Dienst van SURF
© 2025 SURF
An important contribution to the environmental impact of agro-food supply chains is related to the agricultural technology and practices used in the fields during raw material production. This problem can be framed from the point of view of the Focal Company (FC) as a raw material Green Supplier Selection Problem (GSSP). This paper describes an extension of the GSSP methodology that integrates life cycle assessment, environmental collaborations, and contract farming in order to gain social and environmental benefits. In this approach, risk and gains are shared by both parties, as well as information related to agricultural practices through which the FC can optimize global performance by deciding which suppliers to contract, capacity and which practices to use at each supplying field in order to optimize economic performance and environmental impact. The FC provides the knowledge and technology needed by the supplier to reach these objectives via a contract farming scheme. A case study is developed in order to illustrate and a step-by-step methodology is described. A multi-objective optimization strategy based on Genetic Algorithms linked to a MCDM approach to the solution selection step is proposed. Scenarios of optimization of the selection process are studied to demonstrate the potential improvement gains in performance.
This open access book states that the endemic societal faultlines of our times are deeply intertwined and that they confront us with challenges affecting the security and sustainability of our societies. It states that new ways of inhabiting and cultivating our planet are needed to keep it healthy for future generations. This requires a fundamental shift from the current anthropocentric and economic growth-oriented social contract to a more ecocentric and regenerative natural social contract. The author posits that in a natural social contract, society cannot rely on the market or state alone for solutions to grand societal challenges, nor leave them to individual responsibility. Rather, these problems need to be solved through transformative social-ecological innovation (TSEI), which involves systemic changes that affect sustainability, health and justice. The TSEI framework presented in this book helps to diagnose and advance innovation and change across sectors and disciplines, and at different levels of governance. It identifies intervention points and helps formulate sustainable solutions for policymakers, administrators, concerned citizens and professionals in moving towards a more just and equitable society.
Op basis van een uitgebreide literatuurstudie, 25 interviews met gebiedspartijen in Midden-Delfland en een aantal multi-stakeholders workshops is in kaart gebracht hoe een gebiedsgerichte aanpak gericht op landschapinclusieve kringlooplandbouw in Midden-Delfland vorm krijgt dan wel versterkt kan worden. Hiervoor is de Transitiebloem-aanpak (TBA) gebruikt als holistische, transdisciplinaire en praktijkgerichte transitiebenadering. Deze benadering helpt gebiedspartijen bij het realiseren van een integrale systeemaanpak en collectief handelingsperspectief gericht op de samenhang van verschillende gebiedsopgaven met betrekking tot landbouw, water, voedsel, bodem, biodiversiteit, energie, klimaat, erfgoed, stadplattelandrelaties en economie.