Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
This paper studies the productive role of innovation in organisations. Using the post-structuralist insight that innovation is an open concept that can become performative, we shift the emphasis from analysing innovations themselves to analysing how the concept of innovation affects the organisational practices through which it acquires meaning. Deploying this framework, we studied the development of an innovation unit within TUI, a corporate tour operator. We found that actors interpreted innovation in different ways and that initially the innovation unit was considered a failure. The subsequent dramatisation of this failure resulted in a new version of this innovation unit that strengthened established actors and institutions within the organisation. Our study shows how the use of the concept of innovation in an organisation can both stimulate and hamper its innovativeness. Addressing this paradox requires sensitivity to the concept's productive role and evaluations of innovation that look beyond accomplished results.
In January 2013, a group of 6 professionals associated with the HvA Research and development Centre for society and Law made a study trip to the USA. Under the name "Krachtwerk on tour" they traveled three weeks through the USA, covering about 7000 km from Boston to San Francisco and Berkeley, through New york, Chicago, Kansas and Los. They visited 25 projects, organizations and research groups and spoke with over 115 professionals. The study trip was inspired by reorganizations in the welfare state of the Netherlands. The Dutch model was moving towards a more American model of individual responsibility. By meeting the frontrunners in the field, the authors gathered experiences and ideas they could can use in their research, education, and practice. In their concluding chapter, they describe their general and personal impressions. Because peer run organizations have been applied in The States for many years, visiting these organizations was a source of inspiration for similar projects in the Netherlands. During their tour, the authors maintained a blog on http://krachtwerkontour.blogspot.nl/ with stories and videos.