Objective: To gain insight into patient participation in general practice by examining if and how patients' question-asking behaviour has changed over the years (2007-2016). Methods: A random set of real-life video-recorded consultations collected in 2015-2016 (n = 437) was observed and compared with that of a former study in 2007-2008 (n = 533). Patients' question-asking behaviour was coded using an adapted RIAS protocol containing six categories: medical condition/therapeutic regimen; psychosocial; social context; lifestyle; ask for opinion doctor; practical. GPs and patients completed questionnaires about their background characteristics. Data were analysed using multi-level analysis. Results: Patients asked fewer questions in 2016 than in 2007. The type of question-asking behaviour changed significantly: in particular medical questions decreased while practical questions increased. Less educated patients asked significantly more practical questions than higher educated patients. Conclusion: Contrary to our expectations, patients' question-asking has decreased in 2016 compared to 2007, while the average consultation length has increased. The type of questions shifted from medical to practical, especially in less educated patients. It seems that GPs' professional role has expanded over time, since patients nowadays ask their GP more non-medical questions. Practice implications: GPs probably could continue facilitating patient involvement by more frequently using partnership-building and supportive communication.
Objective: To gain insight into patient participation in general practice by examining if and how patients' question-asking behaviour has changed over the years (2007-2016). Methods: A random set of real-life video-recorded consultations collected in 2015-2016 (n = 437) was observed and compared with that of a former study in 2007-2008 (n = 533). Patients' question-asking behaviour was coded using an adapted RIAS protocol containing six categories: medical condition/therapeutic regimen; psychosocial; social context; lifestyle; ask for opinion doctor; practical. GPs and patients completed questionnaires about their background characteristics. Data were analysed using multi-level analysis. Results: Patients asked fewer questions in 2016 than in 2007. The type of question-asking behaviour changed significantly: in particular medical questions decreased while practical questions increased. Less educated patients asked significantly more practical questions than higher educated patients. Conclusion: Contrary to our expectations, patients' question-asking has decreased in 2016 compared to 2007, while the average consultation length has increased. The type of questions shifted from medical to practical, especially in less educated patients. It seems that GPs' professional role has expanded over time, since patients nowadays ask their GP more non-medical questions. Practice implications: GPs probably could continue facilitating patient involvement by more frequently using partnership-building and supportive communication.
DOEL. Dit artikel beoogt een kritische analyse te geven van de manier waarop het begrip Evidence Based Practice in de literatuur doorgaans wordt ingevuld, waarna mogelijkheden worden geschetst de in het artikel geconstateerde bezwaren te ondervangen. METHODE. Er is literatuuronderzoek gedaan naar de manier waarop EBP in de literatuur wordt ingevuld. RESULTAAT. Hoewel in de literatuur met betrekking tot EBP wordt aangegeven dat het handelen van professionals gebaseerd zou moeten zijn op een integratie van wetenschappelijk onderzoek, klinische expertise en cliëntenvoorkeuren, krijgt de bron van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek de meeste nadruk. Binnen dit wetenschappelijk onderzoek wordt kwantitatief onderzoek bovendien doorgaans hoger gewaardeerd dan kwalitatief onderzoek. De andere kennisbronnen (deskundigheid van de cliënt en expertise van de verpleegkundige) die bij EBP worden onderscheiden, blijven veelal onderbelicht. DISCUSSIE EN CONCLUSIE. De manier waarop EBP meestal wordt ingevuld en geïmplementeerd brengt een aantal beperkingen met zich mee. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn de beperkte aandacht voor: de kern van het verplegen, de interactie tussen de cliënt en de verpleegkundige, de context of de cultuur waarin de zorgverlening plaatsvindt, het benutten van de ervaringsdeskundigheid van de cliënt en de expertise van de verpleegkundige zelf. In het artikel worden suggesties gegeven om deze beperkingen te ondervangen, zodat EBP inderdaad de integratie wordt van de verschillende kennisbronnen die in de literatuur worden onderscheiden en EBP met mogelijk meer succes kan worden geïmplementeerd.