaam voedingspatroon. Ook zal worden onderzocht of de RSCM-tool kan worden ingezet bij ouderen, omdat bij ouderen achteruitgang in sensorische perceptie plaatsvindt. Met dit postdoconderzoek wordt kennis en ervaring opgedaan over de toepassing van een nieuwe sensorische onderzoeksmethodiek (RSCM) die uiterst relevant is voor onderzoek met, en onderwijs op het gebied van voeding. Dit postdoconderzoek valt onder het Research and Innovation Centre Agri, Food & Life Sciences van Hogeschool Inholland. Naast een verbreding en verdieping op de onderzoekslijn Gezondheid in de Metropool en het domeinoverstijgende onderzoeksprogramma Food for Happy Ageing, zal dit onderzoek bijdragen aan duurzame curriculuminnovatie binnen de opleiding Food Commerce and Technology en de profilering van Hogeschool Inholland als kennispartner.
What is the current career of alumni from the International Business School of hte Hanze University of Applied Sciences. Where do they work and what is the relevance of Internationalisation in the careers of these Alumni.IBS Hanze alumni work Internationally, some 30 % of the Dutch and Germnan alumni work in other countries than their nationality. For alumni of other nationalities both germany and the Netherlands seem te be countries of settlement. Alumni work in majority for larger companies that operate Internationally. This research explores if and how the career of IBS Hanze UAS alumni can be considered international.Country of settlement, nationality and home base of the employing company were considered in a descriptive research. Data was collected form the public LinkedIn profile of 2050 alumni as well as Hanze UAS internal databases. A smal qualitative research was conducted with 46 respondents to explore the questions why and how Internationalisation was relevant for the alumni.