This doctoral thesis describes three case studies of service engineers participating in organizational change, interacting with managers and consultants. The study investigates the role of differences in professional discourse and culture when these three professional groups interact in organizational change, and how this affects the change result. We bring together two scientific fields, first change management and second, linguistics. The intersection represents the overlapping field of professional discourse and culture. The research design was an explorative multiple case study using qualitative linguistic analyses. The study found that successful organizational change is the result of interaction between professional culture, the organizational culture and the organization/change context. The differences between the professional cultures and discourses can hamper the change process. The practical contribution of this study might be the increased awareness among professionals about their own professional, and often implicit, assumptions. Managers, consultants and service engineers have to be aware of the group dynamics and the specific role of their own typical professional discourse and culture in a change project setting.
This doctoral thesis describes three case studies of service engineers participating in organizational change, interacting with managers and consultants. The study investigates the role of differences in professional discourse and culture when these three professional groups interact in organizational change, and how this affects the change result. We bring together two scientific fields, first change management and second, linguistics. The intersection represents the overlapping field of professional discourse and culture. The research design was an explorative multiple case study using qualitative linguistic analyses. The study found that successful organizational change is the result of interaction between professional culture, the organizational culture and the organization/change context. The differences between the professional cultures and discourses can hamper the change process. The practical contribution of this study might be the increased awareness among professionals about their own professional, and often implicit, assumptions. Managers, consultants and service engineers have to be aware of the group dynamics and the specific role of their own typical professional discourse and culture in a change project setting.
Aim of this study is to gain more insights into conditions and approaches used by sport club consultants, affecting the vitalization process of voluntary sport clubs. This study is part of a larger research the competencies, approaches and interventions which sport club consultants need to provide support on vitalization processes in voluntary sport clubs.
CIVITAS is a network of cities for cities dedicated to cleaner, better transport in Europe and beyond. Since it was launched by the European Commission in 2002, the CIVITAS Initiative has tested and implemented over 800 measures and urban transport solutions as a part of demonstration projects in more than 80 Living Lab cities across Europe.The ELEVATE project aims to increase the Europe-wide impact of Research and Innovation Actions on urban mobility policy-making, thereby advancing the CIVITAS community to a higher level of knowledge, exchange, impact and sustainability, while guaranteeing essential high-quality support. ELEVATE is committed to achieving the following objectives:1. Developing the CIVITAS knowledge base and transferring new knowledge.2. Enriching the current CIVITAS generation and feeding future EU initiatives.3. Building a European mobility community able to navigate transition.4. Representing CIVITAS on the international stage.Breda University of Applied Sciences is work package leader for a work package on incubation and CIVINETs.Main collaborating partners:Mobiel21 (project coordinator), DTV Consultants, INOVA, TRT, ICLEI
Dit onderzoek wil de interactie tussen begeleiders van organisatieverandering en betrokken stakeholders verbeteren, zodat deze begeleiders organisaties effectief kunnen faciliteren bij (complexe) organisatieverandering.Doel Het doel van dit onderzoek is om begeleiders van organisatieverandering handvatten te bieden voor effectieve interactie. Uiteindelijk moet dit bijdragen aan het verbeteren van de uitkomsten van de organisatieverandertrajecten. Resultaten Vergrote deskundigheid deelnemende consultants Bijdragen aan masteronderwijs en opleiding van professionals Suggesties voor curriculaontwikkeling van opleidingen Uiteindelijk: doeltreffender begeleiding van ingewikkelde organisatieveranderingen Wetenschappelijke bijdrage in de vorm van een dissertatie Looptijd 01 januari 2019 - 01 januari 2023 Aanpak Social construction, conversaties/personal coaching, observatie en vragenlijstonderzoek.
Dit onderzoek wil de interactie tussen begeleiders van organisatieverandering en betrokken stakeholders verbeteren, zodat deze begeleiders organisaties effectief kunnen faciliteren bij (complexe) organisatieverandering.Doel Het doel van dit onderzoek is om begeleiders van organisatieverandering handvatten te bieden voor effectieve interactie. Uiteindelijk moet dit bijdragen aan het verbeteren van de uitkomsten van de organisatieverandertrajecten. Resultaten Vergrote deskundigheid deelnemende consultants Bijdragen aan masteronderwijs en opleiding van professionals Suggesties voor curriculaontwikkeling van opleidingen Uiteindelijk: doeltreffender begeleiding van ingewikkelde organisatieveranderingen Wetenschappelijke bijdrage in de vorm van een dissertatie Looptijd 01 januari 2019 - 01 januari 2023 Aanpak Social construction, conversaties/personal coaching, observatie en vragenlijstonderzoek.